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Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Psychology

Abbreviation: PGCertAppPsy


The Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Psychology is designed to help fourth year psychology graduates gain the necessary theoretical and practical training to meet the requirements for registration as a psychologist in New South Wales. The program provides considerably more hours of training than is required for registration, provides skills and competencies in the key standards identified by the NSW Psychologists Registration Board, and facilitates arrangements of appropriate supervision so that our students will qualify to apply for full registration as a psychologist after graduating from this course. The program focuses on developing therapeutic and professional skills, although some of the teaching modules are able to flexibly address other areas of psychological skill development of interest to students. The Certificate involves four core units. These units have been designed to cover the requisite theoretical and practical training for the successful completion of the five certificates required by the NSW Psychologists Registration Board for full registration as a psychologist. Students may incur an additional cost for individual supervision, which will vary on the basis of individual arrangements made with external supervisors. Students will receive assistance in arranging suitable placements for the period of their enrolment, but placements are not guaranteed.

General Requirements

  1. Minimum number of credit points: 16
  2. and completion of other specific requirements as set out in the schedule of Postgraduate Programs


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