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DEVS05P - Development Studies (Postgraduate Study Pattern)

Major: Development and Culture Change
Area of Study: Development Studies
Degree: PGDipDevCult - Postgraduate Diploma in Development Studies and Culture Change
Offered By: The Faculty of Arts
Admission Requirements: Bachelor degree with social science component and/or relevant work experience
Attendance Modes:


Study Loads:

Full Time (1.0)

Part Time

Commencing Study Periods:



General Requirements

Minimum number of credit points 24
and completion of other specific requirements as set out below

Specific Requirements

800 level
Required ANTH815 Development Theory and Practice (4) 4
Required HGEO802 Social Impact Assessment and Cross Cultural Negotiation (4) 4
Required 4 cp fromANTH800 Applied Anthropology: Why Does Culture Matter? (4)
ANTH801 Methodology in Local and Community Studies (4)
ANTH805 Migration and Transnationalism (4)
ANTH808 Urban Anthropology: Identity and the City (4)
ANTH811 Culture, Media and Development (4)
ANTH816 Culture, Health and Disease (4)
ANTH818 Anthropology of Aid, Human Rights and Intervention (4)
ANTH821 Indigenous Interests and Identities (4)
ANTH826 Social Movements, Knowledge and Development (4)
ANTH831 Culture, Commodities and Consumption: Anthropological Approaches to Economic Life (4)
ANTH840 Refugees and Resettlement (4) 4
Required 4 cp fromHGEO803 Cultural Issues in Wildlife Management (4)
HGEO806 Thinking Geographically (4)
HGEO807 Research Methods in Human Geography (4)
HGEO808 Heritage and its Management (4)
HGEO809 Globalisation and Sustainable Development (4)
HGEO812 Urban Social Impact Assessment (4)
HGEO814 Selected Coursework - Human Geography (4) 4
Required 4 cp fromANTH805-821
ANTH826 Social Movements, Knowledge and Development (4)
ANTH831 Culture, Commodities and Consumption: Anthropological Approaches to Economic Life (4)
ANTH840 Refugees and Resettlement (4)
HGEO806-807 4
Required 4 cp fromANTH831 Culture, Commodities and Consumption: Anthropological Approaches to Economic Life (4)
ANTH826 Social Movements, Knowledge and Development (4)
ANTH840 Refugees and Resettlement (4)
ABST800 Indigenous Social Health (4)
ECON853 Economics of Public Issues (4)
ECON857 Economic Development and World Economic Order (4)
ECON883 Ethical Perspectives on Economics (4)
GSE825 Sustainable Development: Introductory Principles and Practices (4)
GSE826 Eco-tourism for Sustainable Development (4)
GSE831 International Agreements and the Environment (4)
ICOM811 Communication and Social, Economic and Political Development (4)
IRPG830 The Politics of International Human Rights Law (4)
IRPG831 International Security (4)
IRPG837 International Politics and Economics of East Asia and the Pacific (4)
IRPG840 The International System (4)
IRPG844 The Asian-Pacific Region and Australia (4)
IRPG854 Conflict in the Pacific (4)
IRPG855 Globalisation and the North-South Relationship (4)
LAW860 International Environmental Law (4)
LAW866 Indigenous Law and Natural Resource Management (4)
LAW869 Law, Globalisation and Cultural Transformations (4)
PSYS805 Narrative Approaches to Social Health (4)
PSYS829 Narrative and Community Interventions (4)
PSYS833 Social Health Perspectives (4)
POL827 Public Policy and International Law (4)
SOC810 Developing Social Policy (4)
SOC818 Evaluation and the Policy Process (4)
SOC863 Social Care and Human Services (4)
STAT818 Epidemiological Methods (4) 4
Balance of credit points required0

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