Postgraduate Units offered by the Faculty of Human Sciences
- APPL - Applied Linguistics
- APPL900 - Communicative Grammar
- APPL901 - Genre, Discourse and Multimodality
- APPL902 - Research Methods in Language Study
- APPL910 - Exploring Discourse in Context and Action
- APPL911 - Pragmatics and Intercultural Communication
- APPL912 - Language, Learning and Community
- APPL920 - Linguistics and Language Teaching
- APPL922 - Practicum in TESOL
- APPL923 - Classroom, Curriculum and Context
- APPL924 - Language Testing and Evaluation
- APPL925 - Second Language Acquisition
- APPL926 - Language Teaching and Learning Beyond the Classroom
- APPL929 - Evaluating Language Classroom Practice
- APPL940 - Language for Specific Purposes
- APPL941 - Literacies
- APPL942 - Teaching English for Academic Purposes
- CAUD - Clinical Audiology Units
- CAUD802 - Adult Hearing Assessment
- CAUD803 - Theoretical Bases of Audiology
- CAUD804 - Clinical Practicum I
- CAUD805 - Hearing Devices
- CAUD806 - Objective Assessment Strategies
- CAUD807 - Paediatric Hearing Assessment
- CAUD808 - Clinical Practicum II
- CAUD809 - Principles of Management of Childhood Deafness
- CAUD810 - Audiology and Public Health
- CAUD811 - Audiology Project
- CAUD812 - Research Design Skills
- CAUD813 - Clinical Practicum III
- CAUD814 - Strategies of Aural Rehabilitation
- CAUD816 - Complex Case Management
- CAUD817 - Clinical Practicum IV
- CAUD818 - Advanced Hearing Devices
- CAUD819 - Speech Perception and Production
- ECED - Early Childhood Education
- ECED820 - Families in Context
- ECED822 - Issues in Early Childhood Policy and Pedagogy
- ECED823 - Language and Literacy in Early Childhood
- ECED824 - Early Childhood Development Research and Practice
- ECED825 - Early Childhood Professional Practice 2
- ECED826 - Leading and Managing Early Childhood Settings
- ECED827 - Learning Through Mathematics, Science and Technology in Early Childhood Settings
- ECED828 - Creativity and the Arts: Contemporary Perspectives
- ECED829 - Early Childhood Postgraduate Internship
- ECED830 - Early Intervention: Theory and Practice
- ECED831 - Pedagogical Approaches to Early Childhood Curriculum
- ECED832 - Contemporary Approaches to Infant and Toddler Theory and Practice
- ECED833 - Child Development in Context
- ECED834 - Organisation of Early Childhood Education
- ECED854 - Minor Independent Investigation I
- ECED886 - Multimodality and Early Childhood
- EDCN - Education
- EDCN800 - Introduction to Educational Research
- EDCN804 - Scholarship in Educational Studies
- EDCN806 - Individual Education Project
- EDCN811 - Educational Psychology and Practice
- EDCN812 - Curriculum Studies
- EDCN813 - Advanced Pedagogy
- EDCN814 - Assessment Issues
- EDCN815 - Evaluation of Educational Programs
- EDCN818 - Education and Culture
- EDCN831 - Leading the Learning of New Teachers
- EDCN841 - Educational Institutions as Organisations
- EDCN842 - Leadership for Learning
- EDCN843 - Quality, Performance and Regulation in Higher Education
- EDCN844 - Organisation of School Education
- EDCN847 - Human Resource Management in Education
- EDCN851 - Innovation and Change in Educational Organisations
- EDCN861 - Learning Technologies: Contexts and Future
- EDCN862 - Designing Technology-based Curriculum
- EDCN865 - Learning Technologies in Practice
- EDCN866 - Leading and Managing Online Learning Environments
- EDCN871 - Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
- EDCN873 - Reflective Practice in Education
- EDIT - Editing
- EDUC - Education
- LING - Linguistics
- PSY - Psychology
- PSY863 - Research Design and Evaluation
- PSY890 - Trauma Theories and Interventions
- PSY904 - Counselling and Cultural Perspectives
- PSY917 - Therapy with Children and Families
- PSY919 - Developmental Psychopathology
- PSY926 - Psychology of Health
- PSY933 - Research Proposal
- PSY934 - Dissertation
- PSY935 - Groups
- PSY950 - Supervised Practical Placement I
- PSY957 - Supervised Practical Placement II
- PSY958 - Supervised Practical Placement III
- PSY959 - Supervised Practical Placement IV
- PSY961 - Advanced Psychopathology
- PSY963 - Coaching and Positive Psychology
- PSY968 - Advanced Professional Applications Seminar
- PSY969 - Doctoral Dissertation 1
- PSY970 - Doctoral Dissertation 2
- PSY977 - Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
- PSY978 - Psychological Assessment
- PSY979 - Advanced Assessment and Therapy
- PSY980 - Couple Therapy
- PSY981 - Supervised Practical Placement V
- PSYC - Psychology
