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Early Intervention: Theory and Practice - ECED830

This unit provides students with opportunities to extend their understanding of appropriate responses to the diverse needs of young children in early childhood practice including consideration of personal and social attitudes towards people who experience disability. Students will be able to integrate their knowledge of child developmental processes and early childhood curriculum into a framework focusing on the social and educational development of young children who experience disability or difference, including inclusive approaches to teaching. Both theory and research-based practice will be explored, as well as the needs of families and how these intersect through social policy, service provision, early intervention and inclusive education.

Credit Points: 4
When Offered:

S2 External - Session 2, External ((with on-campus sessions))

Staff Contact(s): Dr Kathy Cologon

[Admission to (MTeach(Birth to Five) or GradCertEChild) and (ECED600 or ECED817) and (ECED602 or ECED819)] or [admission to MEChild or MEd or MEdLead or PGDipEdS or GradCertIndigenousEd or MIndigenousEd or MSpecEd or MSocEntre or GradCertEdS] Prerequisite Information


NCCW(s): ECED884, ECHX830
Unit Designation(s):
Assessed As: Graded
Offered By:

Department of Educational Studies

Faculty of Human Sciences

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