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Professional Experience 6 - ECHP425

This unit incorporates theoretical and practical aspects of teaching and includes a compulsory professional experience field component in a prior-to-school setting. The professional experience includes a series of observation days and a 15 day teaching block. This unit builds on earlier reflective practice units, particularly in the areas of curriculum decision making, refinement of teaching strategies, and documentation of children's learning. One component of this unit is study of the work of educators in Reggio Emilia, which is analysed in terms of implications for Australian early childhood contexts. Another focus is an extension of earlier studies of ways to counter bias and a consideration of socially just educational contexts.

Credit Points: 3
When Offered:

S1 Day - Session 1, North Ryde, Day

S1 External - Session 1, External ((with on-campus sessions))

Staff Contact(s): Ms Sandra Cheeseman

ECHP324 or ECHP325 or ECHP327 Prerequisite Information


NCCW(s): ECHP422, ECHP421
Unit Designation(s):
Unit Type: PACE unit
Assessed As: Graded
Offered By:

Department of Educational Studies

Faculty of Human Sciences

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