Master of Applied Linguistics
Faculty of Human Sciences
Master of Applied Linguistics (MAppLing)
Admission Requirements:
Admission requirements vary depending on the specialisation chosen. Please refer to the relevant specialisation for details.
Study Mode:
Full-time, Part-time
Attendance Mode:
Internal, External
Candidature Length:
Full-time: 1 year
Study Period Offerings:
Session 1 (March), Session 2 (August)
General requirements:
Minimum number of credit points at 800 level or above | 32 |
Minimum number of credit points at 800 level or above designated as Applied Linguistics | 32 |
Completion of other specific minimum requirements as set out below |
In order to graduate students must ensure that they have satisfied all of the general requirements of the award: see the general requirements listed above.
Specific minimum requirements:
Credit points
800 level
4cp from
Exploring Discourse in Context and Action (4)
Pragmatics and Intercultural Communication (4)
Language, Learning and Community (4)
Linguistics and Language Teaching (4)
Classroom, Curriculum and Context (4)
Language Testing and Evaluation (4)
Second Language Acquisition (4)
Language Teaching and Learning Beyond the Classroom (4)
Language for Specific Purposes (4)
Teaching English for Academic Purposes (4)
Languages and Cultures in Contact (4)
Reading Development and Disorders (4)
Special Studies in Applied Linguistics (4)
1 specialisation