Undergraduate units by code
- ABEC - Aboriginal Early Childhood
- ABEP - Aboriginal Educational Practice
- ABFS - Aboriginal Foundation Studies
- ABST - Aboriginal Studies
- ABST100 - Introducing Indigenous Australia
- ABST101 - Indigenous Australian Heroines and Heroes
- ABST202 - Culture, Creation and Characters: Indigenous Australian Literature
- ABST203 - Reel, Flash and Deadly: Indigenous People in Film and Television
- ABST204 - Indigenous Australian Health
- ABST205 - Transformations in Indigenous Education
- ABST302 - Indigenous Research Matters
- ABST303 - Dots, Dance and Drama
- ABST304 - Indigenous Politics, Policy and Activism
- ACBE - Academic Communication in Business and Economics
- ACCG - Accounting and Corporate Governance
- ACCG100 - Accounting in Society
- ACCG101 - Accounting and Governance
- ACCG200 - Management Accounting
- ACCG224 - Financial Accounting and Reporting
- ACCG250 - Information Systems and Business Processes
- ACCG260 - Measuring Sustainability
- ACCG301 - Organisational Planning and Control
- ACCG308 - Corporate Accounting and Business Advisory
- ACCG315 - Accountants in the Profession
- ACCG326 - International Accounting
- ACCG330 - Strategic Management Accounting
- ACCG340 - Auditing and Assurance Services
- ACCG350 - Financial Statement Analysis
- ACCG355 - Information Systems for Management
- ACCG358 - Information Systems Audit and Assurance
- ACCG399 - Accounting in Context
- ACSC - Academic Communication in Science
- ACSH - Academic Communication in the Social Sciences and Humanities
- ACST - Actuarial Studies
- ACST101 - Finance 1A
- ACST152 - Introduction to Actuarial Studies
- ACST201 - Financial Modelling
- ACST202 - Mathematics of Finance
- ACST212 - Combinatorial Probability
- ACST252 - Finance and Financial Reporting
- ACST255 - Contingent Payments 1
- ACST306 - Quantitative Asset and Liability Modelling 1
- ACST307 - Quantitative Asset and Liability Modelling 2
- ACST315 - Research/Project
- ACST355 - Contingent Payments 2
- ACST356 - Mathematical Theory of Risk
- ACST357 - General Insurance Pricing and Reserving
- ACST358 - Survival Models
- ACST359 - Actuarial Modelling
- ACST402 - Actuarial Control Cycle 1
- ACST403 - Actuarial Control Cycle 2
- ACST404 - Investment Management
- AFAS - Applied Finance and Actuarial Studies
- AFIN - Applied Finance and Actuarial Studies
- AFIN102 - Finance 1B
- AFIN250 - Investments
- AFIN253 - Financial Management
- AFIN270 - Stochastic Methods in Applied Finance
- AFIN310 - Issues in Applied Finance
- AFIN312 - Issues in Corporate Finance
- AFIN315 - Research/Project
- AFIN328 - Financial Risk Management
- AFIN329 - Derivative Instruments
- AFIN331 - Quantitative Modelling in Applied Finance
- AFIN341 - Advanced Finance
- AFIN352 - Applied Portfolio Management
- AFIN353 - Advanced Corporate Finance
- AFIN450 - Research Methodology in Actuarial Studies
- AHIS - Ancient History
- AHIS100 - Introduction to Ancient Greek History
- AHIS108 - Ancient Greek A
- AHIS110 - Rome: From Republic to Empire
- AHIS118 - Latin A
- AHIS120 - Antiquity's Heirs: Barbarian Europe, Byzantium, and Islam
- AHIS140 - Myth in the Ancient World
- AHIS150 - The Archaeology of Ancient Israel and the Near East
- AHIS158 - Ancient Hebrew A
- AHIS168 - Coptic Egyptian A
- AHIS170 - Egyptian Archaeology: An Introduction
- AHIS178 - Hieroglyphic Egyptian A
- AHIS190 - Digging up the Past: An Introduction to Archaeology
- AHIS191 - World Archaeology
- AHIS200 - Greek Bronze Age
- AHIS202 - The Classical Traditions of Thought
- AHIS204 - Philip II, Alexander the Great, and the Macedonian Empire
- AHIS205 - Introduction to Museum Practice
- AHIS209 - Ancient Greek B
- AHIS211 - Ciceronian Rome
- AHIS219 - Latin B
- AHIS220 - The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
- AHIS230 - Archaeology and Society: Archaeological Evidence
- AHIS250 - From Ur to Babylon: A History of Israel from Abraham to the Babylonian Exile
- AHIS251 - The New Testament in its Times
- AHIS253 - Pagans, Jews and Christians: Athens and Jerusalem
- AHIS255 - The Historical Geography of Biblical Lands
- AHIS259 - Ancient Hebrew B
- AHIS261 - Egypt in the First Millennium CE
- AHIS269 - Coptic Egyptian B
- AHIS272 - Ancient Egyptian Literature
- AHIS279 - Hieroglyphic Egyptian B
- AHIS280 - Ancient Egyptian Culture and Society
- AHIS281 - Ancient Egyptian Art
- AHIS290 - Landscape Archaeology
- AHIS291 - Archaeology of Death and Burial
- AHIS301 - Archaeology of Dalmatia
- AHIS305 - Athenian Law and Society
- AHIS308 - Ancient Greek C
- AHIS309 - Ancient Greek D
- AHIS310 - Early Rome
- AHIS312 - Rome and the Caesars
- AHIS313 - The City of Rome
- AHIS318 - Latin C
- AHIS319 - Latin D
- AHIS321 - From Constantine to Justinian: Church and State in Late Antiquity
- AHIS323 - Byzantium in the Age of the Emperors, 306-1453AD
- AHIS331 - Prehistory to Pompeii: Archaeology in Ancient Italy
- AHIS335 - Sparta and Greece, Archaic and Classical
- AHIS339 - Capstone Unit: Greece, Rome, Late Antiquity
- AHIS340 - Women and Gender in the Ancient World
- AHIS341 - The Hellenistic Age
- AHIS342 - The Roman Eastern Frontier
- AHIS343 - Early China: History and Archaeology
- AHIS344 - Religions along the Silk Road
- AHIS345 - Ancient Languages Special Topic A
- AHIS346 - Archaeological Field Work
- AHIS349 - Ancient Languages Special Topic B
- AHIS350 - Advanced Reading Unit in Ancient History
- AHIS352 - Early Christian Literature and Thought
- AHIS354 - Ancient Israel in its Near Eastern Context
- AHIS355 - A History of Magic: From the Magi to Merlin
- AHIS356 - Dialogue of Civilisations: The Near East and Egypt
- AHIS357 - Material Culture and Museum Studies
- AHIS358 - Ancient Hebrew C
- AHIS368 - Coptic Egyptian C
- AHIS370 - Archaeology of Early Egypt
- AHIS371 - Egypt in the Old Kingdom
- AHIS372 - Egypt in the Middle Kingdom
- AHIS373 - Egypt in the New Kingdom
- AHIS377 - Hieroglyphic Egyptian C
- AHIS380 - Ancient Egyptian Religion
- AHIS389 - Capstone Unit: Ancient Languages
- AHIS391 - Laboratory Methods of Archaeology
- AHIS392 - Cultural Heritage
- AHIS393 - Capstone Unit: Archaeology
- AHIS394 - Field Methods of Archaeology
- AHIS399 - Capstone Unit: Egypt and the Near East
- AHMG - Ancient History Modern Greek
- ANTH - Anthropology
- ANTH106 - Drugs Across Cultures
- ANTH107 - Saints, Shamans, Cults and Demons: The Anthropology of Contemporary Religions
- ANTH150 - Identity and Difference: Introduction to Anthropology
- ANTH151 - Human Evolution and Diversity
- ANTH202 - Illness and Healing
- ANTH203 - Food Across Cultures
- ANTH204 - Art and Culture
- ANTH205 - Islam
- ANTH206 - The Anthropology of Music and Sound
- ANTH207 - Psychological Anthropology
- ANTH221 - Development Studies: The Anthropology of International Aid
- ANTH222 - Wealth, Poverty and Consumption
- ANTH224 - Mad, Bad, Sad: Cross Cultural Perspectives
