Undergraduate units offered as S2 External - Session 2, External
- ABEP - Aboriginal Educational Practice
- ABFS - Aboriginal Foundation Studies
- ABST - Aboriginal Studies
- ACCG - Accounting and Corporate Governance
- ACST - Actuarial Studies
- AFIN - Applied Finance and Actuarial Studies
- AHIS - Ancient History
- AHIS120 - Antiquity's Heirs: Barbarian Europe, Byzantium, and Islam
- AHIS168 - Coptic Egyptian A
- AHIS219 - Latin B
- AHIS230 - Archaeology and Society: Archaeological Evidence
- AHIS253 - Pagans, Jews and Christians: Athens and Jerusalem
- AHIS272 - Ancient Egyptian Literature
- AHIS309 - Ancient Greek D
- AHIS319 - Latin D
- AHIS339 - Capstone Unit: Greece, Rome, Late Antiquity
- AHIS341 - The Hellenistic Age
- AHIS343 - Early China: History and Archaeology
- AHIS344 - Religions along the Silk Road
- AHIS345 - Ancient Languages Special Topic A
- AHIS349 - Ancient Languages Special Topic B
- AHIS357 - Material Culture and Museum Studies
- AHIS368 - Coptic Egyptian C
- AHIS380 - Ancient Egyptian Religion
- AHIS389 - Capstone Unit: Ancient Languages
- AHIS399 - Capstone Unit: Egypt and the Near East
- ASTR - Astronomy
- BIOL - Biology
- BIOL115 - Genes to Organisms
- BIOL122 - Biological Basis of Behaviour
- BIOL227 - Ecology
- BIOL229 - Life Processes
- BIOL247 - Systems Physiology
- BIOL260 - Science of Sex
- BIOL263 - History of Life
- BIOL316 - Invertebrate Biology
- BIOL334 - Evolutionary and Conservation Genetics
- BIOL349 - Biodiversity and Conservation
- BIOL364 - Symbiosis in Health and Disease
- BIOL381 - Palaeobiology
- BIOL391 - Biological Sciences Capstone
- BIOL399 - Special Interest Topics in Biology
- CBMS - Chemistry Biomolecular Sciences
- CRO - Croatian
- CROA - Croatian
- ECH - Early Childhood Education
- ECH113 - Play and Inquiry in Early Childhood
- ECH131 - The Arts in Children's Lives
- ECH231 - Young Children's Language, Literature and Literacy
- ECH232 - Teaching and Learning Mathematics, Science and Technology 1
- ECH315 - Management and Leadership 1 - The Socio-Political Context of Teaching
- ECH326 - Children, Families and Communities in a Diverse Society
- ECH400 - Individual Educational Project
- ECH430 - Teaching and Learning Science and Technology
- ECH433 - Issues in Developmental Literacy
- ECH451 - Early Education for Young Children with Disabilities
- ECH454 - Creativity and the Arts
- ECHE - Early Childhood Education
- ECHP - Early Childhood Education
- ECON - Economics
- EDST - Education
- EDUC - Education
- EDUC105 - Education: The Psychological Context
- EDUC106 - Education: The Social and Historical Context
- EDUC262 - Education: The Learner
- EDUC267 - Classroom Management and Assessment
- EDUC289 - Human Society and its Environment
- EDUC373 - Literacy in a Multicultural Society
- EDUC399 - Professional Capability: Policy, Theory, Pedagogy
- EFLA - English
- ENGG - Engineering General
- ENV - Environment and Geography
- ENVS - Environmental Sciences
- EXLW - Exchange Law Study Abroad
- FOSC - Faculty of Science
- FRN - French
- GEOP - Geography and Planning
- GEOS - Earth Sciences
- GMN - German
- HRM - Human Resource Management
- INTS - International Studies
- ITL - Italian
- JPS - Japanese Studies
- LAW - Law
- LAWS - Law
- LAWS104 - Contracts
- LAWS108 - Law, Lawyers and Society
- LAWS217 - Equity and Trusts
- LAWS250 - Crime, Policy and Governance
- LAWS259 - International Law
- LAWS300 - Social Innovation, Governance and Professional Leadership
- LAWS399 - Evidence
- LAWS452 - International Participation and Community Engagement
- LAWS499 - Professional and Community Engagement (PACE) On-Campus Consultancy
- LAWS505 - Child/Elder Law
- LAWS507 - Labour Law
- LAWS510 - International Trade and Finance
- LAWS518 - Indigenous Peoples and the Law
- LAWS521 - Foundations of Commercial Law
- LAWS523 - Intellectual Property Law
- LAWS538 - Access to Justice Placement Program
- LAWS551 - Professional and Community Engagement
- LAWS561 - Advanced Legal Research Project
- LAWS562 - Law of International Organisations
- LAWS569 - International Environmental Law
- LAWS571 - Health Law and Ethics
- LAWS579 - Refugees and Forced Migration
- LAWS588 - International Dispute Settlement
- LING - Linguistics
- MATH - Mathematics
- MGK - Modern Greek
- MGMT - Management
- MHIS - Modern History
- MHIS109 - History Now!
- MHIS114 - The World Since 1945: An Australian Perspective
- MHIS209 - Australian History since 1901
- MHIS211 - War and Peace in World History
- MHIS215 - Problems in Big History
- MHIS217 - Britain, Empire and the Making of a Globalized World, 1688-1914
- MHIS220 - Twentieth-Century Europe
- MHIS300 - Making History Work
- MHIS301 - Indigenous-Settler Histories: Comparative Contexts
- MHIS303 - Screening the Past: History on Film and Television
- MHIS325 - History of Russia, the Soviet Union and the post-Soviet World
- PHL - Philosophy
- PLH - Polish
- POIR - Politics and International Relations
- POL - Politics
- POL108 - Introduction to Global Politics
- POL201 - Contemporary Issues in Australian Politics: Race, Nation, Class and Gender
- POL303 - Global Political Economy
- POL306 - Policy Making in a Global Era
- POL322 - International Relations of the Middle East
- POL392 - United States Politics: Money, Culture, Power
- RSN - Russian
- SOC - Sociology
- SPN - Spanish
- SSCI - Social Science