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Graduate Certificate of Applied Finance Post-MAppFin


Faculty of Business and Economics
Graduate Certificate of Applied Finance Post-MAppFin (GradCertPost-MAppFin)
Admission Requirement:
Successful completion of the Macquarie University Master of Applied Finance
English Language Proficiency:
IELTS of 6.5 overall with minimum 6.0 in each band, or equivalent
Study Mode:
Full-time, Part-time
Attendance Mode:
Candidature Length:
Full-time: 0.5 years
Sydney, CBD — Term 1
Sydney, CBD — Term 2
Sydney, CBD — Term 3
Sydney, CBD — Term 4
Melbourne — Term 1
Melbourne — Term 2
Melbourne — Term 3
Melbourne — Term 4
Volume of Learning:
Equivalent to 0.5 years
General requirements:
Minimum number of credit points 16
Minimum number of credit points at 800 level 16
Completion of other specific minimum requirements as set out below

In order to graduate students must ensure that they have satisfied all of the general requirements of the award.

Specific minimum requirements:

Credit points

800 level

16cp from
Investment and Credit Analysis (2)
Life Cycle Investing (2)
Credit and Lending Decisions (2)
Advanced Valuation for Corporate Finance (2)
Applied Business Valuation (2)
Corporate Financial Strategy (2)
Managing Shareholder Value (2)
Strategic Bank Management (2)
Operational Risk Management (2)
Individual Research Project A (2)
Individual Research Project B (2)
Investment Banking (2)
Mergers and Acquisitions (2)
Applied Portfolio Management (2)
Individual Research Paper (2)
Corporate Treasury Management (2)
Risk and Portfolio Construction (2)
Project Finance (2)
Infrastructure and Property (2)
Derivatives Valuation (2)
Structured and Exotic Products (2)
Debt Capital Markets (2)
Economics of Financial Markets (2)
Private Equity Investment (2)
Credit Portfolio Management (2)
Modelling Prices and Risk (2)
Resources Industry Investment Analysis (2)
Ethical Risk in Finance (2)
Private Wealth Management (2)
Contemporary Issues in Applied Finance (2)
Interest Rate Portfolio Management (2)
Equity Capital Markets (2)
Hedge Funds (2)


Program Learning Outcomes and Additional Information
AQF Level Level 8 Graduate Certificate
CRICOS Code 088606J
Overview and Aims of the Program The Graduate Certificate of Applied Finance Post-MAppFin provides students who have successfully completed all the requirements of the Master of Applied Finance award an opportunity to study further, broadening their areas of in-depth specialisation. Successful completion of the additional elective units incorporated into this program, together with the professional work experience required to enter the Master of Applied Finance program, will significantly enhance these students attractiveness to employers.
Graduate Capabilities

The Graduate Capabilities Framework articulates the fundamentals that underpin all of Macquarie’s academic programs. It expresses these as follows:

Cognitive capabilities
(K) discipline specific knowledge and skills
(T) critical, analytical and integrative thinking
(P) problem solving and research capability
(I) creative and innovative

Interpersonal or social capabilities
(C) effective communication
(E) engaged and ethical local and global citizens
(A) socially and environmentally active and responsible

Personal capabilities
(J) capable of professional and personal judgement and initiative
(L) commitment to continuous learning

Program Learning Outcomes By the end of this program it is anticipated you should be able to:

1. demonstrate specialised knowledge of the key theories, concepts, practices and recent developments in applied finance (K);

2. demonstrate specialised technical skills in applied finance (K);

3. evaluate established knowledge and analyse issues in applied finance (T);

4. apply solutions to problems in applied finance using professional judgment (P, J);

5. effectively communicate to diverse audiences (C);

6. identify contemporary industry challenges and ethical issues in a global applied financial context (E, J).
Learning and Teaching Methods The units in this program are all elective units from our Master of Applied Finance (MAppFin) which emphasises face-to-face learning in real time and is recognised by industry for the applied nature of the learning environment. We cater to a variety of learning styles. You will join with the MAppFin students and have the opportunity to learn through independent and collaborative study, peer discussion, reflective practice, and self-directed methods.

Our learning and teaching strategies include:

• “Applied” Focus: The MAppFin is a practitioner-oriented program. While academically rigorous, it has a strong practical emphasis with a strong focus on “real world” issues. It focuses directly on how finance is practiced today and provides the conceptual framework to allow you to understand and influence what happens tomorrow.

• Quality Teaching Faculty: All our faculty members have hands-on industry experience, adding a uniquely practical edge to their teaching.

• Focus on Real World Finance: We are committed to making sure that students gain knowledge and skills that are relevant in today’s financial environment. Our course structure and program content have been designed to ensure that you learn how finance works in the world, not just in theory. Our teaching faculty share insights from their own careers and use a range of case studies to highlight important concepts.

