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Corporate Financial Strategy - AFCP861

A company's financial strategy requires simultaneous decisions about capital structure, dividend and capital management, cash levels, financial risk profile and target credit rating. All of these decisions must be made in the context of the company's operating performance and growth strategies. Taking the CFO perspective, this unit will give students the opportunity to analyse and develop a company's preferred financial strategy. This unit should appeal to those involved in developing financial strategy for corporations, and investment and corporate bankers who might advise CFO's on financial strategy. The unit will also address questions of managing external stakeholders, particularly investor relations, and issues of risk allocation between various stakeholders and the role of complex financial structures. Although the unit will take a strategic perspective, students will be able to develop financial modelling skills to support the necessary analysis.

Credit Points: 2
When Offered:

AFC Term 1 CBD - Applied Finance Centre, City Campus, January to March

Staff Contact(s): Dr Tony Carlton

(Admission to MAppFin or GradDipAppFin) and ECFS866 Prerequisite Information


Unit Designation(s):
Assessed As: Graded
Offered By:

Department of Applied Finance and Actuarial Studies

Faculty of Business and Economics

Course structures, including unit offerings, are subject to change.
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