Postgraduate units by code
- ACCG - Accounting and Corporate Governance
- ACCG807 - Research Seminar
- ACCG812 - Information Technology Management
- ACCG822 - Information Systems in Business
- ACCG825 - Management Accounting: Strategy and Control
- ACCG828 - Management Control Systems
- ACCG835 - International Accounting
- ACCG847 - Forensic Accounting
- ACCG848 - Business and Professional Ethics
- ACCG871 - Advanced Corporate Accounting
- ACCG872 - Advanced Financial Reporting
- ACCG877 - Emerging Issues in Financial Crime
- ACCG878 - Fraud Detection, Investigative Techniques
- ACCG893 - Research Methodology in Accounting
- ACCG894 - Special Interest Seminar
- ACCG898 - Research Project A
- ACCG899 - Research Project B
- ACCG903 - CPA - Global Strategy and Leadership
- ACCG904 - CPA - Assurance Services and Auditing
- ACCG905 - CPA - Financial Risk Management
- ACCG907 - CPA - Financial Reporting and Disclosure
- ACCG908 - CPA - Strategic Management Accounting
- ACCG909 - CPA - Taxation
- ACCG913 - CPA - Ethics and Governance
- ACCG914 - CPA - Contemporary Business Issues
- ACCG921 - Managerial Accounting
- ACCG922 - Accounting Information Systems
- ACCG923 - Accounting Standards and Practice
- ACCG924 - Taxation Law
- ACCG925 - Auditing and Assurance Services
- ACCG926 - Corporate Accounting
- ACCG927 - Current Issues in Accounting and Corporate Governance
- ACCG930 - Enterprise Risk Management - Corporate Governance Perspectives
- ACCG941 - Governance, Risk and Ethics
- ACCG942 - Corporate Reporting
- ACCG943 - Business Analysis
- ACCG944 - Advanced Financial Management
- ACCG945 - Advanced Audit and Assurance
- ACCG946 - Advanced Performance Management
- ACCG950 - Contemporary Accounting Practice
- ACCG951 - Legal Governance for Business Enterprises
- ACCG952 - International Trade and Governance
- ACCG953 - Competition and Consumer Law
- ACCG970 - Chinese Trade and Investment Law
- ACST - Actuarial Studies
- ACST815 - Superannuation
- ACST816 - Quantitative Asset and Liability Modelling 1
- ACST817 - Quantitative Asset and Liability Modelling 2
- ACST818 - Survival Models
- ACST819 - Actuarial Modelling
- ACST828 - Options, Futures and Derivatives
- ACST829 - Capital Budgeting and Financial Modelling
- ACST831 - Actuarial Control Cycle 1
- ACST832 - Actuarial Control Cycle 2
- ACST833 - Insurance
- ACST834 - Financial Institutions Management and Regulation
- ACST840 - Quantitative Research Methods II
- ACST851 - Mathematics of Finance
- ACST852 - Finance and Financial Reporting
- ACST859 - Contingent Payments 1
- ACST860 - Contingent Payments 2
- ACST861 - Mathematical Theory of Risk
- ACST862 - General Insurance Pricing and Reserving
- ACST865 - Quantitative Methods in Risk Management
- ACST871 - Investment Management
- ACST872 - Quantitative Techniques in Debt and Equity Investment Management
- ACST873 - Financial Derivatives Management
- ACST890 - Data Analytics for Finance and Insurance
- ACST891 - Data Analytics Tools for Finance and Insurance
- AFAS - Applied Finance and Actuarial Studies
- AFCL - Applied Finance Language
- AFCL802 - Professional Practice
- AFCL854 - Investment and Credit Analysis
- AFCL855 - Life Cycle Investing
- AFCL856 - Credit and Lending Decisions
- AFCL859 - Advanced Valuation for Corporate Finance
- AFCL860 - Applied Business Valuation
- AFCL861 - Corporate Financial Strategy
- AFCL862 - Managing Shareholder Value
- AFCP - Applied Finance Centre
- AFCP801 - Portfolio Management and Valuation
- AFCP802 - Professional Practice
- AFCP810 - Finance Principles
- AFCP811 - Case Studies in Applied Finance
- AFCP812 - Quantitative and Economic Analysis
- AFCP813 - Financial Statement Analysis and Modelling
- AFCP854 - Investment and Credit Analysis
- AFCP855 - Life Cycle Investing
- AFCP856 - Credit and Lending Decisions
- AFCP859 - Advanced Valuation for Corporate Finance
- AFCP860 - Applied Business Valuation
- AFCP861 - Corporate Financial Strategy
- AFCP862 - Managing Shareholder Value
- AFCP863 - Strategic Bank Management
- AFCP864 - Operational Risk Management
- AFCP865 - Individual Research Project A
- AFCP866 - Individual Research Project B
- AFIN - Applied Finance and Actuarial Studies
- AFIN803 - Banking and Financial Intermediation
- AFIN805 - Research in Banking and Finance
- AFIN806 - Risk Management and Derivatives
- AFIN808 - Corporate Finance
- AFIN818 - Investments
- AFIN828 - International Investment and Risk
- AFIN832 - Business and Financial Analysis
- AFIN837 - Capital Markets
- AFIN838 - Business Valuation
- AFIN839 - Portfolio Management
- AFIN840 - Personal Financial Planning
- AFIN858 - Financial Management and Policy
- AFIN867 - International Financial Management
- AFIN875 - Investing in Emerging Markets
- AFIN876 - Islamic Banking and Finance
- AFIN881 - Professional Development in Banking and Finance
- AFIN882 - Banking and Finance Internship
- AFIN890 - Corporate Financial Modelling and Forecasting
- AFIN899 - Current Issues in Banking and Finance
- AHMC - Hospital Medical Care
- AHPG - Ancient History Postgraduate
- AHPG811 - Archaeological Practice
- AHPG815 - Under the Shadow of Vesuvius: Archaeology in Ancient Campania
- AHPG816 - Archaeological Field Visit
- AHPG817 - Topics in Early Chinese History
- AHPG820 - The Athenian Empire 510-404 BC
- AHPG821 - Egypt: Alexander to Augustus
- AHPG822 - Studies in Ancient Society: Hellenistic Religions
- AHPG823 - History Writing in Antiquity: Herodotus and Thucydides
- AHPG824 - Greece and Rome: Caravan Cities
- AHPG830 - History Studies
- AHPG838 - Writing Imperial Lives: Tacitus and Suetonius
- AHPG855 - The Art and Archaeology of Coptic Monasticism
- AHPG857 - Monasticism in Egypt
- AHPG858 - City of Constantine
- AHPG872 - Old Kingdom Archaeology, History and Documents
- AHPG875 - New Kingdom Egypt
- AHPG880 - Capstone Advanced Project
- AHPG883 - Ancient History Minor Research Project Part A
- AHPG884 - Ancient History Minor Research Project Part B
- AHPG889 - After the Roman Empire: Early Medieval Europe in the Time of Gregory of Tours
- AHPG903 - Studies in Egyptian Religion
- AMED - Australian School of Advanced Medicine
- ANTH - Anthropology
- ANTH800 - Applied Anthropology: Why Does Culture Matter?
