Postgraduate units offered as S1 Evening - Session 1, North Ryde, Evening
- ACCG - Accounting and Corporate Governance
- ACCG822 - Information Systems in Business
- ACCG828 - Management Control Systems
- ACCG835 - International Accounting
- ACCG847 - Forensic Accounting
- ACCG848 - Business and Professional Ethics
- ACCG872 - Advanced Financial Reporting
- ACCG889 - Loss and Damage and other Dispute Engagements
- ACCG891 - Forensic Accountants and the Courts
- ACCG904 - CPA - Assurance Services and Auditing
- ACCG905 - CPA - Financial Risk Management
- ACCG908 - CPA - Strategic Management Accounting
- ACCG909 - CPA - Taxation
- ACCG921 - Managerial Accounting
- ACCG922 - Information Systems for Competitive Advantage
- ACCG923 - Accounting Standards and Practice
- ACCG924 - Taxation Law
- ACCG925 - Auditing and Assurance Services
- ACCG926 - Corporate Accounting
- ACCG927 - Current Issues in Accounting and Corporate Governance
- ACCG930 - Enterprise Risk Management - Corporate Governance Perspectives
- ACCG941 - Governance, Risk and Ethics
- ACCG943 - Business Analysis
- ACCG944 - Advanced Financial Management
- ACCG950 - Contemporary Accounting Practice
- ACCG951 - Legal Governance for Business Enterprises
- ACST - Actuarial Studies
- AFIN - Applied Finance and Actuarial Studies
- AHPG - Ancient History Postgraduate
- ANTH - Anthropology
- ANTH800 - Applied Anthropology: Why Does Culture Matter?
- ANTH801 - Research Methods in Anthropology
- ANTH815 - Development Theory and Practice
- ANTH816 - Culture, Health and Disease
- ANTH825 - Research Project: Thesis
- ANTH827 - Research Project: Seminar
- ANTH828 - Short Research Project
- ANTH830 - Research Project: Preparation
- APPL - Applied Linguistics
- BIOL - Biology
- BUS - Business
- CBMS - Chemistry Biomolecular Sciences
- CWPG - Creative Writing Postgraduate
- ECON - Economics
- EDCN - Education
- ENGL - English Literature
- ENVS - Environmental Sciences
- FOBE - Faculty of Business and Economics
- GEOP - Geography and Planning
- HSYP - Health Systems and Populations
- IRPG - International Relations Postgraduate
- ITEC - Information Technology
- ITEC800 - Systems Engineering Process
- ITEC803 - Advanced Topics in Computer Networks
- ITEC810 - Information Technology Project
- ITEC812 - Special Topic in Information Technology
- ITEC832 - Enterprise Application Integration
- ITEC841 - Information Systems Project and Risk Management
- ITEC844 - Strategic Project Management
- ITEC850 - Network System Design
- ITEC855 - Security Technologies and Forensic Analysis
- ITEC877 - Data Science Capstone Project Unit
- LIT - Literature
- MKTG - Marketing
- PICT - Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism
- PICT802 - Terrorism
- PICT808 - Cyber Terrorism and Information Warfare
- PICT812 - Critical Thought and Research Design
- PICT814 - The Intelligence Community in Australia
- PICT843 - International Policing and Counter Terrorism
- PICT845 - Intelligence: Theory and Practice
- PICT847 - Supervised Project in Security Studies
- PICT848 - Applied Cyber Security
- PICT850 - Strategic Thinking
- PICT860 - Geopolitics and Geostrategy
- PICT888 - Advanced Criminology Theory
- PICT921 - Australia's Strategic and Defence Policy
- POL - Politics
- PSYO - Organisational Psychology
- SOC - Sociology
- SOCI - Sociology
- STAT - Statistics