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Genre Writing - MECX340

Our experience of texts, whether it's the way we create them, read them, talk about them or shop for them, is mediated by the categories of genre. Genre distributes texts in hierarchies, labels our tastes and determines the identity of sub-cultural movements and peer groups. Both a map of classical learning and of the local book or video store, genre determines what we expect when we approach any text. Genre is thus simultaneously a taxonomy and a social contract, both classifying texts and defining the relationships that cluster round them.

In this unit, we study the theory of genre and some particular genres, from romance and detective fiction through to blogging and fan fiction, in order to link our relationship to genre as writers.

All enrolment queries should be directed to Open Universities Australia (OUA): see

When Offered:

S2 OUA - Session 2, offered through Open Universities Australia

Staff Contact(s): Dr Jillian Kramer



NCCW(s): CLT340, CUL340
Unit Designation(s):
Unit Type: OUA
Assessed As: Graded
Offered By:

Department of Media, Music, Communication and Cultural Studies

Faculty of Arts

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