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ADVM20P - Ophthalmology (Postgraduate Study Pattern)

Major: Advanced Surgery
Area of Study: Advanced Medicine
Degree: MASurg - Master of Advanced Surgery
Offered By: The Australian School of Advanced Medicine
The Faculty of Human Sciences
Admission Requirements: Graduation as MB,BS (or equivalent registrable qualification) from a recognised medical school; FRANZCO or equivalent; full registration as a medical practitioner in jurisdiction of residence or citizenship; Certificate of Good Standing with registration authority in jurisdiction of residence or citizenship; eligibility for registration as a medical practitioner in NSW; indemnity insurance in NSW. For international medical graduates an IELTS English language proficiency of at least 7.0 overall with a minimum of 7.0 on any section.
Attendance Modes:


Study Loads:

Full Time (1.0)

Part Time

Commencing Study Periods:



General Requirements

Minimum number of credit points 32
and completion of other specific requirements as set out below

Specific Requirements

800 level
Required AMED836 Ethics, Law and Professionalism (4) 4
Required AMED884 Basic Concepts in Education and Critical Appraisal (4) 4
Required 24 cp fromAOPH801 Advanced Ophthalmological Diagnostic Techniques 1 (4)
AOPH802 Advanced Ophthalmological Diagnostic Techniques 2 (4)
AOPH803 Advanced Ophthalmological Diagnostic Techniques 3 (4)
AOPH804 Advanced Ophthalmological Procedures and Management 1 (4)
AOPH805 Advanced Ophthalmological Procedures and Management 2 (4)
AOPH806 Advanced Ophthalmological Procedures and Management 3 (4)
AOPH807 Advanced Ophthalmological Procedures and Management 4 (4)
AOPH808 Advanced Ophthalmological Procedures and Management 5 (4)
AOPH809 Advanced Ophthalmological Procedures and Management 6 (4)
AOPH810 Advanced Care of Ophthalmological Conditions 1 (4)
AOPH811 Advanced Care of Ophthalmological Conditions 2 (4)
AOPH812 Advanced Care of Ophthalmological Conditions 3 (4)
AOPH813 Advanced Care of Ophthalmological Conditions 4 (4)
AOPH814 Advanced Care of Ophthalmological Conditions 5 (4)
AOPH815 Advanced Care of Ophthalmological Conditions 6 (4) 24
Balance of credit points required0

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