- ANTH801 - Research Methods in Anthropology
- ANTH805 - Race, Nation and Ethnicity
- ANTH811 - Culture, Media and Ethnographic Practice
- ANTH815 - Development Theory and Practice
- ANTH816 - Culture, Health and Disease
- ANTH818 - Anthropology of Human Rights and Intervention
- ANTH821 - Indigenous Interests and Identities
- ANTH825 - Research Project: Thesis
- ANTH826 - Social Movements, Knowledge and Development
- ANTH827 - Research Project: Seminar
- ANTH828 - Short Research Project
- ANTH830 - Research Project: Preparation
- ANTH831 - Culture, Commodities and Consumption: Anthropological Approaches to Economic Life
- ANTH832 - Global Health
- ANTH841 - Health and Sexuality in the Developing World
- APPL - Applied Linguistics
- APPL900 - Communicative Grammar
- APPL901 - Genre, Discourse and Multimodality
- APPL902 - Research Methods in Language Study
- APPL910 - Exploring Discourse in Context and Action
- APPL911 - Pragmatics and Intercultural Communication
- APPL912 - Language, Learning and Community
- APPL920 - Linguistics and Language Teaching
- APPL922 - Practicum in TESOL
- APPL923 - Classroom, Curriculum and Context
- APPL924 - Language Testing and Evaluation
- APPL925 - Second Language Acquisition
- APPL926 - Language Teaching and Learning Beyond the Classroom
- APPL929 - Evaluating Language Classroom Practice
- APPL940 - Language for Specific Purposes
- APPL941 - Literacies
- APPL942 - Teaching English for Academic Purposes
- BCA - Biostatistics Collaboration of Australia
- BCA801 - Epidemiology
- BCA802 - Mathematical Background for Biostatistics
- BCA803 - Health Indicators and Health Surveys
- BCA804 - Data Management and Statistical Computing
- BCA805 - Principles of Statistical Inference
- BCA806 - Clinical Biostatistics
- BCA807 - Design of Randomised Controlled Trials
- BCA808 - Linear Models
- BCA809 - Categorical Data and Generalised Linear Models
- BCA810 - Bioinformatics
- BCA811 - Longitudinal and Correlated Data
- BCA814 - Bayesian Statistical Methods
- BCA815 - Biostatistics Research Project Part A
- BCA816 - Biostatistics Research Project Part B
- BCA817 - Probability and Distribution Theory
- BIOL - Biology
- BIOL860 - Biology Research Experience
- BIOL861 - Conservation and Management of Wild Populations
- BIOL870 - Conservation in Practice
- BIOL872 - Cross Institutional Study B
- BIOL874 - Biodiversity Survey and Monitoring
- BIOL875 - Contemporary Conservation in Australia
- BIOL876 - Climate Change Impacts
- BIOL877 - Topics in Australian Marine Science
- BIOL887 - Regional and Global Conservation
- BUS - Business
- BUS800 - Electronic Commerce Strategy
- BUS803 - Globalisation and Value Chain Management
- BUS804 - International Business Strategy
- BUS815 - Behaviour in Organisations
- BUS827 - Entrepreneurship in Business
- BUS828 - Population and Workforce Planning
- BUS832 - Leadership and Management
- BUS840 - Business Project Management
- BUS845 - Strategic Management
- BUS850 - Management of People at Work
- BUS851 - Comparative Human Resource Management
- BUS854 - Leading and Managing in Culturally Diverse Environments
- BUS870 - International Study Experience
- BUS880 - Business Internship
- BUS890 - Research Project A
- BUS891 - Research Project B
- CAUD - Clinical Audiology Units
- CAUD802 - Adult Hearing Assessment
- CAUD803 - Theoretical Bases of Audiology
- CAUD804 - Clinical Practicum I
- CAUD805 - Hearing Devices
- CAUD806 - Objective Assessment Strategies
- CAUD807 - Paediatric Hearing Assessment
- CAUD808 - Clinical Practicum II
- CAUD809 - Principles of Management of Childhood Deafness
- CAUD810 - Audiology and Public Health
- CAUD811 - Audiology Project
- CAUD812 - Research Design Skills
- CAUD813 - Clinical Practicum III
- CAUD814 - Strategies of Aural Rehabilitation
- CAUD816 - Complex Case Management
- CAUD817 - Clinical Practicum IV
- CAUD818 - Advanced Hearing Devices
- CAUD819 - Speech Perception and Production
- CBMS - Chemistry Biomolecular Sciences
- CBMS807 - Bioethics and Biotechnology
- CBMS810 - Application of Nuclear Science to Medicine
- CBMS825 - Chemical Analysis II
- CBMS832 - Protein Discovery and Analysis
- CBMS833 - Functional Proteomics
- CBMS836 - Molecular Biology and Genomics
- CBMS837 - Biochemistry and Cell Biology
- CBMS842 - Advanced Medicinal Chemistry
- CBMS860 - Analytical Measurement Uncertainty and Method Validation
- CBMS861 - Laboratory Quality Systems
- CBMS880 - Molecular and Medical Biotechnology
- CBMS881 - Major Research Project in Molecular Sciences
- CHIR - Chiropractic
- CHIR873 - Neuromusculoskeletal Diagnosis 1
- CHIR874 - Neuromusculoskeletal Diagnosis 2
- CHIR891 - Clinical Chiropractic 1
- CHIR892 - Clinical Chiropractic 2
- CHIR896 - Clinic Internship 1
- CHIR897 - Clinic Internship 2
- CHIR903 - Clinical Chiropractic 3
- CHIR904 - Clinical Chiropractic 4
- CHIR916 - Diagnostic Imaging 1
- CHIR917 - Diagnostic Imaging 2
- CHIR918 - Physical and Functional Assessment
- CHIR919 - Clinical Management
- CHIR921 - Topics in Chiropractic 1
- CHIR922 - Topics in Chiropractic 2
- CHIR931 - Diagnosis and Management 1
- CHIR932 - Diagnosis and Management 2
- CWPG - Creative Writing Postgraduate
- CWPG810 - Creative Writing Seminar I
- CWPG811 - Creative Writing Seminar II
- CWPG815 - Writing Creative Non-Fiction - An Introduction
- CWPG816 - Poetry Seminar: Reading and Writing Poetry
- CWPG818 - Writing Young Adult (YA) Fiction
- CWPG822 - Short Form Writing - short story, novella, poetry cycle
- CWPG825 - Manuscript Project
- CWPG826 - Manuscript Project (Half Year, Part A)
