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Introductory Polish Short Term Residential Program - PLH131

This unit is offered on a pass/fail basis.

This unit is offered on a pass/fail basis and is designed for students who wish to complement their academic program through a short term residential program relevant to their target language in International Studies: Languages and Cultures. This unit facilitates study at a partner university where intensive tuition will take place in Polish relevant to the discipline of Polish Studies. The program of study at the overseas institution will be approved and promoted by the Department of International Studies in collaboration with Macquarie International. It will constitute a short period of intensive study of themes linked to the Polish Studies discipline including language and culture. It is intended to be limited to students already studying Polish at Macquarie, ideally targeted at those students who have completed or are completing Introductory level Polish Studies language unit/s.

Credit Points: 3
When Offered:

S3 External - Session 3, December 2018 - February 2019, External (On-campus sessions: None)

WV External - Winter vacation session, External (On-campus sessions: None)

Staff Contact(s): Ms Lyse Thomas

12cp and permission by special approval Prerequisite Information


Unit Designation(s):
Unit Type:
Assessed As: Pass/Fail
Offered By:

Department of International Studies

Faculty of Arts

Course structures, including unit offerings, are subject to change.
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