- ANTH225 - PACE: Field School in Anthropology
- ANTH300 - Pacific Cultures: Kings, Cannibals and Other Mysteries
- ANTH301 - India: Power and Performance
- ANTH302 - The Anthropology of Politics and Power
- ANTH303 - Anthropology of the City
- ANTH304 - Ecological Anthropology: Body and Place
- ANTH305 - Contemporary Indigenous Australia
- ANTH307 - Culture Myth and Symbolism
- ANTH321 - Globalisation, Religion and Conflict
- ANTH322 - Culture, Health and Sexuality in the Developing World
- ANTH323 - Culture and Human Rights
- ANTH324 - Doing Ethnography
- ANTH330 - Anthropology of Law
- ASTR - Astronomy
- BBA - Business Administration
- BBA102 - Principles of Management
- BBA111 - Organisational Behaviour
- BBA220 - Entrepreneurship and New Venture Management
- BBA280 - Business Models and Organisation Structure
- BBA310 - Leadership in Management
- BBA315 - Business Forecasting
- BBA320 - Asian Business Environment
- BBA340 - Cross Cultural Management
- BBA350 - Strategic Management
- BBA360 - Business Project
- BIOL - Biology
- BIOL108 - Human Biology
- BIOL114 - Organisms to Ecosystems
- BIOL115 - Genes to Organisms
- BIOL116 - Biology in Practice
- BIOL122 - Biological Basis of Behaviour
- BIOL188 - Advanced Science (Biology) 1
- BIOL206 - Genetics
- BIOL227 - Ecology
- BIOL228 - Organismal Biology
- BIOL229 - Comparative Physiology
- BIOL235 - Experimental Design and Data Analysis for Biology
- BIOL242 - Marine Environmental Issues
- BIOL247 - Systems Physiology
- BIOL257 - Neurophysiology
- BIOL260 - Science of Sex
- BIOL262 - Evolution
- BIOL263 - Palaeontology: The History of Life
- BIOL316 - Invertebrate Biology
- BIOL328 - Animal Behaviour
- BIOL334 - Evolutionary and Conservation Genetics
- BIOL345 - Human Genetics Theory
- BIOL347 - Plant Biology
- BIOL349 - Biodiversity and Conservation
- BIOL364 - Symbiosis in Health and Disease
- BIOL368 - Evolutionary Ecology
- BIOL369 - Vertebrate Evolution
- BIOL373 - Aquatic Ecosystems
- BIOL376 - Advanced Human Physiology
- BIOL379 - Reef Evolution and Dynamics
- BIOL381 - Evolutionary Palaeobiology
- BIOL388 - Advanced Science (Biology) 3
- BIOL391 - Biological Sciences Capstone
- BIOL399 - Special Interest Topics in Biology
- BUS - Business
- BUSL - Business Law
- BUSL100 - Global Legal Frameworks for a Sustainable Planet
- BUSL201 - Law in Australian Society
- BUSL204 - Business Ethics and Risk Management
- BUSL251 - Business and Corporations Law
- BUSL301 - Corporations Law
- BUSL305 - Global Trade Law
- BUSL315 - Cyber-security & Privacy: Implications for Business & Law
- BUSL320 - Taxation Law and Practice
- BUSL377 - Japanese Trade Law
- BUSL388 - China Trade and Investment Law
- CBMS - Chemistry Biomolecular Sciences
- CBMS104 - Biomolecules
- CBMS107 - Foundations of Chemical and Biomolecular Sciences 1
- CBMS108 - Foundations of Chemical and Biomolecular Sciences 2
- CBMS123 - Alchemy, Drugs and the Quest for Immortality
- CBMS188 - Advanced Chemistry I
- CBMS200 - Analysis and Measurement
- CBMS201 - Biochemistry and Cell Biology
- CBMS202 - Microbiology and Molecular Biology
- CBMS203 - Synthesis
- CBMS235 - Engaging the Community in Science
- CBMS302 - Chemistry Capstone
- CBMS303 - Organic and Biological Chemistry A
- CBMS304 - Organic and Biological Chemistry B
- CBMS306 - Medicinal Chemistry
- CBMS307 - Physical and Environmental Chemistry II
- CBMS308 - Chemical Analysis II
- CBMS330 - Biomolecular Sciences Capstone
- CBMS331 - Molecular and Medical Biotechnology
- CBMS332 - Protein Discovery and Analysis
- CBMS335 - Medical Microbiology
- CBMS336 - Molecular Biology and Genomics
- CBMS337 - Biochemistry and Cell Biology
- CBMS389 - Advanced Chemistry III
- CHIN - Chinese
- CHIR - Chiropractic
- CHN - Chinese
- CHN104 - Introductory Chinese I
- CHN105 - Introductory Chinese II
- CHN110 - Introductory Chinese III
- CHN112 - Chinese Calligraphy
- CHN113 - Basic Spoken Chinese
- CHN148 - Chinese for Heritage Learners I
- CHN149 - Chinese for Heritage Learners II
- CHN156 - Introduction to Chinese Culture (Background Speakers)
- CHN157 - Contemporary China
- CHN165 - Introductory Chinese Short Term Residential Program
- CHN208 - Traditional Chinese Culture and Society I (Background Speakers)
- CHN209 - Traditional Chinese Culture and Society II (Background Speakers)
- CHN212 - Traditional Chinese Thought
- CHN232 - Intermediate Chinese I
- CHN233 - Intermediate Chinese II
- CHN252 - English-Chinese Translation I
- CHN253 - Chinese-English Translation I
- CHN265 - Intermediate Chinese Short Term Residential Program
- CHN320 - Advanced Chinese I
- CHN321 - Advanced Chinese II
- CHN330 - The Chinese Classics
- CHN331 - History of Chinese Art
- CHN340 - HSK Chinese Proficiency Test
- CHN341 - Chinese Capstone Unit
- CHN365 - Advanced Chinese Short Term Residential Program
- CHN385 - English-Chinese Translation II
- CHN386 - Chinese-English-Chinese Interpreting I (Paraprofessional level)
- CHN387 - Chinese-English Translation II
- CHN388 - Chinese-English-Chinese Interpreting II (Paraprofessional level)
- COGS - Cognitive Sciences
- COMP - Computing
- COMP111 - Introduction to Video Games
- COMP115 - Introduction to Computer Programming
- COMP125 - Fundamentals of Computer Science
- COMP188 - Enrichment Topics in Computing
- COMP202 - Systems Programming
- COMP225 - Algorithms and Data Structures
- COMP229 - Object-Oriented Programming Practices
- COMP247 - Data Communications
- COMP249 - Web Technology
- COMP255 - Software Engineering
- COMP257 - Data Science
- COMP260 - Game Design
- COMP329 - Artificial Intelligence
- COMP330 - Computer Graphics
- COMP332 - Programming Languages
- COMP333 - Algorithm Theory and Design
- COMP335 - Distributed Systems
- COMP336 - Big Data
- COMP343 - Cryptography and Information Security
- COMP344 - E-Commerce Technology
- COMP347 - Computer Networks
- COMP348 - Document Processing and the Semantic Web
- COMP350 - Special Topics in Computing and Information Systems
- COMP352 - Videogames Project
- COMP353 - Research Topic in Computing and Information Systems
- COMP355 - Information Technology Project
- COMP356 - Web Design and Development Project
- COMP365 - Systems Engineering Project
- COMP388 - Advanced Topics in Computing and Information Systems
- COMP410 - Software Engineering Research Thesis A
- COMP420 - Software Engineering Research Thesis B
- COMP430 - Software Engineering Practices
- COMP434 - Advanced Software Engineering
- CRO - Croatian
- CRO108 - Croatian Culture and Civilisation
- CRO150 - Introductory Croatian I
- CRO155 - Introductory Croatian II
- CRO161 - Introductory Croatian III
- CRO180 - Introductory Croatian Short Term Residential Program
- CRO230 - Croatian Literature
- CRO250 - Intermediate Croatian I
- CRO255 - Intermediate Croatian II
- CRO280 - Intermediate Croatian Short Term Residential Program
- CRO330 - Croatian Drama, Theatre, Film and Media
