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Bachelor of Human Sciences - 2015 Course Handbook - Macquarie University

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Bachelor of Human Sciences


Faculty of Human Sciences
Bachelor of Human Sciences (BHumanSc)
The Bachelor of Human Sciences prepares graduates for work in fields relevant to health, well-being and education. It can provide an entree to postgraduate study in physiotherapy and other therapies and employment opportunities in areas where skills such as counselling, community-based care, disability services, and health policy and education are needed. The degree combines the study of health services and policy from a range of human science perspectives providing graduates with an understanding of the bio-psycho-social dimensions of health within a complex global environment. Graduates will be equipped to undertake pre-professional health service roles, assist with the conduct of research and analysis of information relevant to health care and disability services. They will have a background in both health and educational approaches to the delivery of support services for people with disability and others who may require community support services.
English Language Proficiency:
IELTS of 6.5 overall with minimum 6.0 in each band, or equivalent
Study Mode:
Full-time, Part-time
Attendance Mode:
Candidature Length:
Full-time: 3 years
Study Period Offerings:
Session 1 (February), Session 2 (July)
Volume of Learning:
Equivalent to 3 years
General requirements:
Minimum number of credit points for this degree 72
Minimum number of credit points at 200 level or above 42
Minimum number of credit points at 300 level or above 18
Completion of specified foundation units 12
Completion of a qualifying major for the Bachelor of Human Sciences
Completion of a designated People unit
Completion of a designated Planet unit
Completion of a designated PACE unit
Students must complete one designated People unit and one designated Planet unit. Those units must be taken in two different Faculties. Any unit which is listed below or as part of the student's qualifying major(s) will not satisfy the People unit requirement or Planet unit requirement.

In order to graduate students must ensure that they have satisfied all of the general requirements of the award.

Foundation Units

Credit points

100 level

Introduction to Psychology I (3)
Introduction to Psychology II (3)

200 level

Communication in Social Institutions (3)

300 level

Legal, Ethical and Policy Directions in Health (3)
Qualifying Majors
Additional Information
AQF Level Level 7 Bachelor Degree
CRICOS Code 080285G
Overview and Aims of the Program Do you want to improve the lives of others? A Bachelor of Human Sciences prepares graduates for work in fields relevant to human and community services and well–being. The interdisciplinary degree combines studies from a range of human sciences perspectives, including psychology, linguistics, education and health policy and promotion.

Completion of certain majors also provides the required academic background for postgraduate study in areas such as physiotherapy and audiology. Current majors include Community Services, Public Health: Policy and Promotion and Human Movement. Further majors will be introduced in 2016.
Graduate Capabilities

The Graduate Capabilities Framework articulates the fundamentals that underpin all of Macquarie’s academic programs. It expresses these as follows:

Cognitive capabilities
(K) discipline specific knowledge and skills
(T) critical, analytical and integrative thinking
(P) problem solving and research capability
(I) creative and innovative

Interpersonal or social capabilities
(C) effective communication
(E) engaged and ethical local and global citizens
(A) socially and environmentally active and responsible

Personal capabilities
(J) capable of professional and personal judgement and initiative
(L) commitment to continuous learning

Program Learning Outcomes By the end of this program it is anticipated you should be able to*:

*The PLOS are listed under each of the qualifying majors. Each includes the common PLOs based on the required units of the degree's core.
Learning and Teaching Methods In the early stages of the program students will be introduced to concepts, theories and methods that are foundational to understanding the complex nature of their major. Formal lectures, tutorials, laboratory sessions (for some majors), practical projects and private study will help students acquire this foundational knowledge.

The program developments allow students to research, analyse and critique academic and other contributions to their discipline within its social and environmental settings. For this the student may engage in seminar style learning and reflective pieces, computer assisted modelling (Human Movement), policy analysis (Public Health) as well as more traditional essay work.