- PSYC981 - Clinical Psychology Practical Placement 1
- PSYC982 - Clinical Psychology Practical Placement 2
- PSYC983 - Clinical Psychology Practical Placement 3
- PSYC985 - Clinical Psychology Therapy 1
- PSYC986 - Clinical Psychological Assessment 1
- PSYC987 - Child and Adult Psychopathology 1
- PSYC988 - Psychological Assessment and Child and Adult Psychopathology 2
- PSYC989 - Clinical Psychology Therapy 2
- PSYC990 - Clinical Psychology Research Proposal
- PSYC991 - Clinical Psychology Research Dissertation Part 1
- PSYC992 - Clinical Psychology Research Dissertation Part 2
- PSYN - Clinical Neuropsychology
- PSYN808 - Developmental Neuropsychology
- PSYN811 - Cognitive Neuropsychology
- PSYN823 - Neuropsychopathology
- PSYN825 - Research Proposal
- PSYN832 - Dissertation
- PSYN840 - Neuropsychological Disorders
- PSYN841 - Neuropsychopharmacology
- PSYN842 - Psychological Assessment II
- PSYN843 - Behavioural Management and Psychopathology
- PSYN847 - Neuropsychological Rehabilitation and Intervention
- PSYN849 - Supervised Practical Placement I
- PSYN850 - Supervised Practical Placement II
- PSYN851 - Supervised Practical Placement III
- PSYN852 - Supervised Practical Placement IV
- PSYN853 - Advanced Evidence-Based Neuropsychological Assessment
- PSYN855 - Neuroanatomy for Neuropsychologists
- PSYN856 - Supervised Practical Placement V
- PSYN857 - Professional Practice 1
- PSYN858 - Professional Practice 2
- PSYN859 - Professional Practice 3
- PSYN860 - Professional Practice 4
- PSYN902 - Supervised Practical Placement 2
- PSYN903 - Supervised Practical Placement 3
- PSYN904 - Supervised Practical Placement 4
- PSYN916 - Advanced Neuropsychological Assessment
- PSYN917 - Neuropsychological Practice
- PSYN918 - Clinical Neuropsychology Research Proposal
- PSYN920 - Clinical Neuropsychology Dissertation I
- PSYN921 - Clinical Neuropsychology Dissertation II
- PSYO - Organisational Psychology
- PSYO904 - Counselling and Mental Health in Organisations
- PSYO914 - Industrial and Organisational Psychology
- PSYO915 - Organisational Change and Development
- PSYO919 - Training in Organisations
- PSYO921 - Applied Psychology in Human Resource Management
- PSYO922 - Human Factors and New Technology
- PSYO939 - Team Factors in the Workplace
- PSYO940 - Psychological Assessment and Evaluation
- PSYO941 - Professional Practice
- PSYO944 - Research Proposal
- PSYO945 - Dissertation
- PSYO951 - Supervised Practical Placement I
- PSYO952 - Supervised Practical Placement II
- PSYO953 - Supervised Practical Placement III
- PSYO954 - Supervised Practical Placement IV
- PSYO960 - Professional Skills Development
- PSYO961 - Applied Psychology in Human Resource Management
- PSYO962 - Human Factors and New Technology
- PSYO963 - Coaching and Positive Psychology
- PSYO964 - Industrial and Organisational Psychology
- PSYO965 - Organisational Change and Development
- PSYO966 - Team Factors in the Workplace
- PSYO967 - Training in Organisations
- PSYO975 - Supervised Practical Placement V
- PSYP - Professional Psychology
- PSYP901 - Counselling and Professional Practice
- PSYP902 - Psychological Assessment and Reports
- PSYP903 - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Related Techniques
- PSYP904 - Working with Special Populations
- PSYP905 - Additional Therapeutic Modalities
- PSYP906 - Working with Children and Families
- PSYP908 - Working with Groups
- PSYP909 - Supervised Practical Placement
- PSYP910 - Research Theory and Practice for Professional Psychologists
- PSYP982 - Special Studies in Advanced Professional Psychology
- SPED - Special Education
- SPED801 - Key Research Issues and Methods in Special Education
- SPED806 - Behaviour Problems and Classroom Management
- SPED810 - Current Issues in Special Education
- SPED821 - Applied Behaviour Analysis for Special Educators
- SPED822 - Effective Instruction
- SPED823 - Students with High Support Needs: Curriculum and Instruction
- SPED824 - Effective Instruction in Reading and Spelling
- SPED825 - Effective Instruction in Numeracy
- SPED826 - Positive Approaches to Behaviour Management
- SPED827 - Effective Instruction in Comprehension and Writing
- SPED828 - Professional Practice in Special Education
- SPED830 - Current Developments in Special Education
- SPED831 - Assessment and Intervention in Communication
- SPED832 - Research Methods in Special Education
- SPED833 - Research into Practice in Special Education
- SPED901 - Special Education Project Stage I
- SPED910 - Critical Reflection and Professional Experience in Sensory Disability