- CRO350 - Advanced Croatian I
- CRO355 - Advanced Croatian II
- CRO380 - Advanced Croatian Short Term Residential Program
- CRO460 - Advanced Croatian III
- CRO465 - Advanced Croatian IV
- CROA - Croatian
- CUL - Critical and Cultural Studies
- CUL120 - Living Culture
- CUL221 - Australian Film and Television
- CUL223 - Visual Countercultures: Graffiti, Kitsch and Conceptual Art
- CUL230 - Performance and Popular Media
- CUL233 - Theatre and Performance Practice
- CUL260 - Health, Bodies, Media
- CUL321 - Racialised Punishment and the Construction of Nation
- CUL322 - Screening (Ab)normal Bodies
- CUL331 - Performance Research
- CUL350 - Cultural Contexts: Communities and Cultures in Action
- CUL399 - Sex, Death and Politics: The Ethics of Our Lives
- DANC - Dancing
- DMTH - Discrete Mathematics
- ECH - Early Childhood Education
- ECH113 - Play and Inquiry in Early Childhood
- ECH130 - Health and Wellbeing
- ECH131 - The Arts in Early Childhood Contexts
- ECH218 - Child Development Preschool to Adolescence
- ECH231 - Young Children's Language, Literature and Literacy
- ECH232 - Teaching and Learning Mathematics, Science and Technology 1
- ECH315 - Management and Leadership 1 - The Socio-Political Context of Teaching
- ECH319 - The Arts in Education
- ECH326 - Children, Families and Communities in a Diverse Society
- ECH333 - Inclusive Education
- ECH400 - Individual Educational Project
- ECH430 - Teaching and Learning Science and Technology
- ECH431 - Teaching and Learning Mathematics
- ECH433 - Issues in Developmental Literacy
- ECH435 - Management and Leadership II: Building Learning Environments
- ECH451 - Early Education for Young Children with Disabilities
- ECH452 - Child Development: Research and Practice
- ECH454 - Creativity and the Arts
- ECHE - Early Childhood Education
- ECHE118 - Infancy and Early Development
- ECHE120 - History and Philosophy of Early Childhood
- ECHE210 - Play-based Curriculum: Literacy and Numeracy
- ECHE220 - Early Childhood Pedagogy and Curriculum
- ECHE234 - Teaching and Learning Mathematics, Science and Technology 2
- ECHE310 - Play-based Curriculum: Discovery and Creativity in Outdoor Environments
- ECHE311 - Infant and Toddler Curriculum and Pedagogy
- ECHE340 - Curriculum Connections and Pedagogy 1
- ECHE420 - The Educational Leader
- ECHE450 - Curriculum Connections and Pedagogy 2
- ECHL - Early Childhood Education
- ECHP - Early Childhood Education
- ECON - Economics
- ECON110 - Macroeconomic Principles
- ECON111 - Microeconomic Principles
- ECON131 - Quantitative Methods in Economics, Business and Finance
- ECON203 - Microeconomic Analysis
- ECON204 - Macroeconomic Analysis
- ECON214 - Applied Macroeconomics
- ECON215 - Applied Microeconomics
- ECON232 - Econometric Principles
- ECON241 - Introductory Econometrics
- ECON244 - Labour Market Economics
- ECON309 - Industrial Organisation
- ECON311 - Macroeconomic Policy
- ECON315 - Research/Project
- ECON318 - Health Economics
- ECON333 - Econometric Methods
- ECON334 - Financial Econometrics
- ECON335 - The Economics of Financial Institutions
- ECON336 - Economic Development
- ECON350 - Money and Finance
- ECON356 - Evolution of Economic Ideas
- ECON359 - Environmental Economics
- ECON360 - International Finance
- ECON361 - Economic and Business Forecasting
- ECON381 - Current Issues in Economics
- ECON398 - The Asian Economies
- EDTE - Teacher Education
- EDTE251 - Curriculum and Teaching in the Primary School 1
- EDTE252 - Curriculum and Teaching in the Primary School 2
- EDTE301 - Professional Experience in the Primary School 1
- EDTE302 - Introduction to Professional Experience in the Secondary School
- EDTE353 - Curriculum and Teaching in the Primary School 3
- EDTE354 - Curriculum and Teaching in the Primary School 4
- EDTE403 - Professional Experience in the Primary School 2
- EDTE404 - Professional Experience in the Primary School 3
- EDTE405 - Professional Experience for Specific Purposes
- EDTE410 - Social Sciences in the Secondary School 1
- EDTE433 - Science in the Secondary School I
- EDTE434 - Science in the Secondary School II
- EDTE455 - Curriculum and Teaching in the Primary School 5
- EDTE456 - Curriculum and Teaching in the Primary School 6
- EDUC - Education
- EDUC105 - Education: The Psychological Context
- EDUC106 - Education: The Social and Historical Context
- EDUC107 - Introduction to Educational Studies
- EDUC109 - Science: Today and Tomorrow
- EDUC219 - Opening Real Science: Specialisation in Primary Science and Mathematics
- EDUC258 - Mathematics in Schools
- EDUC260 - Language, Literacy and Learning
- EDUC261 - Information and Communication Technologies and Education
- EDUC262 - Education: The Learner
- EDUC264 - Education: The Policy Context
- EDUC267 - Classroom Management and Assessment
- EDUC270 - Teaching the Gifted and Talented Student
- EDUC289 - Human Society and its Environment
- EDUC359 - Frontiers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education
- EDUC362 - Digital Creativity and Learning
- EDUC363 - Education as Social Development
- EDUC365 - Educational Assessment
- EDUC371 - Reading Acquisition in the Primary Classroom
- EDUC373 - Literacy in a Multicultural Society
- EDUC383 - Education in a Global Society
- EDUC388 - Aboriginal Education Issues and Approaches
- EDUC392 - Research Inquiry in the Classroom
- EDUC399 - Professional Capability: Policy, Theory, Pedagogy
- EFLA - English
- EFLA100 - English as a Foreign Language in Practice
- EFLA110 - English as a Foreign Language Consolidation
- EFLA201 - English as a Foreign Language Expansion I
- EFLA202 - English as a Foreign Language Expansion II
- EFLA301 - English as a Foreign Language Mastery
- EFLA302 - English as a Foreign Language Capstone
- ELEC - Electronics
- ELEC215 - Biomedical Engineering Fundamentals
- ELEC240 - Signals and Systems
- ELEC241 - Programmable Logic Design
- ELEC242 - Digital Circuits and Systems
- ELEC260 - Introduction to Mechatronics
- ELEC270 - Linear Circuits and Devices
- ELEC275 - Nonlinear Circuits and Devices
- ELEC295 - Fundamentals of Energy Conversion and Storage
- ELEC310 - Electronics Project
- ELEC316 - Medical Imaging Systems
- ELEC317 - Medical Image and Signal Processing
- ELEC321 - Communication Systems
- ELEC324 - Feedback Control and Dynamic Systems
- ELEC326 - Mechatronic Systems
- ELEC342 - Computer Hardware
- ELEC343 - Digital Systems Design
- ELEC345 - Communication Networks
- ELEC376 - Electronic Devices and Systems
- ELEC380 - Wireless Technology and Systems
- ELEC385 - Antennas and Propagation
- ELEC395 - Power Electronics
- ELEC396 - Electrical Machines
- ELEC410 - Electronics Engineering Research Thesis A
- ELEC411 - Electronics Engineering Research Thesis B
- ELEC416 - Computer Engineering Research Thesis A
- ELEC417 - Computer Engineering Research Thesis B
- ELEC420 - Telecommunications Engineering Research Thesis A
