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Political Ideology and Crisis - POIR310

This unit will explore the concept of ideology as well as the development of particular ideologies from the French Revolution to the recent resurgence of populism. It will examine whether the nature of modern society makes it particularly prone to ideological forms of politics. Central to the analysis is the category of crisis, whether in the form of revolution, war, economic depression, or social dislocation. Key moments in the development of political ideologies will be explored in an endeavour to explain how and why they changed. The aim will be not merely to understand these ideas in the abstract, but to consider them in relation to concrete historical circumstances, as both a reflection and generator of social and political change.

The unit will cover classic theorists of ideology including Marx, Gramsci and Arendt as well as contemporary analysts such as Clifford Geertz, Theda Skocpol, Terry Eagleton and Michael Freeden. Both well worn ideological traditions including liberalism, conservatism, and socialism will be explored as well as new ideological forms such as ecologism, fundamentalism, and populism.

Credit Points: 3
When Offered:

S1 Day - Session 1, North Ryde, Day

S1 External - Session 1, External (with on campus sessions)

Staff Contact(s): Dr Ian Tregenza

39cp at 100 level or above or (6cp in HIST or MHIS or POL or POIR units at 200 level including 3cp in POL or POIR units) Prerequisite Information


Unit Designation(s):
Unit Type:
Assessed As: Graded
Offered By:

Department of Modern History, Politics and International Relations

Faculty of Arts

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