- CWPG827 - Manuscript Project (Half Year, Part B)
- ECED - Early Childhood Education
- ECED820 - Families in Context
- ECED822 - Issues in Early Childhood Policy and Pedagogy
- ECED823 - Language and Literacy in Early Childhood
- ECED824 - Early Childhood Development Research and Practice
- ECED825 - Early Childhood Professional Practice 2
- ECED826 - Leading and Managing Early Childhood Settings
- ECED827 - Learning Through Mathematics, Science and Technology in Early Childhood Settings
- ECED828 - Creativity and the Arts: Contemporary Perspectives
- ECED829 - Early Childhood Postgraduate Internship
- ECED830 - Early Intervention: Theory and Practice
- ECED831 - Pedagogical Approaches to Early Childhood Curriculum
- ECED832 - Contemporary Approaches to Infant and Toddler Theory and Practice
- ECED833 - Child Development in Context
- ECED834 - Organisation of Early Childhood Education
- ECED854 - Minor Independent Investigation I
- ECED886 - Multimodality and Early Childhood
- ECFL - Economic and Financial Studies Language
- ECFL842 - Mergers and Aquisitions
- ECFL845 - Applied Portfolio Management
- ECFL850 - Corporate Treasury Management
- ECFL866 - Corporate Finance
- ECFL867 - Financial Instruments
- ECFL868 - Financial Risk Management
- ECFL877 - Project Finance
- ECFL880 - Infrastructure and Property
- ECFL881 - Derivatives Valuation
- ECFL886 - Debt Capital Markets
- ECFL888 - Economics of Financial Markets
- ECFL895 - Private Equity Investment
- ECFL896 - Credit Portfolio Management
- ECFL902 - Resource Industry Investment Analysis
- ECFL906 - Private Wealth Management
- ECFL907 - Contemporary Issues in Applied Finance
- ECFL991 - Equity Capital Markets
- ECFL992 - Hedge Funds
- ECFS - Economic and Financial Studies
- ECFS842 - Mergers and Acquisitions
- ECFS845 - Applied Portfolio Management
- ECFS849 - Individual Research Paper
- ECFS850 - Corporate Treasury Management
- ECFS866 - Corporate Finance
- ECFS867 - Financial Instruments
- ECFS868 - Financial Risk Management
- ECFS871 - Risk and Portfolio Construction
- ECFS874 - Legal Risk in Finance
- ECFS877 - Project Finance
- ECFS880 - Infrastructure and Property
- ECFS881 - Derivatives Valuation
- ECFS882 - Structured and Exotic Products
- ECFS886 - Debt Capital Markets
- ECFS888 - Economics of Financial Markets
- ECFS895 - Private Equity Investment
- ECFS896 - Credit Portfolio Management
- ECFS899 - Modelling Prices and Risk
- ECFS902 - Resources Industry Investment Analysis
- ECFS903 - Ethical Risk in Finance
- ECFS906 - Private Wealth Management
- ECFS907 - Contemporary Issues in Applied Finance
- ECFS908 - Interest Rate Portfolio Management
- ECFS991 - Equity Capital Markets
- ECFS992 - Hedge Funds
- ECJS - Early Christian and Jewish Studies
- ECON - Economics
- ECON840 - Applied Econometrics
- ECON844 - Monetary and Financial Policies
- ECON846 - International Monetary Policy
- ECON847 - International Trade
- ECON853 - Economics of Public Issues
- ECON857 - Economic Development and World Economic Order
- ECON860 - Advanced Microeconomics
- ECON861 - Advanced Macroeconomics
- ECON864 - Mathematical Economics
- ECON900 - Special Topics in Economics I
- ECON901 - Special Topics in Economics II
- ECON904 - Research Project A
- ECON905 - Research Project B
- ECON910 - Research in Economics
- ECON991 - Economics for Actuaries
- EDCN - Education
- EDCN800 - Introduction to Educational Research
- EDCN804 - Current Topics in Education
- EDCN806 - Individual Education Project
- EDCN811 - Educational Psychology and Practice
- EDCN812 - Curriculum Studies
- EDCN813 - Advanced Pedagogy
- EDCN814 - Assessment Issues
- EDCN815 - Evaluation of Educational Programs
- EDCN818 - Education and Culture
- EDCN831 - Leading the Learning of New Teachers
- EDCN841 - Educational Institutions as Organisations
- EDCN842 - Leadership for Learning
- EDCN843 - Quality, Performance and Regulation in Higher Education
- EDCN844 - Organisation of School Education
- EDCN847 - Human Resource Management in Education
- EDCN851 - Innovation and Change in Educational Organisations
- EDCN861 - Learning Technologies: Contexts and Future
- EDCN862 - Designing Technology-based Curriculum
- EDCN865 - Learning Technologies in Practice
- EDCN866 - Leading and Managing Online Learning Environments
- EDCN871 - Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
- EDCN873 - Reflective Practice in Education
- EDIT - Editing
- EDUC - Education
- ELEC - Electronics
- ELEC828 - Software Defined Networking
- ELEC840 - VLSI, Algorithms, and Systems
- ELEC870 - High Performance IC Design
- ELEC875 - Reconfigurable Electronics
- ELEC880 - Cognitive Radio
- ELEC881 - Telecommunications Performance Analysis
- ELEC885 - Beyond 5G Mobile
- ELEC887 - Heterogeneous Networks: Theory and Practice
- ELEC889 - Wireless Sensor Network Applications
- ENGG - Engineering General
- ENGL - English Literature
- ENVS - Environmental Sciences
- ENVS803 - Science in Environmental Management
- ENVS804 - Climate Change and The Climate System
- ENVS805 - Air and Water Quality
- ENVS807 - Environmental Measurement and Analysis
- ENVS808 - Introduction to Geographic Information Science for Postgraduates
- ENVS810 - Environmental Economics
- ENVS811 - Coastal Environmental Science
- ENVS818 - Environmental Planning
- ENVS819 - Environmental Health
- ENVS825 - Sustainable Development: Introductory Principles and Practices
- ENVS827 - Education for Sustainable Development
- ENVS828 - Research Methods for Sustainable Development
- ENVS829 - Pollution Control and Waste Management