- ELEC421 - Telecommunications Engineering Research Thesis B
- ELEC426 - Advanced Telecommunications Engineering
- ELEC428 - Software Defined Networking
- ELEC446 - Advanced Computer Engineering
- ELEC466 - Advanced Mechatronic Engineering
- ELEC476 - Advanced Electronics Engineering
- ELEC494 - Electrical Energy Networks
- ELEC496 - Advanced Electrical Energy Systems
- ELEC498 - Electrical Engineering Research Thesis A
- ELEC499 - Electrical Engineering Research Thesis B
- ENGG - Engineering General
- ENGG100 - Introduction to Engineering
- ENGG120 - Engineering Mathematics I
- ENGG125 - Engineering Mathematics - II
- ENGG141 - Digital Fundamentals and Numerical Techniques
- ENGG150 - Electrical and Mechanical Principles
- ENGG200 - Engineering Practice
- ENGG255 - Data Analysis and Visualisation
- ENGG300 - Engineering Project Practices
- ENGG400 - Industry Experience
- ENGG411 - Engineering Research Thesis
- ENGG450 - Systems Design and Engineering
- ENGG460 - Engineering Principles and Practice
- ENGL - English Literature
- ENGL106 - Literature and the Screen
- ENGL108 - Politics and Literature
- ENGL120 - Approaches to English Literature
- ENGL121 - Creative Writing 1: An Introduction
- ENGL202 - Twentieth-Century Drama in Context
- ENGL203 - Contemporary Literature
- ENGL204 - Medieval Literature: Dreams and Debates
- ENGL205 - Australian Literature
- ENGL206 - Gothic Visions: From Sublime to Suburban Gothic
- ENGL207 - World Literature in English
- ENGL208 - Reading Theory
- ENGL209 - Children's Literature
- ENGL219 - Pulitzers, Bookers, Nobels: Prize-Winning Books
- ENGL231 - Writing: From Manuscript to the Digital Age
- ENGL233 - Creative Writing 2: Concept and Practice
- ENGL234 - Fiction and History
- ENGL303 - Narrative and the Novel
- ENGL305 - Modernism
- ENGL306 - Feminism and Literature
- ENGL307 - Creative Writing 3: Narrative Fiction
- ENGL308 - Australian Fiction in the Digital Age
- ENGL309 - Shakespeare and the Renaissance
- ENGL310 - Contemporary Australian Children's Literature
- ENGL314 - Dissent, Desire and Decadence in Victorian Literature
- ENGL332 - Writing Ecologies
- ENGL370 - Reason, Imagination, Revolution: Literature and Culture from Pope to Austen
- ENGL374 - Working with Texts
- ENGL375 - Murder, Mystery and Mayhem: Crime and Detective Fiction
- ENGL389 - Practices in English
- ENGL390 - Writing for Production and Publication
- ENV - Environment and Geography
- ENVS - Environmental Sciences
- ENVS117 - Biophysical Environments
- ENVS201 - Introduction to Environmental Economics
- ENVS214 - Climate Change
- ENVS216 - The Atmospheric Environment
- ENVS237 - Natural Hazards
- ENVS264 - Introduction to Geographic Information Science
- ENVS266 - Earth Surface Processes
- ENVS301 - Marine Climate, Weather and Coastal Oceanography
- ENVS302 - Urban Climate and Air Quality
- ENVS304 - Integrated Climate Science
- ENVS338 - Environmental Quality and Assessment
- ENVS339 - Fluvial Geomorphology and River Management
- ENVS340 - Environmental Change
- ENVS341 - Advanced Environmental Earth Science
- ENVS362 - Environmental Management
- ENVS363 - Environmental Management Project
- ENVS383 - Environmental Analysis Using Remote Sensing and GIS
- ENVS390 - Applied GIS
- EXLW - Exchange Law Study Abroad
- FBE - Faculty of Business and Economics
- FOAR - Faculty of Arts
- FOBE - Faculty of Business and Economics
- FOHS - Faculty of Human Sciences
- FOSC - Faculty of Science
- FRN - French
- FRN119 - Basic Spoken French
- FRN122 - Introductory French I
- FRN123 - Introductory French II
- FRN125 - Introductory French III
- FRN131 - Introductory French Short Term Residential Program
- FRN226 - Intermediate French I
- FRN227 - Intermediate French II
- FRN231 - Intermediate French Short Term Residential Program
- FRN250 - Reading in French
- FRN295 - Reading for Special Purposes
- FRN331 - Advanced French Short Term Residential Program
- FRN336 - Advanced French I
- FRN337 - Advanced French II
- FRN347 - French Literature
- FRN370 - French Translation
- FRN373 - Topics in French Culture
- FRN448 - Advanced French III
- FRN449 - Advanced French IV
- GEN - Gender Studies
- GEND - Gender Studies
- GEOP - Geography and Planning
- GEOP111 - Geographies of Global Change
- GEOP181 - Urban Planet: Cities and Planning in the Anthropocene
- GEOP200 - Environment and Society
- GEOP212 - Planning and Development
- GEOP215 - Geographies of Development
- GEOP219 - Urban Dynamics: Population, Housing and Economy
- GEOP262 - The Ecological Humanities: Australians and their Environment
- GEOP300 - Environmental Decision Making
- GEOP330 - Asia-Pacific Development
- GEOP340 - Rethinking Resource Management
- GEOP350 - Geographies of Health
- GEOP370 - Urban Strategic Planning
- GEOP380 - Human Geography in Action
- GEOP461 - Planning Experience
- GEOP462 - Social Impact Assessment
- GEOP463 - Planning and Design Project
- GEOS - Earth Sciences
- GEOS112 - The Planet Earth
- GEOS125 - Earth Dynamics
- GEOS126 - Marine Geoscience
- GEOS188 - Advanced Geoscience I
- GEOS204 - Life, the Universe and Everything
- GEOS205 - Introduction to Geophysics
- GEOS206 - Marine Depositional Environments
- GEOS207 - Field and Laboratory Studies in Geoscience
- GEOS226 - Introduction to Field Geology
- GEOS251 - Minerals, Energy and the Environment
- GEOS272 - Geology of Australia - Global Perspectives
- GEOS305 - Exploration and Environmental Geophysics I
- GEOS306 - Exploration and Environmental Geophysics II
- GEOS307 - Field Geology and Mapping
- GEOS309 - Marine Sediments and Energy Resources
- GEOS335 - Marine Science Capstone
- GEOS343 - Magmas, Ores and Geochemistry
- GEOS344 - Petrology and Geodynamics of the Lithosphere
- GEOS345 - Exploring the Earth's Interior: An introduction to Solid Earth Geophysics
- GEOS348 - PACE in Earth and Planetary Sciences
- GEOS373 - Active Geosystems
- GEOS375 - Environmental Geology
- GEOS384 - Earth and Planetary Sciences Special Interest Seminar
- GEOS385 - Global Tectonics
- GMN - German
- GMN104 - Introductory German I
- GMN105 - Introductory German II
- GMN133 - Introductory German III
- GMN199 - Introductory German Short Term Residential Program
- GMN275 - German Literature and Culture
- GMN287 - Intermediate German I
- GMN288 - Intermediate German II
- GMN295 - Reading for Special Purposes 1
- GMN296 - Reading for Special Purposes 2
- GMN299 - Intermediate German Short Term Residential Program
- GMN310 - Advanced German I
- GMN311 - Advanced German II
- GMN360 - The German Language in Use - Variation and Change
- GMN361 - Berlin - A Window to German Culture and History
- GMN362 - Advanced German Short Term Residential Program
- GMN363 - Germany - An Intercultural Perspective
- GMN414 - Advanced German III
- GMN415 - Advanced German IV
- HLTH - Health
- HLTH108 - Introduction to Anatomy
- HLTH109 - Anatomy of Limbs and Back
