Cyber Policing and Intelligence - PICT849
The results of a cyberattack can be disastrous, ranging from physical destruction to economic chaos. Therefore, organisations must develop cyber threat intelligence that enables a more proactive, over-the-horizon threat awareness posture. In this unit students learn how cyber intelligence can be used to fight cybercrime and strengthen an organisation’s security posture against a range of adversaries and attack vectors. This includes understanding the role of cyber intelligence; intelligence tactics, techniques and processes; as well as the intelligence product and evaluation, analysis and interpretation of cyber intelligence. Cyber policing will be examined from an intelligence-led policing perspective. As part of this we look at cybercrime, jurisdictions and extradition, information sharing, and collaboration and cyber policing challenges. During the unit, students will use a commercial software platform to examine the application of intelligence analysis processes and procedures.
Course structures, including unit offerings, are subject to change.
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