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Twentieth Century Europe - MHIX220 - 2019 Course Handbook - Macquarie University

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Twentieth Century Europe - MHIX220

Beginning with the First World War, this unit offers a political, social, cultural and economic overview of Europe's relations with the wider world. It traces the obsession with race and empire in Britain, France, Germany and Italy, and considers the postcolonial view that the twentieth century European civil wars were a result of European practices of colonialism turned inward. Was Europe indeed the 'dark continent' suggested by historian Mark Mazower? The crisis of European liberalism in the face of the Great Depression, Russian communism, the Spanish Civil War, fascism and Nazism, two world wars and the Holocaust support such a view, but the second half the century presents a more complicated picture. We look at the Cold War; the Americanisation of Europe and the fall of communism; the effects of decolonisation and postcolonial immigration on European societies; the breakdown of the postwar consensus and the rise of Islamist terrorism in the late twentieth century Europe.

When Offered:

S2 OUA - Session 2, offered through Open Universities Australia

Staff Contact(s): Mr Keith Rathbone

One AHIX unit at 100 level or above  Prerequisite Information


NCCW(s): MHIS321, HIST244, HIST270, HIST333, HIST370, MHIS220
Unit Designation(s):
Unit Type: OUA
Assessed As: Graded
Offered By:

Department of Modern History, Politics and International Relations

Faculty of Arts

Course structures, including unit offerings, are subject to change.
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