- HLTH200 - Contemporary Health Issues
- HLTH201 - Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics for Health Sciences
- HLTH213 - Anatomy of Head, Neck and Trunk
- HLTH214 - Neuroanatomy
- HLTH215 - Principles in Health and Disease 1
- HLTH300 - Health Placement
- HLTH304 - Radiographic Physics, Practice and Protection
- HLTH306 - Research Methods for Health Sciences
- HLTH310 - Health Promotion
- HLTH316 - Principles in Health and Disease 2
- HLTH317 - Principles in Health and Disease 3
- HLTH333 - Clinical Diagnosis
- HLTH350 - Legal, Ethical and Policy Directions in Human Sciences
- HRM - Human Resource Management
- HRM107 - Introduction to Human Resources
- HRM201 - Workplace Relations
- HRM222 - Foundations in Human Resources Law
- HRM250 - Human Resource Management
- HRM300 - Human Resources Learning and Development
- HRM307 - International Human Resource Management
- HRM317 - Change Management and Sustainability
- HRM328 - Strategic Human Resources Management
- ICOM - Media and Communication Studies - International Communication
- INTS - International Studies
- INTS100 - Cultures, Languages and Communication
- INTS101 - Asia in the Global Context
- INTS102 - China in World History
- INTS103 - International Studies Beginners In-Country Cultural Studies
- INTS104 - Societies of Europe
- INTS202 - Citizenship: Past, Present, Global
- INTS204 - Latin American Histories
- INTS205 - Screening Asia
- INTS206 - Screening Europe: Cinema and Identity
- INTS207 - The European Union
- INTS210 - Modern Chinese History
- INTS300 - International Studies In-Country Program
- INTS304 - Global Issues
- INTS305 - International Studies Internship
- INTS306 - Hellenic Studies Capstone
- INTS307 - Global Circulation of Asian Popular Culture
- INTS308 - International Studies Advanced In-Country Study 3
- INTS309 - International Studies Advanced In-Country Study 4
- INTS310 - Unity and Diversity: International Studies Research Option
- INTS313 - International Studies Advanced In-Country Study 2
- INTS316 - International Studies Advanced In-Country Study 1
- ISYS - Information Systems
- ISYS100 - IT & Society
- ISYS104 - Introduction to Business Information Systems
- ISYS114 - Introduction to Database Design and Management
- ISYS200 - IT and the Future of Society
- ISYS224 - Database Systems
- ISYS254 - Applications Modelling and Development
- ISYS301 - Enterprise Systems Integration
- ISYS302 - Management of IT Systems and Projects
- ISYS355 - Information Systems Project
- ISYS358 - Computing Industry Project
- ISYS360 - Technology Management
- ITL - Italian
- ITL102 - Introductory Italian I
- ITL103 - Introductory Italian II
- ITL106 - Introductory Italian III
- ITL109 - Introductory Italian Short Term Residential Program
- ITL203 - Readings in Italian
- ITL204 - Facets of Italy
- ITL209 - Intermediate Italian Short Term Residential Program
- ITL210 - Intermediate Italian I
- ITL211 - Intermediate Italian II
- ITL302 - Contemporary Italian Literature
- ITL305 - Advanced Italian Short Term Residential Program
- ITL306 - Italian Cinema
- ITL308 - The Italian Renaissance
- ITL310 - Advanced Italian I
- ITL311 - Advanced Italian II
- ITL448 - Advanced Italian III
- ITL449 - Advanced Italian IV
- JPNS - Japanese Studies
- JPS - Japanese Studies
- JPS101 - Introductory Japanese I
- JPS102 - Introductory Japanese II
- JPS114 - Introductory Japanese III
- JPS121 - Japan - Past and Present
- JPS124 - Japanese Contemporary Culture
- JPS130 - Introductory Japanese Short Term Residential Program
- JPS201 - Intermediate Japanese I
- JPS202 - Intermediate Japanese II
- JPS213 - Intermediate Japanese Translation and Writing Workshop
- JPS221 - Modern Japanese Society
- JPS222 - Exploring Japanese Literature
- JPS223 - Intertextuality and the Tale of Genji
- JPS230 - Intermediate Japanese Short Term Residential Program
- JPS301 - Advanced Japanese I
- JPS302 - Advanced Japanese II
- JPS311 - Advanced Spoken Japanese
- JPS313 - Advanced Japanese Translation and Writing Workshop
- JPS314 - Reading for Special Purposes
- JPS316 - Intercultural Perspectives: Japanese and English
- JPS324 - Manga and Anime as Global Imagery
- JPS330 - Advanced Japanese Short Term Residential Program
- JPS350 - Japanese Studies Project
- JPS403 - Advanced Japanese III
- JPS404 - Advanced Japanese IV
- LAW - Law
- LAW109 - Criminal Justice
- LAW115 - Foundations of Law
- LAW203 - Torts
- LAW204 - Contracts
- LAW208 - Law, Lawyers and Society
- LAW214 - Jurisprudence
- LAW314 - Constitutional Law
- LAW315 - Administrative Law
- LAW316 - Property Law
- LAW317 - Equity and Trusts
- LAW448 - Animal Law
- LAW456 - Business Organisations
- LAW459 - International Law
- LAW465 - Dispute Management and Resolution
- LAW477 - Advocacy
- LAW496 - Special Interest Project
- LAW497 - Special Interest Project
- LAW550 - Litigation
- LAWS - Law
- LAWS104 - Contracts
- LAWS108 - Law, Lawyers and Society
- LAWS216 - Property Law
- LAWS217 - Equity and Trusts
- LAWS250 - Crime, Policy and Governance
- LAWS256 - Business Organisations
- LAWS259 - International Law
- LAWS260 - Human Rights, Policy and the Law
- LAWS300 - Social Innovation, Governance and Professional Leadership
- LAWS305 - Advanced Policy Development and Advocacy
- LAWS355 - Remedies
- LAWS398 - Civil and Criminal Procedure
- LAWS399 - Evidence
- LAWS452 - International Participation and Community Engagement
- LAWS478 - Macquarie Social Justice Clinic
- LAWS499 - Professional and Community Engagement (PACE) On-Campus Consultancy
- LAWS502 - Family Law
- LAWS504 - Advanced Administrative Law
- LAWS507 - Labour Law
- LAWS510 - International Trade and Finance
- LAWS511 - Discrimination and the Law
- LAWS512 - Advanced Topics in Criminal Justice
- LAWS516 - European Law
- LAWS518 - Indigenous Peoples and the Law
- LAWS519 - International Human Rights Law
- LAWS520 - Contemporary Theory of Law
- LAWS521 - Foundations of Commercial Law
- LAWS523 - Intellectual Property Law
- LAWS528 - Competition and Consumer Law
- LAWS529 - Information Technology Law
- LAWS530 - Jessup International Law Moot
- LAWS532 - Law and Religion
- LAWS533 - Law Journals
- LAWS536 - Modern Corporate Governance
- LAWS538 - Access to Justice Placement Program
- LAWS540 - Local Government and Planning Law
- LAWS541 - Politics and the Constitution
- LAWS542 - Local and International Peer-Assisted Learning Leadership in Law
- LAWS543 - Climate Change Law
- LAWS551 - Professional and Community Engagement
- LAWS553 - Taxation
- LAWS555 - Remedies, Reparations and Resolution in Law
- LAWS556 - Succession
- LAWS557 - Conflict of Laws
- LAWS558 - Comparative Law
- LAWS560 - Environmental Law
- LAWS561 - Advanced Legal Research Project
- LAWS562 - Law of International Organisations
- LAWS564 - Advanced Legal Research Project
- LAWS569 - International Environmental Law
- LAWS570 - Pleasure and Danger: Sex and the Law