- ENVS834 - Environmental Research Report
- ENVS844 - Environmental Management Practice
- ENVS853 - Environmental Applications of GIS and Remote Sensing
- ENVS866 - Research Project in Environmental Sciences
- ENVS875 - Cross Institutional Study in Environmental Sciences
- ENVS898 - Management of Degraded Environments
- FOBE - Faculty of Business and Economics
- FOBE800 - Contemporary Business Issues
- FOBE810 - Research Frontiers in Business and Economics
- FOBE820 - Qualitative Research Approaches in Business and Economics
- FOBE830 - Quantitative Research Approaches in Business and Economics 1
- FOBE840 - Quantitative Research Approaches in Business and Economics 2
- FOBE870 - Professional Development in Business and Economics
- FOSC - Faculty of Science
- GEOP - Geography and Planning
- GEOP800 - Attitudes to the Environment
- GEOP802 - Social Impact Assessment and Cross Cultural Negotiation
- GEOP805 - Climate Change: Policies, Management and Adaptation
- GEOP808 - Heritage and its Management
- GEOP809 - Globalisation and Sustainable Development
- GEOP810 - Special Topic in Environment and Geography A
- GEOP812 - Urban Social Impact Assessment
- GEOP813 - Special Topic in Environment and Geography B
- GEOP816 - Local Government Approval Process
- GEOP823 - Corporate Environmental Management
- GEOP830 - Sustainable Urban Regions
- GEOP831 - International Agreements and the Environment
- GEOP832 - Gateway to the Planning Profession
- GEOP843 - Environmental Decision Making
- GEOP845 - Environmental Impact Assessment
- GEOP851 - Gateway to the Planning Profession
- GEOS - Earth Sciences
- GEOS800 - Earth Science Project
- GEOS804 - Advanced Field Mapping
- GEOS807 - Problems in Sedimentary Geology
- GEOS809 - Geophysics Laboratory Project
- GEOS811 - Advanced Field Techniques in Geoscience
- GEOS813 - Geophysics Reading Project
- GEOS814 - Volcanic Geology B
- GEOS876 - Advanced Geochemical Applications and Techniques
- GEOS891 - Research Project
- GEOS901 - Problems in the Earth Sciences
- GEOS920 - Palaeoenvironments and Biogeochemistry
- GEOS922 - Microstructures to Large Scale Processes: Rheology, Metamorphism and Fluids
- GEOS929 - Geophysical Data Processing
- HSYP - Health Systems and Populations
- HSYP801 - Foundations of Public Health
- HSYP802 - Quantitative and Qualitative Methods
- HSYP803 - Biological, Environmental, Social and Behavioural Determinants of Health
- HSYP804 - Health Law, Economics and Policy
- HSYP805 - Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
- HSYP806 - Systems Science in Healthcare
- HSYP807 - Innovation in Leadership, Teamwork and Advocacy
- HSYP808 - Health Systems and Populations Capstone
- HSYP811 - Public Health Law and Ethics
- HSYP812 - Global Health Law
- HSYP813 - Health and Human Rights
- HSYP814 - Advanced Research Methodologies in Health
- ICOM - Media and Communication Studies - International Communication
- ICOM811 - Issues in Contemporary Global Media
- ICOM814 - Communication for Social Change
- ICOM815 - Global Power and Justice
- ICOM818 - Asia-Pacific in a Globalised World
- ICOM821 - Intercultural Communication
- ICOM823 - Corporate Writing
- ICOM890 - Digital Audio/ Radio Production
- ICOM892 - Public Diplomacy and International Public Relations
- ICOM897 - Interactive Communication
- INED - Indigenous Education
- INED801 - History of Indigenous Education
- INED802 - Contemporary Issues in Indigenous Education
- INED803 - Politics, Power and Indigenous Education
- INED804 - Global Indigenous Education
- INED810 - Education in Indigenous Communities
- INED820 - Research Methods in Indigenous Education
- INED821 - Indigenous Education Capstone Research Project
- INFO - Information Technology
- INTS - International Studies
- IRPG - International Relations Postgraduate
- IRPG830 - The Politics of International Human Rights Law
- IRPG831 - International Security
- IRPG832 - Europe, the European Union, and the International System
- IRPG833 - The United States, East Asia and the World: Hegemony, Conflict and Rivalry
- IRPG838 - Master of International Relations Internship
- IRPG840 - The International System
- IRPG841 - Theories of International Relations
- IRPG843 - International Relations of the Middle East
- IRPG844 - The Asian-Pacific Region and Australia
- IRPG846 - International Relations Special Project
- IRPG849 - International Political Economy
- IRPG854 - War and Violence in World Politics
- IRPG857 - International Law and Institutions
- ITEC - Information Technology
- ITEC800 - Systems Engineering Process
- ITEC801 - Distributed Systems
- ITEC803 - Advanced Topics in Computer Networks
- ITEC810 - Information Technology Project
- ITEC812 - Special Topic in Information Technology
- ITEC830 - Web Data Technologies
- ITEC832 - Enterprise Application Integration
- ITEC841 - Information Systems Project and Risk Management
- ITEC842 - Enterprise Management
- ITEC844 - Strategic Project Management
- ITEC850 - Network System Design
- ITEC851 - Mobile Data Networks
- ITEC852 - Advanced System and Network Security
- ITEC854 - Security Management
- ITEC855 - Security Technologies and Forensic Analysis
- ITEC871 - Information Systems Design and Management
- ITEC872 - Data Mining and Business Intelligence
- ITEC873 - Machine Learning
- ITEC874 - Big Data Technologies
- ITEC897 - Industry Based Internship 1
- ITEC898 - Industry Based Internship 2
- ITEC903 - Industry Based Internship A
- ITEC904 - Industry Based Internship B
- LAW - Law
- LAW850 - Sustainable Corporate Governance and Financing