• Student Experience: MAppFin students are industry professionals from across many sectors, meaning that you learn from each other’s experiences as well as those of the teaching faculty. We only accept students who are able to add value to the group and contribute generously to discussions.

• Content: Our program combines depth of content and breadth of subject areas. With an unparalleled range of electives around a rigorous core curriculum, we provide an individualised learning experience targeting your own real-world career plans.

These strategies are applied utilising the following key teaching methods:

• Lectures: The MAppFin is taught in modern classrooms utilising interactive technologies. You are encouraged to “BYOD” (Bring Your Own Device) which supports real-time teaching aids using technology, when solving problems or understanding models. Case study analysis is a key component of the curriculum, as you genuinely apply your understanding of finance to real-world issues.

• On-line Media: You will have access to a variety of on-line resources to facilitate and enrich your learning process. Units in this program make use of on-line resources such as lecture notes, learning activities, spreadsheet models, discussion forums, readings, video clips, links to external resources and sample exams.

• Independent Learning: You will have the opportunity to engage in a variety of self-directed study projects.

• Group Learning: You will have the opportunity to engage in on-line discussion forums, peer review and reflective exercises. Selected tasks may involve group work, enabling collaborative and creative approaches to deconstructing and solving problems.

• Feedback: You will receive formative feedback from lecturers to monitor performance and indicate improvements necessary.
Assessment Assessment for this program is predominantly based on a student’s individual performance.

Various tasks are used to assess your cognitive, integrative and professional capabilities. Assessment tasks may include:

• Written assignments within traditional academic forma and / or pertinent to simulation of relevant industry application;

• On-line quizzes;

• Reflective journal. You are encouraged to reflect on your learning throughout the course;

• Group work to assess the learning outcomes of collaborative and communication skills;

• Engagement in discussions, including oral presentations in professional contexts; and

• Final examinations.

Clear standards and criteria for what is assessed and how it is assessed, are contained in each unit guide. Students are given formative feedback following each assessment task.
Recognition of Prior Learning

Macquarie University may recognise prior formal, informal and non-formal learning for the purpose of granting credit towards, or admission into, a program. The recognition of these forms of learning is enabled by the University’s Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policy (see and its associated Procedures and Guidelines. The RPL pages contain information on how to apply, links to registers, and the approval processes for recognising prior learning for entry or credit. 

Domestic Students
For undergraduate RPL information visit
For domestic postgraduate RPL information visit

International Students
For RPL information visit

Support for Learning

Macquarie University aspires to be an inclusive and supportive community of learners where all students are given the opportunity to meet their academic and personal goals. The University offers a comprehensive range of free and accessible student support services which include academic advice, counselling and psychological services, advocacy services and welfare advice, careers and employment, disability services and academic skills workshops amongst others. There is also a bulk billing medical service located on campus.

Further information can be found at

Campus Wellbeing contact details:
Phone: +61 2 9850 7497

Macquarie University aspires to be an inclusive and supportive community of learners where all students are given the opportunity to meet their academic and personal goals. The University offers a comprehensive range of free and accessible student support services which include academic advice, counselling and psychological services, advocacy services and welfare advice, careers and employment, disability services and academic skills workshops amongst others. There is also a bulk billing medical service located on campus.
Further information can be found at
Campus Wellbeing contact details:
Phone: 61 2 9850 7497
Program Standards and Quality

The program is subject to an ongoing comprehensive process of quality review in accordance with a pre-determined schedule that complies with the Higher Education Standards Framework. The review is overseen by Macquarie University's peak academic governance body, the Academic Senate and takes into account feedback received from students, staff and external stakeholders.

The program is subject to an ongoing comprehensive process of quality review in accordance with a pre-determined schedule that complies with the Higher Education Standards Framework. The review is overseen by Macquarie University's peak academic governance body, the Academic Senate and takes into account feedback received from students, staff and external stakeholders.

In addition, at Macquarie Applied Finance Centre, we believe that active industry partnerships are crucial to the ongoing strength and relevance of our program. We regularly engage and consult with industry bodies and finance professionals to ensure that our services remain at the forefront of financial education in both Australia and throughout the Asia Pacific region. This means that we continue to create the best possible career outcomes for our graduates, as well as enhancing the reputation of the MAppFin qualification.
Graduate Destinations and Employability There is a wide variety of career opportunities for successful graduates with roles within the finance industry and the corporate world both in Australia and overseas.

Potential employers include banks, investment banks, corporates, insurance companies, investment managers, superannuation managers, brokers, venture capital firms, project finance companies, risk management firms, and advisory and consulting firms.
Assessment Regulations

This program is subject to Macquarie University regulations, including but not limited to those specified in the Assessment Policy, Academic Honesty Policy, the Final Examination Policy and relevant University Rules. For all approved University policies, procedures, guidelines and schedules visit

Accreditation This is an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) accredited qualification.

2017 Unit Information

When offered:
S1 Day
Permission of Executive Dean of Faculty
HSC Chinese, CHN113, CHN148