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ENVS62P - Wildlife Management - Habitat (Postgraduate Study Pattern)

Major: Wildlife Management
Area of Study: Environmental Sciences
Degree: MWldMgt - Master of Wildlife Management
Offered By: The Faculty of Science
Admission Requirements: Bachelor degree with relevant major
Attendance Modes:


Study Loads:

Full Time (1.0)

Part Time

Commencing Study Periods:



General Requirements

Minimum number of credit points 32
and completion of other specific requirements as set out below

Specific Requirements

800 level
Required GSE852 Wildlife Habitat Management (4) 4
Required GSE853 Wildlife Management: Principles and Practices (4) 4
Required GSE854 Biodiversity Survey and Habitat Assessment Techniques (4) 4
Required GSE855 Communication and Wildlife Management (4) 4
Required 4 cp fromGSE801 Environmental Law and Policy (4)
GSE806 Economic Evaluation Techniques (4)
GSE816 Local Government Approval Process (4)
GSE831 International Agreements and the Environment (4)
GSE845 Environmental Impact Assessment (4)
BIOL867 Plant Diversity and Conservation (4)
GSE856 Wildlife Survey (design, conduct and interpretation) (4)
ENVE810 GIS Skills in Habitat and Wildlife Management (4)
HGEO802 Social Impact Assessment and Cross Cultural Negotiation (4)
HGEO803 Cultural Issues in Wildlife Management (4)
LAW855 Environmental Law and Sustainable Development (4)
LAW861 Local Government and Planning Law (4) 4
Required 4 cp fromBIOL867 Plant Diversity and Conservation (4)
GSE826 Eco-tourism for Sustainable Development (4)
GSE856 Wildlife Survey (design, conduct and interpretation) (4)
ENVE810 GIS Skills in Habitat and Wildlife Management (4)
HGEO803 Cultural Issues in Wildlife Management (4) 4
Required 8 cp fromBIOL861 Management of Australian Wildlife (4)
BIOL887 Biodiversity and Conservation (4)
GSE804 Ecological Processes (4)
GSE811 Coastal Management (4)
GSE813 Semi-Arid Land Management (4)
GSE826 Eco-tourism for Sustainable Development (4)
GSE827 Education for Sustainable Development (4)
GSE845 Environmental Impact Assessment (4)
GSE848 Capstone Project 1 (4)
GSE849 Capstone Project 2 (4)
BIOL867 Plant Diversity and Conservation (4)
GSE851 Capstone Project (8)
GSE856 Wildlife Survey (design, conduct and interpretation) (4)
GSE875 Special Topic in Wildlife and Habitat Management 1 (4)
GSE876 Special Topic in Wildlife and Habitat Management 2 (4)
ENVE810 GIS Skills in Habitat and Wildlife Management (4) or ENV808 Introduction to Geographic Information Science for Postgraduates (4)
ENVE853 Environmental Applications of GIS and Remote Sensing (4)
HGEO803 Cultural Issues in Wildlife Management (4) 8
Balance of credit points required0


Attendance: Units are primarily provided in external mode utilising on-line delivery. Some units have a noncompulsory residential component depending on the course material. Students should refer to unit descriptions for information specific to each unit.

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