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Hedge Funds - ECFS992

This unit provides a broad coverage of the hedge fund industry, with an emphasis on investment management. This unit builds an overview of the industry, beginning with a definition. A portion of the unit is dedicated to developing an understanding of the background knowledge required before spending a considerable amount of time analysing the different hedge fund strategies. Within each strategy, concepts such as risk/return, qualitative risks and business models are discussed. Fund of hedge funds and the role of hedge funds within a diversified portfolio is discussed. Controversies and characters of the industry add some flair to the unit as well as providing good examples of the industry in practice.

Credit Points: 2
When Offered:

AFC Term 4 City - Applied Finance Centre, City Campus, September to December

Staff Contact(s): Mr Al Clark

(Admission to MAppFin or MAppFin(Adv) or GradDipAppFin or GradCertPost-MAppFin) and (AFCP801 or ECFS865)  Prerequisite Information


Unit Designation(s):
Assessed As: Graded
Offered By:

Department of Applied Finance and Actuarial Studies

Faculty of Business and Economics

Course structures, including unit offerings, are subject to change.
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