- LAW851 - Climate Change Law
- LAW852 - Trade and Environment Law
- LAW855 - Environmental Law and Sustainable Development
- LAW859 - Heritage Law and Policy
- LAW860 - International Environmental Law
- LAW861 - Local Government and Planning Law
- LAW866 - Indigenous Peoples and the Law
- LAW868 - Technology and E-Commerce Law
- LAW879 - Environmental Law and Policy Clinic
- LAW887 - International Human Rights Law
- LAW888 - International Dispute Settlement
- LAW889 - International Trade and Finance
- LAW890 - Law of International Organisations
- LAW891 - Advanced International Law
- LAW892 - Law of the Sea
- LAW894 - Human Rights and Moral Dilemmas
- LAW895 - Legal Research Dissertation
- LAW896 - International Business Transactions
- LAW897 - Media Law and Culture
- LAW898 - International Commercial Law
- LAWS - Law
- LAWS802 - Criminal Justice and Public Policy
- LAWS803 - The Law of Obligations I - Contracts
- LAWS804 - Law of Obligations II - Torts
- LAWS805 - Theories of Law and Justice
- LAWS806 - Applied Legal Ethics
- LAWS807 - Constitutional Law
- LAWS808 - Administrative Law
- LAWS809 - Property Law
- LAWS810 - Equity and Trusts
- LAWS811 - Company Law
- LAWS812 - Independent Research Project in Law, Governance and Policy
- LAWS813 - Civil and Criminal Procedure
- LAWS814 - Evidence
- LAWS818 - Research Methodologies in Law
- LAWS819 - Dispute Resolution Processes and Law
- LAWS820 - Competition Law
- LAWS821 - Public and Global Health Law
- LAWS822 - Family Law
- LAWS823 - Commercial Law
- LAWS824 - Intellectual Property Law
- LAWS825 - Taxation Law
- LAWS826 - Anti-Discrimination Law
- LAWS827 - Law of Obligations III - Remedies
- LAWS829 - Succession
- LAWS836 - Advanced Topics in Private Law
- LAWS837 - Advanced Topic in Public Law
- LAWS896 - Independent Research Project in Law, Governance and Policy
- LAWS899 - Professional and Community Engagement
- LING - Linguistics
- LING900 - Grammar, Meaning and Discourse
- LING901 - Phonetics and Phonology
- LING903 - Languages and Cultures in Contact
- LING907 - Stylistics and the Teaching of Literature
- LING927 - Reading Development and Disorders
- LING928 - Bilingualism
- LING935 - Linguistics Dissertation Part B
- LING939 - Special Studies in Applied Linguistics
- LING971 - Special Electives in Auslan
- LIT - Literature
- LIT809 - Special Study I
- LIT810 - Special Study II
- LIT846 - Retelling Stories: Sources of Children's Literature
- LIT847 - Romanticism to Postmodernism: Developments in Children's Literature
- LIT848 - Young Adult Fiction
- LIT854 - Narrative: Theory and Method
- LIT855 - Australian Children's Literature
- LIT856 - Picture Books
- LIT859 - Film and the Folktale Canon
- LIT864 - Children's Literature: Concepts and Theories
- LIT870 - Research Thesis I: Preparation
- LIT871 - Research Thesis II: Writing
- MAMP - Advanced Medicine
- MASP - Advanced Surgical Practice
- MATH - Mathematics
- MECO - Media, Music, Communication and Cultural Studies
- MECO800 - International Discourse
- MECO801 - Social Media, Law and Ethics
- MECO803 - Social Media
- MECO804 - Media Writing and Research
- MECO805 - Environmental Communication
- MECO826 - Data Journalism
- MECO830 - Creative Entrepreneurship
- MECO833 - Storytelling Techniques
- MECO835 - Non-Fiction Screen Media
- MECO837 - Digital Media Strategies
- MECO838 - The Art of Recording
- MECO839 - Music Production
- MECO843 - Writing the Real
- MECO845 - Creative Production Portfolio
- MECO847 - The Creative Industries
- MECO850 - Performance Practices
- MECO851 - Screen Investigations
- MEDI - Medicine
- MEDI827 - Principles of Minimally Invasive Surgery
- MEDI828 - Advanced Surgical Practice
- MEDI829 - Innovations in Surgical Technology
- MEDI830 - Advanced Surgical Practice 2
- MEDI831 - Medical Education
- MEDI832 - Evidence Based Practice
- MEDI834 - Communication
- MEDI836 - Anatomy 1
- MEDI837 - Anatomy 2
- MEDI838 - Anatomy 3
- MEDI842 - MMed Medical Elective 1
- MEDI843 - MMed Medical Elective 2
- MEDI844 - MMed Medical Elective 3
- MEDI845 - MMed Medical Elective 4
- MEDI846 - MMed Medical Elective 5
- MEDI847 - MMed Medical Elective 6
- MEDI848 - MMed Medical Elective 7
- MEDI849 - MMed Medical Elective 8
- MEDI850 - MMed Medical Elective 9
- MEDI851 - MMed Medical Elective 10
- MEDI852 - Medical Education and Simulation
- MEDI853 - Advanced Medical Practice
- MEDI854 - Advanced Medical Practice 2
- MEDI861 - Research Thesis
- MEDI862 - Specialist Elective Reflective Portfolio 1
- MEDI863 - Specialist Elective Reflective Portfolio 2
- MEDI864 - Specialist Elective Reflective Portfolio 3
- MEDI865 - Specialist Elective Reflective Portfolio 4
- MGNT - Macquarie Graduate School of Management
- MGNT801 - Economics and Markets
- MGNT803 - Financial Statements and Analysis
- MGNT804 - Data Based Decision Making
- MGNT808 - Financial Markets and Valuation
- MGNT810 - Professional Practice
- MGNT821 - Project Management
- MGNT822 - Career Management
- MGNT823 - Leadership and Teams in Action
- MGNT825 - Contemporary Perspectives in Strategy
- MGNT826 - Contemporary Perspectives on Leadership
- MGNT827 - Contemporary Perspectives on Global Mindset
- MGNT828 - Contemporary Perspectives on Sustainable Value Creation
- MGNT830 - Design Thinking for Innovation
- MGNT831 - International Business Strategy
- MGNT832 - e-Business Strategy
- MGNT906 - Management Consulting Project
- MGNT907 - Management Internship
- MGNT908 - Management Research Report
- MGNT910 - International Study Tour
- MGSM - Macquarie Graduate School of Management
