Postgraduate Units offered by the Department of Educational Studies
- ECED - Early Childhood Education
- ECED820 - Families in Context
- ECED822 - Issues in Early Childhood Policy and Pedagogy
- ECED823 - Language and Literacy in Early Childhood
- ECED824 - Early Childhood Development Research and Practice
- ECED825 - Early Childhood Professional Practice 2
- ECED826 - Leading and Managing Early Childhood Settings
- ECED827 - Learning Through Mathematics, Science and Technology in Early Childhood Settings
- ECED828 - Creativity and the Arts: Contemporary Perspectives
- ECED829 - Early Childhood Postgraduate Internship
- ECED830 - Early Intervention: Theory and Practice
- ECED831 - Pedagogical Approaches to Early Childhood Curriculum
- ECED832 - Contemporary Approaches to Infant and Toddler Theory and Practice
- ECED833 - Child Development in Context
- ECED834 - Organisation of Early Childhood Education
- ECED854 - Minor Independent Investigation I
- ECED886 - Multimodality and Early Childhood
- EDCN - Education
- EDCN800 - Introduction to Educational Research
- EDCN804 - Current Topics in Education
- EDCN806 - Individual Education Project
- EDCN811 - Educational Psychology and Practice
- EDCN812 - Curriculum Studies
- EDCN813 - Advanced Pedagogy
- EDCN814 - Assessment Issues
- EDCN815 - Evaluation of Educational Programs
- EDCN818 - Education and Culture
- EDCN831 - Leading the Learning of New Teachers
- EDCN841 - Educational Institutions as Organisations
- EDCN842 - Leadership for Learning
- EDCN843 - Quality, Performance and Regulation in Higher Education
- EDCN844 - Organisation of School Education
- EDCN847 - Human Resource Management in Education
- EDCN851 - Innovation and Change in Educational Organisations
- EDCN861 - Learning Technologies: Contexts and Future
- EDCN862 - Designing Technology-based Curriculum
- EDCN865 - Learning Technologies in Practice
- EDCN866 - Leading and Managing Online Learning Environments
- EDCN871 - Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
- EDCN873 - Reflective Practice in Education
- EDUC - Education
- SPED - Special Education
- SPED801 - Key Research Issues and Methods in Special Education
- SPED806 - Behaviour Problems and Classroom Management
- SPED810 - Current Issues in Special Education
- SPED821 - Applied Behaviour Analysis for Special Educators
- SPED822 - Effective Instruction
- SPED823 - Students with High Support Needs: Curriculum and Instruction
- SPED824 - Effective Instruction in Reading and Spelling
- SPED825 - Effective Instruction in Numeracy
- SPED826 - Positive Approaches to Behaviour Management
- SPED827 - Effective Instruction in Comprehension and Writing
- SPED828 - Professional Practice in Special Education
- SPED830 - Current Developments in Special Education
- SPED831 - Assessment and Intervention in Communication
- SPED832 - Research Methods in Special Education
- SPED833 - Research into Practice in Special Education
- SPED901 - Special Education Project Stage I
- SPED910 - Critical Reflection and Professional Experience in Sensory Disability
- SPED911 - Inclusion and Professional Collaboration in Sensory Disability
- SPED912 - Independent Project in Disability Studies (Deaf/Hard of Hearing or Vision Impairment)
- SPED921 - Orientation and Mobility Fundamentals
- SPED922 - Educational Adjustments for Learners with Vision Impairment
- SPED923 - Literacy for Learners with Vision Impairment
- SPED925 - Technology for Learners with Vision Impairment
- SPED926 - Introduction to Vision Impairment
- SPED927 - Complex Vision Impairment
- SPED928 - Foundations of Orientation and Mobility for Instructors in Training
- SPED929 - Advanced Orientation and Mobility for Instructors in Training
- SPED930 - Orientation and Mobility Practicum
- SPED931 - Introduction to Educational Audiology
- SPED932 - Perception and Production of Speech in Deaf/Hard of Hearing Children
- SPED933 - Language and Literacy Learning in Deaf/Hard of Hearing Children
- SPED934 - Language and Literacy Interventions for Deaf/Hard of Hearing Learners
- SPED935 - Social Perspectives on Deafness and Deaf Education
- SPED936 - Sensory Disability: Child Development and Family Perceptions
- SPED937 - Signed Communication in Early Childhood Education
- SPED938 - Theory and Practice in Sign Bilingual Education
- SPED939 - Advanced Educational Audiology