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Communication Disorders Placement - LING288 - 2017 Course Handbook - Macquarie University

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Communication Disorders Placement - LING288

This unit examines the impact of complex communication needs on a person’s participation and inclusion in society. It explores theoretical models of disability, strategies to improve the communication outcomes of people with communication disorder, and the facilitative role of communication partners. Students will engage in an off-campus, work-integrated learning experience in the disability sector. This experience will allow for theoretical and practical consideration of communication disorder and strategies that facilitate successful communication for people with complex needs in a variety of real-world situations. Placements may be undertaken across a range of sectors (e.g., government, not-for-profit, community-based organisations) and in a range of settings (e.g., disability policy, service planning or development, health promotion, advocacy, education). Students will complete approximately 70 hours on placement and attend lectures on campus, which will provide theoretical knowledge and background information relevant to the PACE experience.

Credit Points: 3
When Offered:

S2 Day - Session 2, North Ryde, Day

Staff Contact(s): Dr Ian Giblin

15cp at 100 level or above Prerequisite Information


Unit Designation(s):
Unit Type: PACE unit
Assessed As: Graded
Offered By:

Department of Linguistics

Faculty of Human Sciences

Course structures, including unit offerings, are subject to change.
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