OUA units offered as S2 OUA - Session 2, offered through Open Universities Australia
- AHIX - Ancient History OUA
- AHIX140 - Myth in the Ancient World
- AHIX158 - Ancient Hebrew A
- AHIX202 - The Olympic Games, Ancient and Modern
- AHIX253 - Pagans, Jews and Christians: Athens and Jerusalem
- AHIX254 - The Dead Sea Scrolls: Context and Content
- AHIX265 - Art and Architecture Through Roman Eyes
- AHIX331 - Prehistory to Pompeii: Archaeology in Ancient Italy
- AHIX341 - The Hellenistic Age
- AHIX350 - Animals in the Ancient World
- AHIX399 - Ancient History Capstone
- AHIX801 - Ancient Egyptian Religion
- AHIX820 - The Athenian Empire 510-404 BC
- ANTX - Anthropology OUA
- COGX - Cognitive Sciences OUA
- ECHX - Early Childhood Education OUA
- ECHX603 - Early Childhood Professional Practice 1
- ECHX822 - Issues in Early Childhood Policy and Pedagogy
- ECHX823 - Language and Literacy in Early Childhood
- ECHX824 - Early Childhood Development Research and Practice
- ECHX827 - Learning Through Mathematics, Science and Technology in Early Childhood Settings
- ECHX829 - Early Childhood Postgraduate Internship
- ECHX830 - Early Intervention: Theory and Practice
- ECHX831 - Pedagogical Approaches to Early Childhood Curriculum
- ENGX - English - OUA
- ENGX120 - Approaches to English Literature
- ENGX121 - Creative Writing 1: An Introduction
- ENGX205 - Australian Literature
- ENGX209 - Children's Literature
- ENGX231 - Writing: From Manuscript to the Digital Age
- ENGX303 - Narrative and the Novel
- ENGX305 - Modernism
- ENGX314 - Victorian Literary Culture
- ENGX389 - Practices in English
- GENX - Gender Studies OUA
- GEOX - Earth Sciences OUA
- MECX - Critical and Cultural Studies OUA
- MHIX - Modern History OUA
- MHIX109 - History Now!
- MHIX114 - The World Since 1945: An Australian Perspective
- MHIX121 - After the Black Death: Europe 1348-1789
- MHIX209 - Australian History since 1901
- MHIX211 - War and Peace in World History
- MHIX220 - Twentieth Century Europe
- MHIX300 - Making History Work
- MHIX301 - Indigenous-Settler Histories: Comparative Contexts
- PHIX - Philosophy OUA
- PICX - Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism OUA
- PICX110 - Introduction to Security Studies
- PICX111 - Security in an Age of Risk
- PICX112 - Strategy and Security in the Indo-Pacific
- PICX113 - Terrorism in the 21st Century
- PICX210 - Intelligence and Counter Intelligence
- PICX211 - National Security: Policy and Strategy
- PICX212 - Modern Warfare
- PICX213 - National Resilience: Crisis Response and Emergency Management
- PICX310 - Insecurity and Development
- PICX311 - Cyber Security in Practice
- PICX313 - Strategies of Political Violence
- PICX320 - Ethical Practice in Security Studies and Criminology
- PICX812 - Critical Thought and Research Design
- PICX813 - History of Intelligence
- PICX818 - Global Counter Terrorism in the Australian Context
- PICX837 - Terrorism Dynamics
- PICX840 - Cyber Crime
- PICX842 - Australia's Approach to Law Enforcement
- PICX844 - Intelligence Analysis
- PICX849 - Cyber Policing and Intelligence in Australia
- PICX861 - Transnational Security
- PICX862 - The Crimes of the Powerful
- PICX889 - Applied Criminology Practice and Policy
- PICX950 - Strategic Simulation
- PICX951 - Simulation in Security and Strategy
- PICX952 - Simulation in Criminology
- PICX953 - Simulation in Intelligence
- PICX954 - Simulation in Cyber Security
- PICX955 - Simulation in Counter Terrorism
- POIX - Politics and International Relations OUA
- POIX108 - Introduction to Global Politics
- POIX201 - Contemporary Issues in Australian Politics: Race, Nation, Class and Gender
- POIX278 - Middle-East Politics
- POIX322 - International Relations of the Middle East
- POIX333 - Local and Global Practice
- POIX392 - United States Politics: Money, Culture, Power
- PSYX - Psychology OUA
- SOCX - Sociology OUA