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Postgraduate Diploma in Editing and Publishing

Abbreviation: PGDipEditPubl


The Postgraduate Diploma is offered as a postgraduate training program for editors and others engaged in the publishing industry or in publications work within the corporate or government sector. It is intended as a professional qualification for those already employed in publishing work. The program is designed to set the work of editing in a full theoretical and practical context, and to widen candidates' experience of editing beyond whatever type of publishing they are already associated with. The practicum unit is built into the course as a way of enhancing students' experience of the actual operations of publishing. During the second year of study, a placement totalling 26 hours (LING875 Practicum) will be arranged for each student, at a publishing unit other than the one at which she or he is currently employed, to be taken in a block during one of the University recesses.

General Requirements

  1. Minimum number of credit points: 24
  2. and completion of other specific requirements as set out in the Schedule of Postgraduate Programs


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