Undergraduate units designated as "Medical Sciences"
- BIOL - Biology
- BIOL114 - Organisms to Ecosystems
- BIOL115 - Genes to Organisms
- BIOL116 - Biology in Practice
- BIOL206 - Genetics
- BIOL228 - Diversity of Life
- BIOL229 - Life Processes
- BIOL235 - Experimental Design and Data Analysis for Biology
- BIOL247 - Systems Physiology
- BIOL257 - Neurophysiology
- BIOL262 - Evolution
- BIOL316 - Invertebrate Biology
- BIOL334 - Evolutionary and Conservation Genetics
- BIOL345 - Human Genetics and Evolutionary Medicine
- BIOL364 - Symbiosis in Health and Disease
- BIOL369 - Vertebrate Evolution
- BIOL376 - Advanced Human Physiology
- BIOL391 - Biological Sciences Capstone
- CBMS - Chemistry Biomolecular Sciences
- CBMS107 - Foundations of Chemical and Biomolecular Sciences 1
- CBMS108 - Foundations of Chemical and Biomolecular Sciences 2
- CBMS123 - Alchemy, Drugs and the Quest for Immortality
- CBMS188 - Advanced Chemistry and Biomolecular Science I
- CBMS200 - Analysis and Measurement
- CBMS201 - Biochemistry and Cell Biology
- CBMS202 - Microbiology and Molecular Biology
- CBMS203 - Synthesis
- CBMS303 - Advanced Synthesis
- CBMS304 - Organic and Biological Chemistry B
- CBMS306 - Medicinal Chemistry
- CBMS307 - Physical Chemistry
- CBMS308 - Advanced Analysis
- CBMS330 - Chemical and Biomolecular Sciences Capstone
- CBMS334 - Macromolecules
- CBMS335 - Applied and Medical Microbiology
- CBMS336 - Molecular Biology and Genomics
- CBMS337 - Advanced Biochemistry and Cell Biology
- CBMS389 - Advanced Chemistry and Biomolecular Science III
- FOSC - Faculty of Science
- HLTH - Health
- MATH - Mathematics
- PHL - Philosophy
- PHYS - Physics
- PSY - Psychology
- PSY224 - Psychology, Health and Wellbeing
- PSY234 - Social and Personality Psychology
- PSY235 - Developmental Psychology
- PSY236 - Biopsychology and Learning
- PSY246 - Cognitive Processes I
- PSY247 - Perception
- PSY248 - Design and Statistics II
- PSY335 - Cognitive Processes II
- PSY337 - Psychopathology
- PSY339 - Applied Child and Adolescent Psychology
- PSY342 - Real-world Applications of Visual Perception
- PSY344 - Neuropsychology in Clinical Practice
- PSY348 - Principles of Behaviour Change
- PSY349 - Design and Statistics III
- PSY351 - Research Methods in Psychology
- PSY352 - Appetite: The Psychology of Eating and Drinking
- PSY354 - Clinical and Experimental Neuroscience
- PSY399 - Psychological Science: Putting Theory into Practice
- PSYC - Psychology