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PSYC41P - Clinical Neuropsychology (Postgraduate Study Pattern)

Major: Clinical Neuropsychology
Area of Study: Psychology
Degree: DClinNeuro - Doctor of Clinical Neuropsychology
Offered By: The Faculty of Human Sciences
Admission Requirements: Completion of the following specified prerequisite units in the Master of Clinical Neuropsychology program: PSY863 Research Design and Evaluation, PSYN803 Neuropsychological Disorders, PSYN804 Neuropsychopharmacology, PSYN805 Case Conference I, PSYN821 Psychological Assessment I, PSYN824 Neuroanatomy for Neuropsychologists and PSYN835 Research Proposal.

Master of Clinical Neuropsychology graduates and applicants with equivalent qualifications from other institutions may also be considered.
Admission will be competitive. In selecting candidates, particular consideration will be given to:
- performance in the Master of Clinical Neuropsychology units
- the quality of the candidate's research proposal
- the doctoral referee's report from the academic who agrees to supervise the candidate's doctoral research and
- information supplied on a supplementary personal information sheet

A personal interview will also form part of the selection process.
Attendance Modes:


Study Loads:

Full Time (3.0)

Part Time

Commencing Study Periods:



General Requirements

Minimum number of credit points 96
and completion of other specific requirements as set out below

Specific Requirements

800 level
Required PSY863 Research Design and Evaluation (4) 4
Required PSYN803 Neuropsychological Disorders (2) 2
Required PSYN804 Neuropsychopharmacology (2) 2
Required PSYN805 Case Conference I (2) 2
Required PSYN807 Cognitive Behaviour Therapy I (2) 2
Required PSYN808 Developmental Neuropsychology (4) 4
Required PSYN809 Neuropsychological Research Seminar I (2) 2
Required PSYN811 Cognitive Neuropsychology (4) 4
Required PSYN813 Neuropsychological Recovery and Rehabilitation (2) 2
Required PSYN814 Neuropsychology Research Seminar II (2) 2
Required PSYN815 Supervised Internship I (1) 1
Required PSYN816 Supervised Internship II (1) 1
Required PSYN817 Supervised Internship III (1) 1
Required PSYN818 Supervised Internship IV (1) 1
Required PSYN821 Psychological Assessment I (2) 2
Required PSYN822 Psychological Assessment II (2) 2
Required PSYN823 Neuropsychopathology (4) 4
Required PSYN824 Neuroanatomy for Neuropsychologists (2) 2
Required PSYN825 Research Proposal (8) 8
Required PSYN829 Case Conference 2 (2) 2
Required PSYN830 Case Conference 3 (1) 1
Required PSYN831 Case Conference 4 (1) 1
Required PSYN843 Behavioural Management and Psychopathology (4) 4
Required PSYN856 Supervised Internship V (4) 4
Required eitherPSY968 Advanced Professional Applications Seminar (4)
orPSY971 Advanced Professional Applications Seminar (4) 4
Required eitherPSY969 Doctoral Dissertation 1 (16)
orPSY972 Doctoral Dissertation (Supplementary) 1 (16) 16
Required eitherPSY970 Doctoral Dissertation 2 (16)
orPSY973 Doctoral Dissertation (Supplementary) 2 (16) 16
Balance of credit points required0


Note 1: Candidates may seek exemption from PSY969 and PSY970 (or PSY972 and PSY973) upon the successful completion of a Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Clinical Neuropsychology. Candidature in the MPhil must be completed prior to the completion of the DPsych units above. Note 2: Units are not repeated for part-time students, all intending part-time applicants should be able to obtain leave from their employer for at least one day each week. In addition, part-time applicants must demonstrate availability to complete 1,500 hours of supervised placements. Part-time candidates must complete units PSYN823 before proceeding to the second year of the course.

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