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Introductory Astronomy: Our Place in the Universe - ASTR170 - 2018 Course Handbook - Macquarie University

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Introductory Astronomy: Our Place in the Universe - ASTR170

This is a foundation unit in astronomy, suitable for aspiring physicists/astronomers and non-scientists alike. No prior knowledge of astronomy or physics is required. This unit gives a broad underpinning of basic astronomical subjects and concepts with minimal mathematical content. A diverse range of astronomical topics are covered, starting with the solar system, including comets and asteroids; and then increasing in scale to Galactic stars, nebulae, the interstellar medium, our own Milky Way galaxy, galaxy clusters, quasars, black holes and basic cosmology. Key fundamental physical principles, theories and observational technologies are covered. Experimental work is both hands-on and computer based, and covers such areas as galaxy classification, eclipses, spectroscopy and geometrical optics. A session at the Macquarie University Observatory forms a recommended part of the practical work.

Credit Points: 3
When Offered:

S1 Day - Session 1, North Ryde, Day

Staff Contact(s): Dr Devika Kamath



NCCW(s): PHYS270, PHYS277
Unit Designation(s):


Unit Type: Planet unit
Assessed As: Graded
Offered By:

Department of Physics and Astronomy

Faculty of Science and Engineering

Course structures, including unit offerings, are subject to change.
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