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Master of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism


Faculty of Arts
Master of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism (MPICT)
Admission Requirements:
• Australian Bachelor degree or recognised equivalent in relevant field or relevant Australian Postgraduate Certificate or recognised equivalent
• Minimum English Language Proficiency: IELTS or IELTS equivalent of 6.5 overall, with minimum 6.0 in each band
Study Mode:
Full-time, Part-time
Attendance Mode:
Internal, External
Candidature Length:
Full-time: 1 year
Study Period Offerings:
Session 1, (February) Session 2, (August)
General requirements:
Minimum number of credit points at 800 level or above including one specialisation 32
Completion of other specific minimum requirements as set out below

In order to graduate students must ensure that they have satisfied all of the general requirements of the award: see the general requirements listed above.

Specific minimum requirements:

Credit points

800 level

8cp from
Terrorism Issues (4)
Strategic Policing (4)
Information Warfare and Cyberterrorism (4)
Research Project (8)
Methods of Research and Writing (4)
Intelligence Analysis: Concepts and Application (4)
Intelligence and National Security (4)
Internship (4)
National Security and Counter Terrorism Issues (4)
Terrorist Support Networks and Operations (4)
Insurgency and Non-State Security Challenges (4)
Cybercrime (4)
Organised Crime (4)
Protecting Society: Public Policing/Private Security (4)
Comparative Policing (4)
Advanced Intelligence Analysis (4)
Intelligence Product and Decision Making (4)
Competitive Intelligence (4)
Supervised Project in Security Studies (4)
Cyber Security (4)
Geopolitics and Geostrategy (4)
Transnational Security (4)
The Crimes of the Powerful (4)
International Security (4)
Economic and Resource Security (4)
International Security Law (4)
Border Security and Migration (4)
Globalisation and Security (4)
Asia-Pacific Security (4)
International Crime (4)
Humanitarian Intervention and Peacekeeping (4)
Asian Economic Security Threats (4)
Australia's Strategic and Defence Policy in Changing Asia (4)
Transnational Security in Asia (4)
Special Topic in Security Studies (4)
4cp from
Terrorism Issues (4)
Strategic Policing (4)
Information Warfare and Cyberterrorism (4)
Methods of Research and Writing (4)
Intelligence Analysis: Concepts and Application (4)
Intelligence and National Security (4)
Internship (4)
National Security and Counter Terrorism Issues (4)
Terrorist Support Networks and Operations (4)
Insurgency and Non-State Security Challenges (4)
Cybercrime (4)
Organised Crime (4)
Protecting Society: Public Policing/Private Security (4)
Comparative Policing (4)
Advanced Intelligence Analysis (4)
Intelligence Product and Decision Making (4)
Competitive Intelligence (4)
Supervised Project in Security Studies (4)
Cyber Security (4)
Advanced Criminology Theory (4)
Applied Criminology Practice and Policy (4)
Weapons of Mass Destruction: Proliferation and Control (4)
Strategic Simulation (4)
1 specialisation