- LAWS571 - Health Law and Ethics
- LAWS572 - Advanced Torts
- LAWS575 - Advanced Topics in Environmental Law
- LAWS580 - Human Rights and Moral Dilemmas
- LAWS582 - Special Seminar 2
- LAWS583 - Special Seminar 3
- LAWS584 - Media Law
- LAWS586 - Law of the Sea
- LAWS587 - War Law
- LAWS588 - International Dispute Settlement
- LAWS592 - Issues in Heritage Conservation
- LEX - Law
- LING - Linguistics
- LING109 - Language, Culture and Communication
- LING111 - Language: Its Structure and Use
- LING120 - Exploring English
- LING121 - Language Myths and Realities
- LING214 - Introduction to Psycholinguistics
- LING217 - Introductory Phonetics and Phonology
- LING218 - Grammar and Meaning
- LING219 - Introduction to Sociolinguistics
- LING220 - Syntax
- LING248 - Social Networking and Cyberlanguage
- LING288 - Communication Disorders Placement
- LING289 - Communication in Social Institutions
- LING290 - Language, Globalisation and World Englishes
- LING291 - Writing in English
- LING292 - Editing and Publishing in a Multi-modal World
- LING293 - Australia's Indigenous Languages
- LING309 - Disability and Multimodal Communication
- LING324 - Bilingualism
- LING325 - Second Language Teaching and Learning
- LING332 - Culture and Language
- LING334 - Child Language Acquisition
- LING337 - Language of Science and Technology
- LING380 - Language in Interaction
- LING389 - Advanced Communication in Social Institutions
- LING390 - Current Issues in Phonology
- LING399 - Language as Evidence
- MAS - Media and Communication Studies
- MAS104 - Australian Media
- MAS105 - Media Cultures
- MAS110 - Introduction to Digital Media
- MAS111 - Introduction to Video Games
- MAS202 - Screenwriting: An Introduction
- MAS203 - News and Current Affairs
- MAS205 - Introduction to the Cinema
- MAS206 - Radio Production
- MAS207 - Radio Broadcasting
- MAS212 - Screen Production 1
- MAS213 - Screen Production 2
- MAS214 - Free Cultures
- MAS215 - Theorising Media
- MAS240 - Cybercultures
- MAS241 - Interactive Web Design
- MAS302 - Media Identities
- MAS304 - Screens, Images, Ideas
- MAS312 - Advanced Screen Production 1
- MAS313 - Advanced Screen Production 2
- MAS314 - Screenwriting: Images, Ideas, Stories
- MAS330 - Network Cultures
- MAS337 - Advanced Radio Production and Broadcasting
- MAS340 - Advanced Interactivity
- MAS350 - Media Internship
- MAS389 - Public Relations and Social Media 1
- MAS390 - Public Relations and Social Media 2
- MATH - Mathematics
- MATH106 - A View of Mathematics
- MATH109 - Sex, Chaos and other Mathematical Pleasures
- MATH111 - Quantitative Methods for Science
- MATH123 - Mathematics 123
- MATH130 - Mathematics IE
- MATH132 - Mathematics IA (Advanced)
- MATH133 - Mathematics IB (Advanced)
- MATH135 - Mathematics IA
- MATH136 - Mathematics IB
- MATH188 - Advanced Topics in Mathematics I
- MATH232 - Mathematical Techniques
- MATH235 - Mathematics IIA
- MATH236 - Mathematics IIB
- MATH288 - Advanced Topics in Mathematics II
- MATH300 - Geometry and Topology
- MATH331 - Waves
- MATH332 - Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
- MATH335 - Mathematical Methods
- MATH336 - Partial Differential Equations
- MATH337 - Algebra IIIA
- MATH338 - Algebra IIIB
- MATH339 - Real and Functional Analysis
- MATH388 - Mathematics III Advanced
- MATH399 - Participation and Community Engagement in Mathematics
- MECH - Mechanical Engineering
- MECH201 - Engineering Dynamics
- MECH202 - Fluid Mechanics
- MECH203 - Mechanical Design 1
- MECH204 - Mechanics of Solids
- MECH205 - Engineering Materials
- MECH301 - Thermodynamics
- MECH302 - Heat and Mass Transfer
- MECH303 - Mechanical Design 2
- MECH304 - Applied Numerical Engineering
- MECH320 - Mechanical Engineering for Mechatronics Systems
- MECH362 - Embedded Mechatronic Engineering
- MECH401 - Product Design Engineering
- MECH402 - Energy Sustainable Design
- MECH410 - Mechanical Engineering Research Thesis A
- MECH411 - Mechanical Engineering Research Thesis B
- MECH420 - Mechatronic Engineering Research Thesis A
- MECH421 - Mechatronic Engineering Research Thesis B
- MECH468 - Wireless Mechatronics
- MECO - Media, Music, Communication and Cultural Studies
- MECO100 - Visual Media and Communication
- MECO210 - Narrative Journalism
- MECO211 - Music and Arts Journalism
- MECO310 - Telling True Stories 1
- MECO311 - Telling True Stories 2
- MECO316 - Media Ethics
- MECO319 - Modelling and Animation
- MECO329 - Critical Games Studies
- MECO331 - Forensic Media
- MECO340 - Natures-Cultures
- MECO345 - Social Media
- MECO399 - Advanced Issues in Marketing and Media
- MEDI - Medicine
- MEDI103 - Professional Practice 1
- MEDI201 - Cardiorespiratory 1
- MEDI202 - Renal and Alimentary 1
- MEDI203 - Musculoskeletal 1
- MEDI204 - Neuroscience 1
- MEDI205 - Human Health and Disease Processes
- MEDI206 - Professional Practice 2
- MEDI207 - Professional Development 1
- MEDI208 - Laboratory Experience and Training 1
- MEDI209 - Genetics and Genomics in Medicine
- MEDI301 - Cardiorespiratory 2
- MEDI302 - Renal and Alimentary 2
- MEDI303 - Neuroscience 2
- MEDI304 - Advanced Clinical Science
- MEDI305 - Professional Practice 3
- MEDI306 - Professional Development 2
- MEDI307 - Laboratory Experience and Training 2
- MEDI308 - Health/Research Placement
- MGK - Modern Greek
- MGK101 - Introductory Modern Greek I
- MGK102 - Introductory Modern Greek II
- MGK121 - Modern Greek History and Culture
- MGK130 - Introductory Modern Greek Short Term Residential Program
- MGK205 - Intermediate Modern Greek I
- MGK206 - Intermediate Modern Greek II
- MGK230 - Intermediate Modern Greek Short Term Residential Program
- MGK231 - Greek for Special Purposes
- MGK304 - Modern Greek Translation
- MGK306 - History of the Greek Language
- MGK330 - Advanced Modern Greek Short Term Residential Program
- MGK336 - Advanced Modern Greek I
- MGK337 - Advanced Modern Greek II
- MGK448 - Advanced Modern Greek III
- MGK449 - Advanced Modern Greek IV
- MGMT - Management
- MGMT201 - Leading Self
- MGMT202 - Leading Others: Managing Teams and Relationships
- MGMT220 - Fundamentals of Business Analytics
- MGMT255 - Global Population Challenges
- MGMT256 - Workforce Demography and Planning
- MGMT300 - The Art of Negotiation
- MGMT301 - Applied Leadership Project
- MGMT302 - Communication for Effective Leadership
- MGMT303 - Business Leadership: Ethics and Social Responsibility
- MGMT304 - Creativity and Innovation
- MGMT305 - Problem Solving: Critical and Strategic Thinking
- MGMT306 - Leadership and Influence in Action
- MGMT311 - Entrepreneurship Project
- MGMT315 - Research/Project
- MGMT320 - Advanced Analytics Techniques
- MGMT321 - Business Analytics Project
- MGMT330 - International Study Tour - India
- MGMT340 - International Study Tour - China
- MHIS - Modern History
- MHIS102 - Sex and Death: Unnatural Histories
- MHIS109 - History Now!
