Postgraduate Units with the prefix: Geography and Planning
- GEOP - Geography and Planning
- GEOP800 - Attitudes to the Environment
- GEOP802 - Social Impact Assessment and Cross Cultural Negotiation
- GEOP805 - Climate Change: Policies, Management and Adaptation
- GEOP808 - Heritage and its Management
- GEOP809 - Globalisation and Sustainable Development
- GEOP810 - Special Topic in Geography and Planning A
- GEOP812 - Urban Social Impact Assessment
- GEOP813 - Special Topic in Geography and Planning B
- GEOP816 - Local Government Approval Process
- GEOP830 - Sustainable Urban Regions
- GEOP831 - Environment and Development
- GEOP832 - Gateway to the Planning Profession
- GEOP843 - Environmental Decision Making
- GEOP845 - Environmental Impact Assessment