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Master of Science

Abbreviation: MSc


The Master of Science degree is available in the following areas of study. Speech and Language Processing program (No new admissions) The Speech and Language Processing program has been designed to take advantage of a strong research and development base to provide grounding in speech and language technology for graduates who want to be part of this exciting field. The Palaeobiology program The Palaeobiology program consists of a package of field and laboratory teaching, designed for students interested in palaeontology, palaeobiology, palaeoecology and/or ecostratigraphy. It is structured in order to provide participants with experience in a variety of fields: stratigraphy and stratigraphic alignments (based primarily on conodonts) on the Palaeozoic carbonate units of eastern Australia, late Cainozoic reefs in the southwest Pacific, and ancient (late Ordovician to late Devonian) carbonate buildups in Australia. Background to carbonate studies and fossils preserved may be limestones is obtained from on-site experience of modern reefs on the Great Barrier Reef.

General Requirements

  1. Minimum number of credit points: 32
  2. and completion of other specific requirements as set out in the Schedule of Postgraduate Programs


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