- SPED911 - Inclusion and Professional Collaboration in Sensory Disability
- SPED912 - Independent Project in Disability Studies (Deaf/Hard of Hearing or Vision Impairment)
- SPED921 - Orientation and Mobility Fundamentals
- SPED922 - Educational Adjustments for Learners with Vision Impairment
- SPED923 - Literacy for Learners with Vision Impairment
- SPED925 - Technology for Learners with Vision Impairment
- SPED926 - Introduction to Vision Impairment
- SPED927 - Complex Vision Impairment
- SPED928 - Foundations of Orientation and Mobility for Instructors in Training
- SPED929 - Advanced Orientation and Mobility for Instructors in Training
- SPED930 - Orientation and Mobility Practicum
- SPED931 - Introduction to Educational Audiology
- SPED932 - Perception and Production of Speech in Deaf/Hard of Hearing Children
- SPED933 - Language and Literacy Learning in Deaf/Hard of Hearing Children
- SPED934 - Language and Literacy Interventions for Deaf/Hard of Hearing Learners
- SPED935 - Social Perspectives on Deafness and Deaf Education
- SPED936 - Sensory Disability: Child Development and Family Perceptions
- SPED937 - Signed Communication in Early Childhood Education
- SPED938 - Theory and Practice in Sign Bilingual Education
- SPED939 - Advanced Educational Audiology
- SPH - Speech and Hearing
- SPH802 - Developmental and Acquired Language Disorders II
- SPH810 - Research Design in Speech Pathology
- SPH817 - Medical/Surgical Speech Pathology
- SPH821 - Speech Pathology Project
- SPH823 - Clinical Practicum II
- SPH824 - Lifelong Disability and AAC
- SPH826 - Aural Rehabilitation
- SPH827 - Clinical Linguistic Analysis
- SPHL - Speech and Hearing
- SPHL828 - Speech Pathology Intervention 1
- SPHL829 - Speech Pathology Intervention 2
- SPHL830 - Body Functions and Structures for Speech Pathology
- SPHL831 - Speech Pathology Clinical Practice 1
- SPHL832 - Speech Pathology Clinical Practice 2
- SPHL833 - Speech Pathology Clinical Practice 3
- SPHL834 - Speech Pathology Clinical Practice 4
- SPHL835 - Voice and Fluency Disorders
- SPHL836 - Speech and Language Disorders in Children
- SPHL837 - Speech and Language Disorders in Adults
- SPHL838 - Language and Communication Analysis
- SPHL839 - Integrated Case Management
- SPHL840 - Advanced Professional Practice
- SPHL841 - Advanced Topics in Speech Pathology
- TRAN - Translating and Interpreting
- TRAN820 - Translation Practice 2
- TRAN821 - Interpreting Practice 1
- TRAN822 - Interpreting Practice 2
- TRAN823 - Audiovisual Translation
- TRAN824 - Literary Translation
- TRAN826 - Dialogue Interpreting in Professional Settings
- TRAN831 - Advanced Translation Theory
- TRAN834 - Translation Practice 3
- TRAN851 - Discourse Analysis for Auslan Interpreters
- TRAN854 - Linguistics of Signed Languages
- TRAN863 - Auslan Interpreting Techniques
- TRAN865 - Introduction to Simultaneous Interpreting Theory and Practice
- TRAN869 - Auslan Interpreting Practice
- TRAN870 - Introduction to Translation and Interpreting
- TRAN871 - Technology for Translating and Interpreting
- TRAN872 - Advanced Translation Tools
- TRAN874 - Professional Practice in Translating and Interpreting
- TRAN875 - Advanced Professional Practice in Translation
- TRAN876 - Specialised Translation Project
- TRAN877 - Translation Practice 1
- TRAN878 - Introduction to Conference Interpreting
- TRAN879 - Mock Conference Interpreting and Research Project
- TRAN880 - Discourse and Text Analysis for Translators and Interpreters
- TRAN881 - Communication Skills for Translators and Interpreters
- TRAN882 - Interpreting Practice 3
- TRAN883 - Research Project in Translation and Interpreting Studies
- TRAN884 - Advanced Consecutive Interpreting
- TRAN885 - Advanced Auslan Interpreting
- TRAN886 - Auslan Interpreting in Legal Settings
- TRAN887 - Auslan Interpreting in Educational Settings
- TRAN888 - Auslan Interpreting in Medical Settings
- TRAN889 - Simultaneous Interpreting into English 1
- TRAN890 - Simultaneous Interpreting into English 2
- TRAN891 - Skills for Dialogue Interpreters 1
- TRAN892 - Language Consolidation for Community Interpreters
- TRAN896 - Language Consolidation for Community Interpreters
- TRAN897 - Simultaneous Interpreting into LOTE 1
- TRAN898 - Simultaneous Interpreting into LOTE 2
- TRAN902 - Approaches to Translation and Interpreting
- TRAN905 - Specialised Translation Practice
- TRAN906 - Specialised Interpreting Practice
- TRAN908 - Research Methods in Translation and Interpreting Studies