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Technology for Translating and Interpreting - TRAN871 - 2017 Course Handbook - Macquarie University

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Technology for Translating and Interpreting - TRAN871

This unit is concerned with the use of technologies in the context of translation and interpreting. It introduces a wide range of techniques and skills that are relevant to using computational tools as translation aids, and explores how various computational resources (such as corpora, terminology tools and translation memories) can be used to help increase translation efficiency and productivity. In particular, it provides training in the use of SDL Trados Studio 2009.

Credit Points: 4
When Offered:

S1 Day - Session 1, North Ryde, Day

S1 Korea - Offshore students only

S2 Day - Session 2, North Ryde, Day

S2 Korea - Offshore students only

Staff Contact(s): Dr Canzhong Wu

TRAN877 Prerequisite Information


NCCW(s): TRAN812
Unit Designation(s):
Assessed As: Graded
Offered By:

Department of Linguistics

Faculty of Human Sciences

Course structures, including unit offerings, are subject to change.
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