Activism and Policy Design - SOC825
This unit examines the broader process of policy development, focusing on how different actors attempt to influence policy development. The unit covers a range of actors, from political parties, Ministers and the bureaucracy to social movements, business lobby groups and community organisations. The unit considers how these groups shape policy making and policy outcomes.
Credit Points: |
4 |
When Offered: |
S2 Evening - Session 2, North Ryde, Evening |
Staff Contact(s): |
Associate Professor Shaun Wilson |
Prerequisites: |
Admission to MPASR or GradDipPASR or GradCertPASR or MSocEntre or MPPP or GradDipPP or GradCertPP or MPlan or MGlobalHlthDevStud or MPH or MDevStud or MPPPMDevStud or MIntell or MCTerrorism or MSecStrategicStud or Mcrim or MSecStrategicStudMCrim or MSecStrategicStudMIntell or MSecStrategicStudMCyberSec or MSecStrategicStudMCTerrorism or MIntellMCrim or MIntellMCyberSec or MIntellMCTerrorism or MCTerrorismMCrim 
Corequisites: |
NCCW(s): |
Unit Designation(s): |
Arts Science |
Assessed As: |
Graded |
Offered By: |
Department of Sociology Faculty of Arts |