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Australia's Approach to Law Enforcement - PICX842

Historically, the police, policing and law enforcement has been a localised function reflecting the customs, practices and traditions of an identifiable community, in this case Australia. The fact there are less than 10 policing organisations in the western world with more than 10,000 police (NSW Police Force being one) that police a population in the millions, is rare. Modern policing in Australia now addresses multiple crime types and government policy perspectives. This unit provides students with the opportunity to critically reflect upon the role of the police, how policing and law enforcement exist and how it is influenced by in social systems, legal systems, economic development, conflict and globalisation of crime. As part of that understanding, State based policing, national policing and their relationship to international policing and policy will be explored.

All enrolment queries should be directed to Open Universities Australia (OUA): see

When Offered:

S2 OUA - Session 2, offered through Open Universities Australia

Staff Contact(s): Mr Garry Dobson



NCCW(s): PICT842
Unit Designation(s):
Unit Type: OUA
Assessed As: Graded
Offered By:

Department of Security Studies and Criminology

Faculty of Arts

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