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Early Childhood Postgraduate Internship - ECED829

This unit enables students to refine their roles as early childhood teachers. During the internship students will have opportunities to strengthen their autonomy and independence as a teacher of young children as they explore their role within the centre and its local community. With increasing confidence, students will be able to justify their decision making as a teacher responding to the challenges of daily work in an early childhood centre. The internship contains a 30 day placement to be completed as three days a week over ten weeks. Students may complete the internship requirements in their own workplace where appropriate.

Credit Points: 8
When Offered:

S2 Day - Session 2, North Ryde, Day

Staff Contact(s): Dr Maria Hatzigianni

ECED825 Prerequisite Information


NCCW(s): ECHX829
Unit Designation(s):
Assessed As: Graded
Offered By:

Department of Educational Studies

Faculty of Human Sciences

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