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Management of Service Operations - MGSM892

In most of today’s industrialised countries, the service sector now accounts for a major portion of the economy, and this proportion continues to increase. Service organisations have some unique characteristics that distinguish them from pure manufacturing firms. These require the operations function within a service organization to take a closer look at the role of the customer in designing and managing the service delivery process.

Current issues such as the formulation of service level agreements, call centres, service blueprinting, managing capacity, the service firm life-cycle, performance measures, service quality, the service profit chain and service strategy will be discussed.

Credit Points: 4
When Offered:

TBD - Not offered in the current year; next offering is to be determined

Staff Contact(s):

Admission to MBA or MMgmt or PGCertMBAExt or GradCertMgtPostMBA or GradDipMgt  Prerequisite Information


Unit Designation(s):
Assessed As: Graded
Offered By:

Macquarie Graduate School of Management

Course structures, including unit offerings, are subject to change.
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