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ANCH01P - Ancient History (Postgraduate Study Pattern)

Major: Ancient History
Area of Study: Ancient History
Degree: MA - Master of Arts
Offered By: The Faculty of Arts
Admission Requirements: Bachelor degree
Attendance Modes:



Study Loads:

Full Time (1.0)

Part Time

Commencing Study Periods:



General Requirements

Minimum number of credit points 32
and completion of other specific requirements as set out below

Specific Requirements

800 level
Required 32 cp fromAHPG800 Ancient Greek A (4)
AHPG801 Latin A (4)
AHPG802 Latin C (4)
AHPG805 Ancient Greek C (4)
AHPG806 Greek Coins (4)
AHPG808 Ancient Greek B (4)
AHPG809 Latin B (4)
AHPG810 Archaeological Evidence (4)
AHPG811 Archaeological Practice (4)
AHPG814 Ancient Egyptian Architecture (4)
AHPG815 Prehistory to Pompeii: Archaeology in Ancient Italy (4)
AHPG816 Archaeological Field Visit (4)
AHPG817 Early China - History and Archaeology (4)
AHPG818 Religion in the Byzantine Empire (4)
AHPG819 From Constantine to Theodora: Church and State in Late Antiquity (4)
AHPG820 Topics in Ancient Greek: Athenian Empire (4)
AHPG821 Ptolemaic Egypt (4)
AHPG822 Studies in Ancient Society: Hellenistic Religions (4)
AHPG823 History Writing in Antiquity: Herodotus and Thucydides (4)
AHPG824 Greece and Rome: Caravan Cities (4)
AHPG825 Ancient Greek D (4)
AHPG826 Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome (4)
AHPG827 Studies in Greek Religion (4)
AHPG828 Worlds of Late Antiquity (4)
AHPG829 Coptic I - Bohairic (4)
AHPG830 Rome History Studies: Cities of the Roman Near East (4)
AHPG833 Religious Change in the Roman Empire (4)
AHPG834 Latin D (4)
AHPG835 Cities of the Roman East: Ephesos and Aphrodisias (4)
AHPG836 Julian the Apostate (4)
AHPG837 Roman Eastern Frontier (4)
AHPG838 The Annals of Tacitus (4)
AHPG839 Coptic II - Bohairic (4)
AHPG841 Egyptian Funerary Beliefs (4)
AHPG843 Akkadian Documents (4)
AHPG847 Introduction to Biblical Hebrew (4)
AHPG848 Advanced Hebrew (4)
AHPG849 Voices from Coptic Egypt (4)
AHPG855 Introduction to Coptic Art and Archaeology (4)
AHPG856 Egypt in the First Millennium CE (4)
AHPG857 Monasticism in Egypt (4)
AHPG858 City of Constantine (4)
AHPG859 Early Christian and Byzantine Art and Architecture (4)
AHPG860 Ancient Egypt (4)
AHPG861 Egyptian Religion (4)
AHPG862 Egyptian Religious Documents (4)
AHPG863 Egyptian Wall Paintings (4)
AHPG864 Ancient Egyptian Epigraphy (4)
AHPG865 Ancient Egyptian Ceramics (4)
AHPG866 Method and Techniques of Egyptian Archaeology (4)
AHPG867 Early Egypt in Pre and Early Dynastic Periods (4)
AHPG869 Egypt and the Ancient Near East (4)
AHPG870 Introduction to Middle Egyptian (4)
AHPG871 Introduction to Late Egyptian (4)
AHPG872 Old Kingdom Documents (4)
AHPG873 Documents of the First Intermediate Period (4)
AHPG874 Middle Egyptian II (4)
AHPG875 New Kingdom Egypt (4)
AHPG877 Documents of the Hyksos Period (4)
AHPG878 Documents of the Ramesside Period (4)
AHPG879 Egypt in the Middle Kingdom (4)
AHPG880 Documentary Project (4)
AHPG881 Ancient History Seminar (8)
AHPG883 Ancient History Minor Research Project Part A (4)
AHPG884 Ancient History Minor Research Project Part B (4)
AHPG885 Late Egyptian Documents (4)
AHPG886 Methodology in Ancient Art History (4)
AHPG888 Greek Sanctuaries: Art Galleries of Antiquity (4)
AHPG896 Coptic I - Sahidic (4)
AHPG897 Coptic II - Sahidic (4)
AHPG898 Coptic Dialects (4)
AHPG899 Advanced Coptic Texts (4)
AHPG901 The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire in the West (4)
AHPG902 Pagans, Jews and Christians: Athens and Jerusalem (4)
ECJS843 The Jews of Palestine from the Maccabees to Bar Kochba (4)
ECJS845 Judaism in the Graeco-Roman Diaspora (4)
ECJS850 Literature and Thought of Early Christianity A (4)
ECJS851 Literature and Thought of Early Christianity B (4)
ECJS853 The Quest for the Historical Jesus (4)
ECJS854 The Pauline Churches (4)
ECJS940 Early Christian Historiography (4)
Either 4cp or 8cp from any MHPG unit 32
Balance of credit points required0

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