Postgraduate Units offered by the Department of Statistics
- BCA - Biostatistics Collaboration of Australia
- BCA801 - Epidemiology
- BCA802 - Mathematical Background for Biostatistics
- BCA803 - Health Indicators and Health Surveys
- BCA804 - Data Management and Statistical Computing
- BCA805 - Principles of Statistical Inference
- BCA806 - Clinical Biostatistics
- BCA807 - Design of Randomised Controlled Trials
- BCA808 - Linear Models
- BCA809 - Categorical Data and Generalised Linear Models
- BCA810 - Bioinformatics
- BCA811 - Longitudinal and Correlated Data
- BCA814 - Bayesian Statistical Methods
- BCA815 - Biostatistics Research Project Part A
- BCA816 - Biostatistics Research Project Part B
- BCA817 - Probability and Distribution Theory
- STAT - Statistics
- STAT806 - Statistical Inference
- STAT810 - Statistical Theory
- STAT811 - Generalized Linear Models
- STAT814 - Statistical Design
- STAT818 - Epidemiological Methods
- STAT821 - Multivariate Analysis
- STAT822 - Time Series
- STAT823 - Statistical Graphics
- STAT825 - Statistics Project
- STAT826 - Market Research and Forecasting
- STAT827 - Survival Analysis
- STAT828 - Data Mining
- STAT830 - Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics
- STAT878 - Modern Computational Statistical Methods
- STAT888 - Applied Business Techniques
- STAT890 - Stochastic Finance