Postgraduate units offered as S1 External - Session 1, External
- ACCG - Accounting and Corporate Governance
- ACST - Actuarial Studies
- AFIN - Applied Finance and Actuarial Studies
- AHPG - Ancient History Postgraduate
- AHPG817 - Topics in Early Chinese History
- AHPG838 - Writing Imperial Lives: Tacitus and Suetonius
- AHPG875 - New Kingdom Egypt
- AHPG883 - Ancient History Minor Research Project Part A
- AHPG884 - Ancient History Minor Research Project Part B
- AHPG889 - After the Roman Empire: Early Medieval Europe in the Time of Gregory of Tours
- APPL - Applied Linguistics
- APPL902 - Research Methods in Language Study
- APPL911 - Pragmatics and Intercultural Communication
- APPL912 - Language, Learning and Community
- APPL920 - Linguistics and Language Teaching
- APPL924 - Language Testing and Evaluation
- APPL925 - Second Language Acquisition
- APPL929 - Evaluating Language Classroom Practice
- APPL940 - Language for Specific Purposes
- BCA - Biostatistics Collaboration of Australia
- BCA801 - Epidemiology
- BCA802 - Mathematical Background for Biostatistics
- BCA803 - Health Indicators and Health Surveys
- BCA804 - Data Management and Statistical Computing
- BCA805 - Principles of Statistical Inference
- BCA806 - Clinical Biostatistics
- BCA808 - Linear Models
- BCA811 - Longitudinal and Correlated Data
- BCA815 - Biostatistics Research Project Part A
- BCA816 - Biostatistics Research Project Part B
- BCA817 - Probability and Distribution Theory
- BIOL - Biology
- BUS - Business
- CWPG - Creative Writing Postgraduate
- ECED - Early Childhood Education
- ECJS - Early Christian and Jewish Studies
- EDIT - Editing
- ENGL - English Literature
- ENVS - Environmental Sciences
- GEOP - Geography and Planning
- GEOS - Earth Sciences
- INED - Indigenous Education
- IRPG - International Relations Postgraduate
- ITEC - Information Technology
- LAW - Law
- LAWS - Law
- LAWS803 - The Law of Obligations I - Contracts
- LAWS806 - Applied Legal Ethics
- LAWS807 - Constitutional Law
- LAWS809 - Property Law
- LAWS812 - Independent Research Project in Law, Governance and Policy
- LAWS813 - Civil and Criminal Procedure
- LAWS818 - Research Methodologies in Law
- LAWS820 - Competition Law
- LAWS822 - Family Law
- LAWS825 - Taxation Law
- LAWS826 - Anti-Discrimination Law
- LAWS827 - Law of Obligations III - Remedies
- LAWS829 - Succession
- LAWS837 - Advanced Topics in Public Law
- LAWS899 - Professional and Community Engagement
- LING - Linguistics
- LIT - Literature
- PICT - Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism
- PICT802 - Terrorism
- PICT808 - Cyber Terrorism and Information Warfare
- PICT812 - Critical Thought and Research Design
- PICT814 - The Intelligence Community in Australia
- PICT816 - Internship
- PICT843 - International Policing and Counter Terrorism
- PICT845 - Intelligence: Theory and Practice
- PICT847 - Supervised Project in Security Studies
- PICT848 - Applied Cyber Security
- PICT850 - Strategic Thinking
- PICT860 - Geopolitics and Geostrategy
- PICT888 - Advanced Criminology Theory
- PICT921 - Australia's Strategic and Defence Policy
- POIR - Politics and International Relations
- POL - Politics
- SPED - Special Education
- SPED821 - Applied Behaviour Analysis for Special Educators
- SPED824 - Effective Instruction in Reading and Spelling
- SPED825 - Effective Instruction in Numeracy
- SPED826 - Positive Approaches to Behaviour Management
- SPED828 - Professional Practice in Special Education
- SPED830 - Current Developments in Special Education
- SPED831 - Assessment and Intervention in Communication
- SPED833 - Research into Practice in Special Education
- SPED901 - Special Education Project Stage I
- SPED921 - Orientation and Mobility Fundamentals
- SPED928 - Foundations of Orientation and Mobility for Instructors in Training
- SPED929 - Advanced Orientation and Mobility for Instructors in Training
- SPED931 - Introduction to Educational Audiology
- SPED935 - Social Perspectives on Deafness and Deaf Education
- SPED938 - Theory and Practice in Sign Bilingual Education
- STAT - Statistics
- TRAN - Translating and Interpreting
- TRAN821 - Interpreting Practice 1
- TRAN863 - Auslan Interpreting Techniques
- TRAN883 - Research Project in Translation and Interpreting Studies
- TRAN887 - Auslan Interpreting in Educational Settings
- TRAN896 - Language Consolidation for Community Interpreters
- TRAN902 - Approaches to Translation and Interpreting