- MHIS114 - The World Since 1945: An Australian Perspective
- MHIS115 - An Introduction to Big History
- MHIS120 - Making the Middle Ages: Faith, War and Romance
- MHIS121 - After the Black Death: Europe 1348-1789
- MHIS202 - Australian Environmental History
- MHIS204 - The Origins of Modern Australia
- MHIS205 - ANZAC: Australians at War
- MHIS207 - From Charlemagne to Game of Thrones: The Middle Ages Then and Now
- MHIS209 - Australian History since 1901
- MHIS211 - War and Peace in World History
- MHIS215 - Problems in Big History
- MHIS217 - Britain, Empire and the Making of a Globalized World, 1688-1914
- MHIS218 - Football as Global History
- MHIS220 - Twentieth-Century Europe
- MHIS221 - The Age of Revolution: Europe from the Reign of Terror to the First World War
- MHIS222 - Pirates, Merchants and Holy Warriors: The Early Modern Mediterranean
- MHIS270 - American History through Film
- MHIS271 - The United States Since World War Two
- MHIS300 - Making History Work
- MHIS301 - Indigenous-Settler Histories: Comparative Contexts
- MHIS303 - Screening the Past: History on Film and Television
- MHIS306 - Practicing Public History: Modern History PACE
- MHIS322 - Culture and Power in Renaissance Europe
- MHIS323 - Angels and Demons in the Medieval World
- MHIS325 - History of Russia, the Soviet Union and the post-Soviet World
- MHIS327 - Resisting the Nazis: Fascism and its Opponents
- MHIS365 - From the Beats to Big Brother: Popular Culture Since the 1950s
- MHIS372 - America's Wars/America's Empire
- MHIS375 - Shock and Awe: A History of the Postmodern World
- MKTG - Marketing
- MKTG101 - Marketing Fundamentals
- MKTG127 - Demographic Fundamentals
- MKTG202 - Marketing Research
- MKTG203 - Consumer Behaviour
- MKTG204 - Integrated Marketing Communications
- MKTG205 - Business to Business Marketing
- MKTG207 - Services Marketing
- MKTG208 - Marketing Management
- MKTG209 - Global Marketing
- MKTG216 - Consumer Demographics
- MKTG303 - Marketing Strategy
- MKTG304 - Marketing Project
- MKTG305 - Marketing Seminar
- MKTG306 - E-Marketing
- MKTG307 - Sales Management
- MKTG308 - Customer Relationship Management
- MKTG309 - Social Marketing and Sustainability
- MKTG310 - Marketing Metrics
- MKTG311 - Brand Management
- MKTG312 - New Venture Marketing and Business Development
- MKTG350 - Marketing and Management Law
- MMCS - Media, Music and Cultural Studies
- MMCS115 - Academic Cultures and Communication
- MMCS120 - Curating Artistic Creativity
- MMCS132 - Performing Lives
- MMCS200 - Musical Authorship and Songwriting
- MMCS220 - Arts and Entertainment Industries
- MMCS260 - Documentary Media: Forms, Histories, Futures
- MMCS261 - Photo Media
- MMCS303 - Music, Sound and Moving Image
- MMCS320 - Managing Creativity
- MMCS321 - Arts Management Internship
- MMCS330 - Performance and Technology
- MMCS380 - Advanced Audio and Sound Design
- MUS - Music
- MUS100 - Experiencing Popular Music
- MUS102 - Passion, Rebellion and Identity in Popular Music
- MUS202 - Music Production 1
- MUS203 - Music Production 2
- MUS204 - Music at the Limits: Experimentation and Innovation
- MUS205 - Introduction to Vocal Studies
- MUS206 - Intermediate Vocal Studies
- MUS207 - Guitar Principles
- MUS209 - The Music Business
- MUS211 - Sound Cultures
- MUS229 - Studies in Rhythm
- MUS300 - Advanced Music Production
- MUS301 - World Musics
- MUS302 - Sound, Image and Interactive Media
- MUS304 - Advanced Vocal Studies
- MUS305 - Advanced Guitar
- MUS306 - Musical Creativities: Projects and Directions
- MUS311 - Digital Music: Performance, Remixing and DJ-ing
- MUS325 - Musical Literacy
- PERF - Performance
- PHIL - Philosophy
- PHL - Philosophy
- PHL131 - Mind and World
- PHL132 - Happiness, Goodness and Justice
- PHL134 - Formal Logic
- PHL137 - Critical Thinking
- PHL225 - Ethical Theory
- PHL232 - What is Science
- PHL238 - Existential Questions
- PHL242 - Practical Ethics
- PHL245 - Reason in History
- PHL246 - Philosophy of Religion
- PHL249 - Evolution, Mind and Culture
- PHL250 - Philosophy of Art and Literature
- PHL254 - Freedom and Domination
- PHL256 - Knowledge and its Limits
- PHL260 - Bioethics and Biotechnology
- PHL262 - Body and Mind
- PHL280 - Truth and Reality
- PHL281 - Philosophy of Language
- PHL341 - Action, Virtue and Character
- PHL351 - Social Philosophy
- PHL352 - The Philosophy of Race and Identity
- PHL356 - Work and the Good Life
- PHL357 - Theories of Justice
- PHL358 - Metaphysics
- PHL359 - Pragmatism
- PHL363 - Philosophy and Cognitive Science
- PHL365 - Film and Philosophy
- PHL382 - Agency and the Self
- PHTY - Physiotherapy
- PHYS - Physics
- PHYS106 - Electric and Magnetic Interactions
- PHYS107 - Modern Mechanics
- PHYS130 - Foundations of Physics
- PHYS140 - Physics IA
- PHYS143 - Physics IB
- PHYS149 - Physics for Life Sciences
- PHYS188 - Advanced Physics I
- PHYS201 - Classical and Quantum Oscillations and Waves
- PHYS202 - Electromagnetism and Thermodynamics
- PHYS221 - Introduction to Optical Science and Technology
- PHYS242 - Big Ideas in Science
- PHYS246 - Advanced Physics II
- PHYS301 - Classical Electrodynamics
- PHYS303 - Quantum Mechanics and Atomic Physics
- PHYS304 - Advanced Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Optics
- PHYS306 - Optical Physics
- PHYS308 - Condensed Matter and Nanoscale Physics
- PHYS311 - Professional Physics
- PHYS388 - Advanced Physics III
- PICT - Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism
- PICT103 - Introduction to Criminology
- PICT110 - Introduction to Security Studies
- PICT111 - Security in an Age of Risk
- PICT112 - Strategy and Security in the Indo-Pacific
- PICT113 - Terrorism in the 21st Century
- PICT201 - Cybercrime
- PICT202 - Policing and Crime
- PICT210 - Intelligence and Counter Intelligence
- PICT211 - National Security: Policy and Strategy
- PICT212 - Modern Warfare
- PICT213 - Crisis Management and Disaster Relief
- PICT214 - History of War and Conflict in Asia
- PICT301 - Global and Strategic Issues in Criminology
- PICT310 - Insecurity and Development
- PICT311 - Cyber Security in Practice
- PICT313 - Strategies of Political Violence
- PICT320 - Ethics of Security
- PLH - Polish
- PLH120 - Introductory Polish I
- PLH121 - Introductory Polish II
- PLH125 - Introductory Polish III
- PLH131 - Introductory Polish Short Term Residential Program
- PLH220 - Intermediate Polish I
- PLH221 - Intermediate Polish II
- PLH231 - Intermediate Polish Short Term Residential Program
- PLH312 - Reading in Polish
- PLH324 - Advanced Polish
- PLH325 - Polish Literary Genres
- PLH326 - Polish Poetry and Prose
- PLH331 - Advanced Polish Short Term Residential Program
- POIR - Politics and International Relations
- POL - Politics
- POL101 - Australian Politics in Global Context
- POL107 - Thinking Politically
- POL108 - Introduction to Global Politics
- POL201 - Contemporary Issues in Australian Politics: Race, Nation, Class and Gender
- POL202 - Gender and the State
- POL206 - Modern Political Thought
- POL207 - Governance, Power and Public Policy
- POL258 - Political Violence
- POL277 - Revolutions
- POL278 - Middle-East Politics
- POL279 - International Political Conflict: Cold Wars and Hot Wars from 1945 to the Present
- POL283 - The Politics of Development Theory and Practice