- MGSM800 - Strategic Human Resource Management
- MGSM802 - International Human Resource Management
- MGSM806 - Managerial Self-development
- MGSM815 - International Marketing
- MGSM816 - Marketing Research
- MGSM817 - Strategic Marketing
- MGSM818 - Advertising and Promotions Management
- MGSM819 - Consumer Behaviour
- MGSM820 - Marketing Management
- MGSM822 - Services Marketing
- MGSM823 - Customer Relationship Management
- MGSM824 - Doing Business in/with China
- MGSM826 - Sales Management
- MGSM835 - Financial Management
- MGSM836 - Investment Management
- MGSM837 - Advanced Financial Reporting
- MGSM840 - Accounting for Management
- MGSM842 - Business Performance Measurement and Management
- MGSM845 - Economic Context of Management
- MGSM846 - Competitive Intelligence
- MGSM847 - Entrepreneurial Finance
- MGSM848 - Strategic Finance
- MGSM849 - Raising Capital in Global Markets
- MGSM850 - Strategic Frameworks
- MGSM856 - Strategic Management Accounting
- MGSM857 - Competition and Strategy in Asia/Pacific
- MGSM858 - Corporate Acquisitions
- MGSM859 - New Enterprise Management
- MGSM860 - Strategic Management
- MGSM864 - Law for Corporations
- MGSM866 - Managing Change
- MGSM867 - Executive Coaching
- MGSM868 - Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility
- MGSM869 - Social Entrepreneurship
- MGSM870 - Organisational Behaviour
- MGSM871 - Managerial Psychology
- MGSM876 - Leadership and Motivation
- MGSM877 - Public Performance for Managers
- MGSM879 - Managing with a Global Mindset
- MGSM880 - Foundations of Management Thought
- MGSM881 - Entrepreneurship and Existentialism
- MGSM884 - Negotiation; Theory and Practice
- MGSM886 - European Study Tour: Leading Sustainable Organisations
- MGSM887 - Leadership Transformed
- MGSM890 - Operations Management
- MGSM891 - Operations and Logistics Strategy
- MGSM892 - Management of Service Operations
- MGSM893 - Supply Chain Management
- MGSM897 - Management of Innovation
- MGSM906 - Project Based Management
- MGSM943 - Financial Management Theory
- MGSM950 - Report 1
- MGSM951 - Report 2
- MGSM952 - Research Project
- MGSM953 - Management Consulting and Research
- MGSM955 - Management Internship
- MGSM960 - Information and Decision Analysis
- MGSM978 - Current Issues in Accounting and Finance
- MGSM980 - Empirical Research Methods in Accounting and Finance
- MGSM981 - Special Topics in Management II
- MGSM982 - Special Topics in Management Extended
- MGSM985 - Special Topics in Management
- MGSM986 - Leadership and Innovation in Healthcare
- MGSM987 - Law and Management
- MGSM989 - International Perspectives in Management; Study Tour
- MKTG - Marketing
- MKTG801 - International Marketing
- MKTG802 - Marketing Communications
- MKTG804 - E-Business Marketing
- MKTG805 - Applied Marketing Research
- MKTG806 - Applied Marketing Strategy
- MKTG807 - Business-to-Business Marketing
- MKTG808 - Services Marketing
- MKTG809 - Marketing Logistics
- MKTG811 - Brand Management
- MKTG814 - Managing Customer Relationships
- MKTG815 - Consumer Behaviour
- MKTG833 - Social Media Management
- MSP - Surgical Practice
- MSP801 - MSurg Surgical Elective 1
- MSP802 - MSurg Surgical Elective 2
- MSP803 - MSurg Surgical Elective 3
- MSP804 - MSurg Surgical Elective 4
- MSP805 - MSurg Surgical Elective 5
- MSP806 - MSurg Surgical Elective 6
- MSP807 - MSurg Surgical Elective 7
- MSP808 - MSurg Surgical Elective 8
- MSP809 - MSurg Surgical Elective 9
- MSP810 - MSurg Surgical Elective 10
- MSP811 - MSurg Surgical Elective 11
- MSP812 - MSurg Surgical Elective 12
- PHL - Philosophy
- PHTY - Physiotherapy
- PHTY800 - Foundation Sciences for Physiotherapy A
- PHTY801 - Foundation Sciences for Physiotherapy B
- PHTY802 - Foundations of Physiotherapy Practice
- PHTY803 - Interprofessional Healthcare
- PHTY804 - Evidence-based Healthcare
- PHTY805 - Physiotherapy Practice A
- PHTY806 - Physiotherapy Practice B
- PHTY807 - Physiotherapy Practice C
- PHTY808 - Clinical Physiotherapy Placement I
- PHTY809 - Clinical Physiotherapy Placement II
- PHTY810 - Clinical Physiotherapy Placement III
- PHTY811 - Reflective Practice and Professional Development
- PHTY812 - Health and Wellbeing Across Lifespan A
- PHTY813 - Physiotherapy in Workplace and Recreation
- PHTY814 - Health and Wellbeing Across Lifespan B
- PHTY815 - Physiotherapy, Healthcare and Society
- PHTY816 - Business Management and Law for Health Professionals
- PHTY817 - Advanced Physiotherapy Practice
- PHTY818 - Leadership, Policy and Advocacy
- PHTY819 - Advanced Research Training
- PHTY900 - Advanced Clinical Physiotherapy Placement
- PHTY901 - Dissertation and Seminar
- PICT - Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism
- PICT802 - Terrorism
- PICT806 - Police Leadership and Governance
- PICT808 - Cyber Terrorism and Information Warfare
- PICT812 - Research Methods
- PICT813 - Foundations of Modern Intelligence
- PICT814 - Architecture of Modern Intelligence
- PICT816 - Internship
- PICT818 - Counter Terrorism
- PICT837 - Terrorism Dynamics
- PICT838 - Civil Wars and Insurgencies
- PICT840 - Cyber Crime
- PICT841 - Organised Crime
- PICT842 - Strategic Law Enforcement
- PICT843 - International Policing Systems
- PICT844 - The Modern Intelligence Practitioner
- PICT845 - Practice of Modern Intelligence
- PICT846 - Intelligence Analysis Platforms
- PICT847 - Supervised Project in Security Studies
- PICT848 - Cyber Security
- PICT849 - Cyber Policing and Intelligence
- PICT850 - Strategic Concepts
- PICT851 - Strategic Thinkers
- PICT888 - Advanced Criminology Theory