The latter part of the program has a focus on in-depth group work where students are able to learn about team work, organisational communication, project design and evaluation. Toward the end of their studies, students are expected to apply and articulate analytical thinking to complex problems. These learning methods are supported through interaction with peers, research based work, discussion forums and practical tasks. The Public Health and Policy major has a health related work placement within its required PACE (Professional and Community Engagement) unit.

Program learning outcomes are applied and demonstrated through the design and completion of assessment tasks that allow students to monitor and to demonstrate their intellectual and program specific learning in increasingly complex tasks.
Assessment Assessment tasks are designed to provide students with early opportunities to monitor their intellectual and discipline specific progress in the study units. Staff and sometimes peer feedback (either written or verbal) allow students to diagnose and remedy areas for improvement. Later assessment tasks allow the students to research, analyse and critique discipline specific writings and initiatives and asks them also to apply this learning to specific issues or challenges in the wide field of 'community'. As such, the assessment of learning and for learning take place across the program.

Assessment criteria provide detailed descriptions of what is required at each band of achievement. Detailed guides to the study units provide information about each assessment tasks, suggested readings or other materials and the specific learning outcomes to which each assessment task relate. Assistance with study, writing and presentation tasks are available to the students either in the program or through campus wide initiatives.

Students may be asked to complete quizzes and short answer tasks to monitor stages of learning. Essay topics permit the students a deeper intellectual engagement with the material as do reflective pieces where students may analyse their discipline specific and personal learning curve. Group work is used to support student learning about stakeholder input, team approach to complex problems and to develop project management skills that support future work in the sector. The mix of assessments enable students to receive both formative and summative feedback. Some assessment tasks specifically guide students through a gradual process of gathering their data, analysing it and presenting it in writing or verbally in front of peers.

Toward the end of the program students have the opportunity to research, design, present and evaluate major initiatives either in their capstone study unit and/or in the Professional and Community Engagement (PACE) study units. Supervisors other than university staff may have the opportunity to evaluate student projects and add their workplace expertise to student engagement and learning.
Recognition of Prior Learning

Macquarie University may recognise prior formal, informal and non-formal learning for the purpose of granting credit towards, or admission into, a program. The recognition of these forms of learning is enabled by the University’s Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policy and its associated Procedures and Guidelines. For recognition of prior informal and non-formal learning, please refer to the relevant RPL Plan, which describes the evidential requirements and approval processes for recognising prior learning for entry or credit in this program.

For undergraduate RPL plans visit www.goto.mq.edu.au/nonschoolrpl
For postgraduate RPL plans visit www.goto.mq.edu.au/pgrpl

Support for Learning

Macquarie University aspires to be an inclusive and supportive community of learners where all students are given the opportunity to meet their academic and personal goals. The University offers a comprehensive range of free and accessible student support services which include academic advice, counselling and psychological services, advocacy services and welfare advice, careers and employment, disability services and academic skills workshops amongst others. There is also a bulk billing medical service located on campus.

Further information can be found at www.students.mq.edu.au/support/

Campus Wellbeing contact details:
Phone: +61 2 9850 7497
Email: campuswellbeing@mq.edu.au

Program Standards and Quality

The program is subject to an ongoing comprehensive process of quality review in accordance with a pre-determined schedule that complies with the Higher Education Standards Framework. The review is overseen by Macquarie University's peak academic governance body, the Academic Senate and takes into account feedback received from students, staff and external stakeholders.

Graduate Destinations and Employability The degrees provides background for employment opportunities in areas where skills and knowledge in community-based care, health policy, health promotion and education are needed. The degree also provides the require academic background for postgraduate study in physiotherapy (Human Movement major) and some other allied health areas as well as for graduate entry programs into primary teacher education.
Assessment Regulations

This program is subject to Macquarie University regulations, including but not limited to those specified in the Assessment Policy, Academic Honesty Policy, the Final Examination Policy and relevant University Rules. For all approved University policies, procedures, guidelines and schedules visit www.mq.edu.au/policy.

Accreditation This is an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) accredited qualification.