- POL303 - Global Political Economy
- POL304 - Creating New States
- POL305 - Religion and Politics
- POL306 - Policy Making in a Global Era
- POL308 - Australian Foreign Policy
- POL322 - International Relations of the Middle East
- POL372 - Islam and the West
- POL389 - US Foreign Policy in the Asian Century
- POL392 - United States Politics: Money, Culture, Power
- POL397 - Global Environmental Politics
- PROF - Professional Practice
- PSY - Psychology
- PSY224 - Psychology, Health and Wellbeing
- PSY234 - Social and Personality Psychology
- PSY235 - Developmental Psychology
- PSY236 - Biopsychology and Learning
- PSY238 - Introduction to Psycholinguistics
- PSY246 - Cognitive Processes I
- PSY247 - Perception
- PSY248 - Design and Statistics II
- PSY250 - Music, Mind and Message
- PSY335 - Cognitive Processes II
- PSY336 - Personality and its Disorders
- PSY337 - Psychopathology
- PSY338 - Organisational Psychology
- PSY339 - Applied Child and Adolescent Psychology
- PSY342 - Real-world Applications of Visual Perception
- PSY344 - Neuropsychology in Clinical Practice
- PSY348 - Principles of Behaviour Change
- PSY349 - Design and Statistics III
- PSY350 - The Psychology of Human Relationships
- PSY351 - Research Methods in Psychology
- PSY352 - Appetite: The Psychology of Eating and Drinking
- PSY354 - Clinical and Experimental Neuroscience
- PSY399 - Psychological Science: Putting Theory into Practice
- PSY418 - Design and Statistics IV
- PSY432 - Advanced Issues in Developmental Psychology: Child Abuse and Neglect
- PSY437 - Advanced Issues in Thinking and Reasoning
- PSY438 - Instrumental Hypnosis: Putting Hypnosis to Work
- PSY440 - Psychology of Driving
- PSY461 - Advanced Topics in Physiological Psychology
- PSY462 - Advanced Cognitive Processes
- PSY463 - Advanced Visual Perception
- PSY464 - Advanced History and Theory of Psychology
- PSY465 - Introduction to Theories of Counselling
- PSY466 - Advanced Issues in Health Psychology
- PSY468 - Advanced Issues in Development Psychology: Development Problems across the Lifespan
- PSYC - Psychology
- PSYC104 - Introduction to Psychology I
- PSYC105 - Introduction to Psychology II
- PSYC201 - Counselling Approaches and Principles
- PSYC301 - Advanced Counselling Approaches and Principles
- PSYC332 - Principles of Psychological Assessment
- PSYC401 - Eating: Biological, Psychological and Social Perspectives
- PSYC439 - Evolution of Social, Sexual and Emotional Behaviour
- PSYC499 - The Scientist Practitioner Model
- RSN - Russian
- RSN105 - Russian Society and Culture
- RSN140 - Introductory Russian Short Term Residential Program
- RSN150 - Introductory Russian I
- RSN155 - Introductory Russian II
- RSN160 - Introductory Russian III
- RSN240 - Intermediate Russian Short Term Residential Program
- RSN250 - Intermediate Russian I
- RSN255 - Intermediate Russian II
- RSN280 - Russia: Myths and Facts
- RSN290 - Communication in Russian
- RSN305 - Women in Russian Culture
- RSN325 - Russian Cinema
- RSN340 - Advanced Russian Short Term Residential Program
- RSN350 - Advanced Russian I
- RSN355 - Advanced Russian II
- RSN460 - Advanced Russian III
- RSN465 - Advanced Russian IV
- SOC - Sociology
- SOC126 - Introduction to Justice and Punishment
- SOC175 - Australian Society
- SOC180 - Sociology of Everyday Life
- SOC182 - Economy and Society
- SOC220 - Objects of Passion: Topics in Cultural Sociology
- SOC222 - Theories of Modernity
- SOC223 - Introduction to Social Policy
- SOC224 - Methods of Social Research
- SOC254 - Science, Society and Environment
- SOC279 - Sociology of Media
- SOC295 - Work and Employment
- SOC297 - Global Migration and Human Rights
- SOC302 - The Global Politics of Food and Eating
- SOC311 - Social Order and Social Control
- SOC315 - Love, Sex and Friendship
- SOC316 - Global Cities
- SOC320 - Sport, Culture and Society
- SOC322 - Human Services in the 21st Century: Care, Gender and Institutions
- SOC325 - Understanding Contemporary Societies
- SOC341 - Sociology of the Arts
- SOC346 - Profit, Protest, Policy: Changes in Market Society
- SOC350 - Activism and Social Change
- SOC352 - Social Change Placement
- SOCI - Sociology
- SPED - Special Education
- SPH - Speech and Hearing
- SPHL - Speech and Hearing
- SPN - Spanish
- SPN101 - Introductory Spanish I
- SPN102 - Introductory Spanish II
- SPN103 - Introductory Spanish III
- SPN120 - Introductory Spanish Short Term Residential Program
- SPN201 - Intermediate Spanish I
- SPN202 - Intermediate Spanish II
- SPN210 - Passion and Repression
- SPN220 - Intermediate Spanish Short Term Residential Program
- SPN301 - Advanced Spanish I
- SPN302 - Advanced Spanish II
- SPN315 - Place and Displacement
- SPN320 - Advanced Spanish Short Term Residential Program
- SPN325 - Rebellion and Change
- SPN403 - Advanced Spanish III
- SPN404 - Advanced Spanish IV
- SSCI - Social Science
- SSCI100 - Introduction to Social Science
- SSCI200 - Evaluation in the Social Sciences
- SSCI201 - Qualitative Inquiry in the Social Sciences
- SSCI202 - Survey Research in the Social Sciences
- SSCI300 - Advanced Social Research Methods
- SSCI301 - Professional Social Research Project
- SSCI310 - Evaluation and Applied Social Science
- STAT - Statistics
- STAT150 - Business Statistics
- STAT170 - Introductory Statistics
- STAT171 - Statistical Data Analysis
- STAT175 - Gambling, Sport and Medicine
- STAT188 - Advanced Statistics I
- STAT270 - Applied Statistics
- STAT271 - Statistics I
- STAT272 - Probability
- STAT273 - Introduction to Probability
- STAT278 - Computer Simulation
- STAT279 - Operations Research I
- STAT302 - Graphics, Multivariate Methods and Data Mining
- STAT306 - Statistical Inference
- STAT321 - Logistics and Project Management
- STAT328 - Market Research and Forecasting
- STAT373 - Design of Surveys and Experiments
- STAT375 - Linear Models
- STAT378 - Statistical Computing
- STAT379 - Operations Research II
- STAT394 - Probability, Random Processes and Statistics for Engineers
- STAT395 - Biostatistics and Epidemiology
- STAT399 - Consulting in Statistical Sciences
- STAT402 - Topics in Stochastic Finance
- STAT411 - Generalised Linear Models
- TEP - Teacher Education
- TEP248 - Key Competencies in Inclusive Education
- TEP387 - Curriculum and Instruction in the Secondary School I
- TEP388 - Curriculum and Instruction in the Secondary School II
- TEP401 - Professional Experience in the Secondary School I
- TEP402 - Professional Experience in the Secondary School II
- TEP421 - Economics and Business Studies in the Secondary School I
- TEP422 - Economics and Business Studies in the Secondary School II
- TEP423 - English in the Secondary School I
- TEP424 - English in the Secondary School II
- TEP425 - Geography in the Secondary School I
- TEP426 - Geography in the Secondary School II
- TEP427 - History in the Secondary School I
- TEP428 - History in the Secondary School II
- TEP429 - Mathematics in the Secondary School I
- TEP430 - Mathematics in the Secondary School II
- TEP431 - Languages in the Secondary School I
- TEP432 - Languages in the Secondary School II
- TEP440 - Society and Culture in the Secondary School I
- TEP441 - Legal Studies in the Secondary School I
- TEP442 - English as a Second Language in Schools I