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Pagans, Jews and Christians: Athens and Jerusalem - AHIX253 - 2018 Course Handbook - Macquarie University

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Pagans, Jews and Christians: Athens and Jerusalem - AHIX253

When Tertullian posed the famous question 'What has Athens to do with Jerusalem?', he was highlighting the tensions in the early to mid-Roman empire over the Roman state's reaction to the advent of Christianity. This unit will explore two areas relevant to this controversy: What did Greeks and Romans make of Judaism and why did Jews and Christians come into conflict with Roman society. On completion, you should have a sound knowledge of the nature and causes of conflict between Christians, Jews and the Roman government during the first three centuries AD. You will gain an awareness of the various ancient source traditions on this topic.

All enrolment queries should be directed to Open Universities Australia (OUA): see www.open.edu.au

When Offered:

S1 OUA - Session 1, offered through Open Universities Australia

S2 OUA - Session 2, offered through Open Universities Australia

Staff Contact(s): Associate Professor Malcolm Choat



NCCW(s): HST250, AHIS253, AHIS353, AHST252, AHST352
Unit Designation(s):
Unit Type: OUA
Assessed As: Graded
Offered By:

Department of Ancient History

Faculty of Arts

Course structures, including unit offerings, are subject to change.
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