- PICT889 - Applied Criminology Practice and Policy
- PICT901 - International Security
- PICT905 - Nuclear Weapons
- PICT907 - Border Security and Migration
- PICT908 - Globalisation and Security
- PICT913 - Asia-Pacific Security
- PICT915 - Humanitarian Intervention and Peacekeeping
- PICT921 - Australia's Strategic and Defence Policy in a Changing Asia
- PICT922 - Transnational Security in Asia
- PICT923 - Special Topic in Security Studies
- POIR - Politics and International Relations
- POIR900 - Policy Design and Practice
- POIR901 - Research Methods in Politics and International Relations
- POIR902 - Policy Research Project
- POIR903 - International Relations Research Project
- POIR905 - Foundations in Politics, International Relations and Public Policy
- POIR980 - International Relations Practice
- POL - Politics
- POL801 - Public Policy Dissertation
- POL802 - Comparative Public Policy
- POL820 - Politics and Policy: Theory and Applications
- POL821 - Case Studies in Politics and Policy
- POL822 - Evidence and Expertise in Policy
- POL825 - Health Policy
- POL826 - Gender and Policy
- POL827 - Public Policy and International Law
- POL831 - Political Parties and Policy
- POL833 - Intergovernmental Relations
- POL835 - Internship Project
- POL836 - Accountability
- POL856 - Politics of Communications Policy
- PSY - Psychology
- PSY863 - Research Design and Evaluation
- PSY890 - Trauma Theories and Interventions
- PSY904 - Counselling and Cultural Perspectives
- PSY917 - Therapy with Children and Families
- PSY919 - Developmental Psychopathology
- PSY926 - Psychology of Health
- PSY933 - Research Proposal
- PSY934 - Dissertation
- PSY935 - Groups
- PSY950 - Supervised Practical Placement I
- PSY956 - Supervised Practical Placement I
- PSY957 - Supervised Practical Placement II
- PSY958 - Supervised Practical Placement III
- PSY959 - Supervised Practical Placement IV
- PSY961 - Advanced Psychopathology
- PSY963 - Coaching and Positive Psychology
- PSY968 - Advanced Professional Applications Seminar
- PSY969 - Doctoral Dissertation 1
- PSY970 - Doctoral Dissertation 2
- PSY977 - Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
- PSY978 - Psychological Assessment
- PSY979 - Advanced Assessment and Therapy
- PSY980 - Couple Therapy
- PSY981 - Supervised Practical Placement V
- PSYN - Clinical Neuropsychology
- PSYN808 - Developmental Neuropsychology
- PSYN811 - Cognitive Neuropsychology
- PSYN823 - Neuropsychopathology
- PSYN825 - Research Proposal
- PSYN832 - Dissertation
- PSYN840 - Neuropsychological Disorders
- PSYN841 - Neuropsychopharmacology
- PSYN842 - Psychological Assessment II
- PSYN843 - Behavioural Management and Psychopathology
- PSYN847 - Neuropsychological Rehabilitation and Intervention
- PSYN849 - Supervised Practical Placement I
- PSYN850 - Supervised Practical Placement II
- PSYN851 - Supervised Practical Placement III
- PSYN852 - Supervised Practical Placement IV
- PSYN853 - Psychological Assessment I
- PSYN855 - Neuroanatomy for Neuropsychologists
- PSYN856 - Supervised Practical Placement V
- PSYN857 - Professional Practice 1
- PSYN858 - Professional Practice 2
- PSYN859 - Professional Practice 3
- PSYN860 - Professional Practice 4
- PSYO - Organisational Psychology
- PSYO904 - Counselling and Mental Health in Organisations
- PSYO914 - Industrial and Organisational Psychology
- PSYO915 - Organisational Change and Development
- PSYO919 - Training in Organisations
- PSYO921 - Applied Psychology in Human Resource Management
- PSYO922 - Human Factors and New Technology
- PSYO939 - Team Factors in the Workplace
- PSYO940 - Psychological Assessment and Evaluation
- PSYO941 - Professional Practice
- PSYO944 - Research Proposal
- PSYO945 - Dissertation
- PSYO951 - Supervised Practical Placement I
- PSYO952 - Supervised Practical Placement II
- PSYO953 - Supervised Practical Placement III
- PSYO954 - Supervised Practical Placement IV
- PSYO960 - Professional Skills Development
- PSYO975 - Supervised Practical Placement V
- PSYP - Professional Psychology
- PSYP901 - Counselling and Professional Practice
- PSYP902 - Psychological Assessment and Reports
- PSYP903 - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Related Techniques
- PSYP904 - Working with Special Populations
- PSYP905 - Additional Therapeutic Modalities
- PSYP906 - Working with Children and Families
- PSYP908 - Working with Groups
- PSYP909 - Supervised Practical Placement
- PSYP910 - Research Theory and Practice for Professional Psychologists
- PSYP982 - Special Studies in Advanced Professional Psychology
- SOC - Sociology
- SOC810 - Developing Social Policy
- SOC818 - Evaluation and the Policy Process
- SOC825 - Activism and Policy Design
- SOC830 - Doing Social Survey Research
- SOC831 - Qualitative Methods
- SOC849 - Professional Internships in Social Research
- SOC863 - Social Care and Human Services
- SOC865 - Political Economy for Social Policy and Research
- SOC866 - Work and Employment
- SOCI - Sociology
- SPED - Special Education
- SPED801 - Key Research Issues and Methods in Special Education
- SPED806 - Behaviour Problems and Classroom Management
- SPED810 - Current Issues in Special Education
- SPED821 - Applied Behaviour Analysis for Special Educators
- SPED822 - Effective Instruction
- SPED823 - Students with High Support Needs: Curriculum and Instruction
- SPED824 - Effective Instruction in Reading and Spelling
- SPED825 - Effective Instruction in Numeracy
- SPED826 - Positive Approaches to Behaviour Management
- SPED827 - Effective Instruction in Comprehension and Writing
