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Legal, Ethical and Policy Directions in Human Sciences - HLTH350 - 2018 Course Handbook - Macquarie University

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Legal, Ethical and Policy Directions in Human Sciences - HLTH350

This unit examines how law, ethics and policy affect population health in Australia and globally. Lectures and tutorial discussion will equip students with the knowledge and ability to engage meaningfully in debate and discourse surrounding the role of ethical and legal considerations and the policy process in health provision. Topics include debate around vaccination programs, infectious disease control, and the impact of corporate conduct on public health.

Credit Points: 3
When Offered:

S2 Day - Session 2, North Ryde, Day

Staff Contact(s): Ms Jette Bollerup, Dr Ross Mackenzie

(39cp at 100 level or above including HLTH200) or (39cp and admission to BHumanSc or BA-PsychBHumanSc or BPsych(Hons)BHumanSc or BSpHLScBHumanSc) Prerequisite Information


Unit Designation(s):


Unit Type:
Assessed As: Graded
Offered By:

Department of Educational Studies

Faculty of Human Sciences

Course structures, including unit offerings, are subject to change.
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