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Prehistory to Pompeii: Archaeology in Ancient Italy - AHIS331 - 2018 Course Handbook - Macquarie University

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Prehistory to Pompeii: Archaeology in Ancient Italy - AHIS331

Prehistory to Pompeii examines the archaeological history of the Italian peninsula from the Late Bronze Age until the early Imperial period. Topics selected for particular attention include: the Etruscan civilization; the early Greek settlements in Italy; the impact of Greek and Roman culture on the indigenous peoples of the Italian peninsula, and the archaeology of Pompeii from prehistoric times until its burial in AD 79.

Credit Points: 3
When Offered:

S1 Day - Session 1, North Ryde, Day

S1 External - Session 1, External (On-campus sessions: None )

Staff Contact(s): Professor Ray Laurence

39cp at 100 level or above or (6cp in AHIS or AHST units at 200 level) Prerequisite Information


NCCW(s): AHIS231, AHST236, AHST336, AHIX331
Unit Designation(s):
Unit Type:
Assessed As: Graded
Offered By:

Department of Ancient History

Faculty of Arts

Course structures, including unit offerings, are subject to change.
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