- SPED828 - Professional Practice in Special Education
- SPED830 - Current Developments in Special Education
- SPED831 - Assessment and Intervention in Communication
- SPED832 - Research Methods in Special Education
- SPED833 - Research into Practice in Special Education
- SPED901 - Special Education Project Stage I
- SPED910 - Critical Reflection and Professional Experience in Sensory Disability
- SPED911 - Inclusion and Professional Collaboration in Sensory Disability
- SPED912 - Independent Project in Disability Studies (Deaf/Hard of Hearing or Vision Impairment)
- SPED921 - Orientation and Mobility Fundamentals
- SPED922 - Educational Adjustments for Learners with Vision Impairment
- SPED923 - Literacy for Learners with Vision Impairment
- SPED925 - Technology for Learners with Vision Impairment
- SPED926 - Introduction to Vision Impairment
- SPED927 - Complex Vision Impairment
- SPED928 - Foundations of Orientation and Mobility for Instructors in Training
- SPED929 - Advanced Orientation and Mobility for Instructors in Training
- SPED930 - Orientation and Mobility Practicum
- SPED931 - Introduction to Educational Audiology
- SPED932 - Perception and Production of Speech in Deaf/Hard of Hearing Children
- SPED933 - Language and Literacy Learning in Deaf/Hard of Hearing Children
- SPED934 - Language and Literacy Interventions for Deaf/Hard of Hearing Learners
- SPED935 - Social Perspectives on Deafness and Deaf Education
- SPED936 - Sensory Disability: Child Development and Family Perceptions
- SPED937 - Signed Communication in Early Childhood Education
- SPED938 - Theory and Practice in Sign Bilingual Education
- SPED939 - Advanced Educational Audiology
- SPH - Speech and Hearing
- SPH800 - Developmental and Acquired Speech and Swallowing Disorders
- SPH801 - Developmental and Acquired Language Disorders I
- SPH802 - Developmental and Acquired Language Disorders II
- SPH804 - Disorders of Voice and Fluency
- SPH810 - Research Design in Speech Pathology
- SPH812 - Audiology for Speech-Language Pathologists
- SPH817 - Medical/Surgical Speech Pathology
- SPH821 - Speech Pathology Project
- SPH822 - Clinical Practicum I
- SPH823 - Clinical Practicum II
- SPH824 - Lifelong Disability and AAC
- SPH825 - Neuroanatomy and Physiology for Speech Pathologists
- SPH826 - Aural Rehabilitation
- SPH827 - Clinical Linguistic Analysis
- SPHL - Speech and Hearing
- SPHL828 - Speech Pathology Intervention 1
- SPHL829 - Speech Pathology Intervention 2
- SPHL830 - Body Functions and Structures for Speech Pathology
- SPHL831 - Speech Pathology Clinical Practice 1
- SPHL832 - Speech Pathology Clinical Practice 2
- SPHL835 - Voice and Fluency Disorders
- SPHL836 - Speech and Language Disorders in Children
- SPHL837 - Speech and Language Disorders in Adults
- STAT - Statistics
- STAT806 - Statistical Inference
- STAT810 - Statistical Theory
- STAT811 - Generalized Linear Models
- STAT814 - Statistical Design
- STAT818 - Epidemiological Methods
- STAT821 - Multivariate Analysis
- STAT822 - Time Series
- STAT823 - Statistical Graphics
- STAT825 - Statistics Project
- STAT826 - Market Research and Forecasting
- STAT827 - Survival Analysis
- STAT828 - Data Mining
- STAT830 - Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics
- STAT878 - Modern Computational Statistical Methods
- STAT888 - Applied Business Techniques
- STAT890 - Stochastic Finance
- TRAN - Translating and Interpreting
- TRAN820 - Translation Practice 2
- TRAN821 - Interpreting Practice 1
- TRAN822 - Interpreting Practice 2
- TRAN823 - Audiovisual Translation
- TRAN824 - Literary Translation
- TRAN826 - Dialogue Interpreting in Professional Settings
- TRAN831 - Advanced Translation Theory
- TRAN834 - Translation Practice 3
- TRAN851 - Discourse Analysis for Auslan Interpreters
- TRAN854 - Linguistics of Signed Languages
- TRAN863 - Auslan Interpreting Techniques
- TRAN865 - Introduction to Simultaneous Interpreting Theory and Practice
- TRAN869 - Auslan Interpreting Practice
- TRAN870 - Introduction to Translation and Interpreting
- TRAN871 - Technology for Translating and Interpreting
- TRAN872 - Advanced Translation Tools
- TRAN874 - Professional Practice in Translating and Interpreting
- TRAN875 - Advanced Professional Practice in Translation
- TRAN876 - Specialised Translation Project
- TRAN877 - Translation Practice 1
- TRAN878 - Introduction to Conference Interpreting
- TRAN879 - Mock Conference Interpreting and Research Project
- TRAN880 - Discourse and Text Analysis for Translators and Interpreters
- TRAN881 - Communication Skills for Translators and Interpreters
- TRAN882 - Interpreting Practice 3
- TRAN883 - Research Project in Translation and Interpreting Studies
- TRAN884 - Advanced Consecutive Interpreting
- TRAN885 - Advanced Auslan Interpreting
- TRAN886 - Auslan Interpreting in Legal Settings
- TRAN887 - Auslan Interpreting in Educational Settings
- TRAN888 - Auslan Interpreting in Medical Settings
- TRAN889 - Simultaneous Interpreting into English 1
- TRAN890 - Simultaneous Interpreting into English 2
- TRAN891 - Skills for Dialogue Interpreters 1
- TRAN892 - Language Consolidation for Community Interpreters
- TRAN896 - Language Consolidation for Community Interpreters
- TRAN897 - Simultaneous Interpreting into LOTE 1
- TRAN898 - Simultaneous Interpreting into LOTE 2
- TRAN902 - Approaches to Translation and Interpreting
- TRAN905 - Specialised Translation Practice
- TRAN906 - Specialised Interpreting Practice
- TRAN908 - Research Methods in Translation and Interpreting Studies