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Big Data - COMP336

Even simple tasks like counting elements can seem impossible when the amount of data to process is huge. This unit explores some of the key
aspects related to processing and mining information from large volumes of data. We present technology commonly used in industry such as map-reduce, and show how a range of data processing methods can be realised using map-reduce. Especial emphasis will be placed in the adaptation of data mining techniques for large volumes of data and for data streaming.

Credit Points: 3
When Offered:

S1 Day - Session 1, North Ryde, Day

Staff Contact(s): Dr Diego Molla Aliod, Dr Amin Beheshti

39cp at 100 level or above including COMP257  Prerequisite Information



Unit Designation(s):



Information Technology


Unit Type:
Assessed As: Graded
Offered By:

Department of Computing

Faculty of Science and Engineering

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