Undergraduate units offered as S1 External - Session 1, External
- ABEC - Aboriginal Early Childhood
- ABFS - Aboriginal Foundation Studies
- ABST - Aboriginal Studies
- ACSH - Academic Communication in the Social Sciences and Humanities
- ACST - Actuarial Studies
- AFAS - Applied Finance and Actuarial Studies
- AFIN - Applied Finance and Actuarial Studies
- AHIS - Ancient History
- AHIS108 - Ancient Greek A
- AHIS118 - Latin A
- AHIS150 - The Archaeology of Ancient Israel and the Near East
- AHIS178 - Egyptian Hieroglyphs A
- AHIS205 - Introduction to Museum Practice
- AHIS212 - Rome and the Caesars
- AHIS230 - Archaeology and Society: Archaeological Evidence
- AHIS253 - Pagans, Jews and Christians: Athens and Jerusalem
- AHIS258 - Ancient Hebrew A
- AHIS268 - Coptic A
- AHIS280 - Ancient Egyptian Culture and Society
- AHIS301 - Archaeology of Dalmatia
- AHIS308 - Ancient Greek C
- AHIS318 - Latin C
- AHIS335 - Sparta and Greece, Archaic and Classical
- AHIS341 - Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Age
- AHIS342 - Rome's Persian Wars
- AHIS349 - Ancient History Special Topic B
- AHIS350 - Advanced Reading Unit in Ancient History
- AHIS368 - Coptic C
- AHIS377 - Egyptian Hieroglyphs C
- AHMG - Ancient History Modern Greek
- ANTH - Anthropology
- BIOL - Biology
- BIOL108 - Human Biology
- BIOL114 - Organisms to Ecosystems
- BIOL116 - Biology in Practice
- BIOL206 - Genetics
- BIOL228 - Organismal Biology
- BIOL229 - Comparative Physiology
- BIOL257 - Neurophysiology
- BIOL316 - Invertebrate Biology
- BIOL345 - Human Genetics Theory
- BIOL369 - Vertebrate Evolution
- BIOL379 - Reef Evolution and Dynamics
- CRO - Croatian
- ECH - Early Childhood Education
- ECH113 - Play and Inquiry in Early Childhood
- ECH130 - Health and Wellbeing
- ECH218 - Child Development Preschool to Adolescence
- ECH232 - Teaching and Learning Mathematics, Science and Technology 1
- ECH319 - The Arts in Education
- ECH333 - Inclusive Education
- ECH400 - Individual Educational Project
- ECH431 - Teaching and Learning Mathematics
- ECH435 - Management and Leadership II: Building Learning Environments
- ECH452 - Child Development: Research and Practice
- ECHE - Early Childhood Education
- ECHP - Early Childhood Education
- ECON - Economics
- ECST - Early Childhood Studies
- EDUC - Education
- EDUC105 - Education: The Psychological Context
- EDUC107 - Introduction to Educational Studies
- EDUC260 - Language, Literacy and Learning
- EDUC264 - Education: The Policy Context
- EDUC289 - Human Society and its Environment
- EDUC363 - Education as Social Development
- EDUC365 - Educational Assessment
- EDUC371 - Reading Acquisition in the Primary Classroom
- EFLA - English
- ENGG - Engineering General
- ENVS - Environmental Sciences
- EXLW - Exchange Law Study Abroad
- FOAR - Faculty of Arts
- FOHS - Faculty of Human Sciences
- FOSC - Faculty of Science
- FRN - French
- GEN - Gender Studies
- GEOP - Geography and Planning
- GEOS - Earth Sciences
- GMN - German
- INTS - International Studies
- INTS103 - International Studies Beginners In-Country Cultural Studies
- INTS300 - International Studies In-Country Program
- INTS308 - International Studies Advanced In-Country Study 3
- INTS309 - International Studies Advanced In-Country Study 4
- INTS310 - Unity and Diversity: International Studies Research Option
- INTS313 - International Studies Advanced In-Country Study 2
- INTS316 - International Studies Advanced In-Country Study 1
- ITL - Italian
- JPS - Japanese Studies
- LAW - Law
- LAWS - Law
- LAWS104 - Contracts
- LAWS108 - Law, Lawyers and Society
- LAWS216 - Property Law
- LAWS256 - Business Organisations
- LAWS259 - International Law
- LAWS260 - Human Rights, Policy and the Law
- LAWS305 - Advanced Policy Development and Advocacy
- LAWS355 - Remedies
- LAWS398 - Civil and Criminal Procedure
- LAWS452 - International Participation and Community Engagement
- LAWS502 - Family Law
- LAWS511 - Discrimination and the Law
- LAWS519 - International Human Rights Law
- LAWS528 - Competition and Consumer Law
- LAWS529 - Information Technology Law
- LAWS538 - Access to Justice Placement Program
- LAWS540 - Local Government and Planning Law
- LAWS551 - Professional and Community Engagement
- LAWS553 - Taxation
- LAWS555 - Remedies, Reparations and Resolution in Law
- LAWS560 - Environmental Law
- LAWS561 - Advanced Legal Research Project
- LAWS562 - Law of International Organisations
- LAWS584 - Media Law
- LAWS587 - War Law
- MGK - Modern Greek
- MGMT - Management
- MHIS - Modern History
- MHIS115 - An Introduction to Big History
- MHIS121 - After the Black Death: Europe 1348-1789
- MHIS204 - The Origins of Modern Australia
- MHIS205 - ANZAC: Australians at War
- MHIS221 - The Age of Revolution: Europe from the Reign of Terror to the First World War
- MHIS302 - Australian History since 1901
- MHIS306 - Practicing Public History: Modern History PACE
- MHIS365 - From the Beats to Big Brother: Popular Culture Since the 1950s
- MHIS375 - Shock and Awe: A History of the Postmodern World
- PHIL - Philosophy
- PHL - Philosophy
- PICT - Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism
- PLH - Polish
- POIR - Politics and International Relations
- POL - Politics
- POL101 - Australian Politics in Global Context
- POL108 - Introduction to Global Politics
- POL207 - Australian Governments and Public Policy
- POL278 - Middle-East Politics
- POL304 - Creating New States
- POL305 - Religion and Politics
- POL306 - Policy Making in a Global Era
- POL399 - Political Thought in Action
- PSY - Psychology
- RSN - Russian
- SOC - Sociology
- SOC175 - Australian Society
- SOC182 - Economy and Society
- SOC222 - Theories of Modernity
- SOC224 - Methods of Social Research
- SOC297 - Migration, Human Rights and Diversity
- SOC302 - The Global Politics of Food and Eating
- SOC311 - Social Order and Social Control
- SOC322 - Human Services in the 21st Century: Care, Gender and Institutions
- SOC350 - Activism and Social Change
- SPN - Spanish
- SSCI - Social Science
- STAT - Statistics