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Law for Managers - MGNT887

This unit is subject to a quota. Limited places are available. Please refer to the Faculty for further information

This unit examines operational aspects of the Australian legal system of practical concern to managers. Particular attention is paid to business agreements, types of business organisations, various participants, and their roles and responsibilities in business and regulation with respect to commercial trade. The focus is on understanding the legal environment of business as a means to more effective management.

Credit Points: 4
When Offered:

TBD - Not offered in the current year; next offering is to be determined

Staff Contact(s):

Admission to MMgmt and 32cp Prerequisite Information


NCCW(s): MGSM987
Unit Designation(s):
Assessed As: Graded
Offered By:

Department of Accounting and Corporate Governance

Faculty of Business and Economics

Course structures, including unit offerings, are subject to change.
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